13 documents that break down the 2016 KS2 reasoning paper 2 and 3 in to focus areas to support revision and teaching of needed topic.
Documents are on word so they can be edited so that children get more exposure to SATs questions but with different value.
PowerPoint and corresponding booklet to support children with practice question from past SATs papers since the change in 2016.
I am using this as an activity in the first few day of year 6 to get the children straight into the feel of year but can be used for revision purposes.
Questions focus on maths and SPaG.
On PowerPoint, questions have answers that are animated. There are some answer that are incorrect to start with so that children have to explain why they are wrong but correct answer does follow.
Notebook and activities focused calculating percentages of amounts with 3 levels of differentiation (Mild, hot and spicy).
Learning moves from multiples of 10% to 5% then individual percentages
Learning includes fluency (arithmetic questions) followed by reasoning style questions to make this resource suitable for developing children's understanding and ability to solve SATs style questions for the new KS2 national curriculum.
Powerpoint and activities with 3 levels of differentiation (Mild, hot and spicy).
Powerpoint goes through different example of how to calculate the average and the range.
Learning consists for fluency question followed by reasoning style questions to support with new national curriculum assessment for the end of KS2.
Year 6 focus on fractions of amounts - learning with 3 levels of differentiation (Mild, hot and spicy)
Learning starts with fluency (arithmetic focus) followed by reasoning style questions so that that children can experience learning for both style of KS2 maths SATs paper for the new curriculum.
There are two notebook. There are similar but one has AfL due to initial teaching with my own class.
Powerpoint and 3 levels of differentiated learning (mild, hot and spicy)
Learning has a focus on fluency questions then moving on to reasoning questions to support with new reasoning focus KS2 SATs papers
Powerpoint supports and guides children through process or the order of operations
Notebook and 4 levels of differentiation of multiplying whole numbers by decimals (mild, hot, spicy and vindaloo)
Learning focuses on fluency questions followed by reasoning style questions to support with new SATs papers.
Notebook and 3 levels of differentiated activities for year 6 focusing of new SATs questions where there need to calculate the value of an object. i.e. 4 rubber and 2 pencils cost 90p 4 rubber cost 50p how much does one pencil cost.
Worksheets allow for 'show your method' work shape for KS2 assessment
Notebook guides children through learning.
Learning matches new maths national curriculum
Powerpoint and activities focusing on I Think Of A Number word problems.
Perfect for year 6 and also supportive for year 5.
4 levels of differentiation from ILP, mild, hot to spicy.
Level on number difficultly increases through the different types of operations required.
Powerpoint guide through children how to go backwards through the problem.
Questions to a similar style for the new maths curriculum assessments
Powerpoint and activity where children need to convert between fractions, decimals and percentages.
Learning focuses on the new national curriculum for mathematics
Activity has 3 levels of differentiation (Mild, hot and spicy)
Powerpoint guides children how to convert using place value as support
Great activity for year 5/6
Smart notebook and activity with three levels of differentiation (mild, hot and spicy)
Learning matches to the new national curriculum.
Mild starts with fraction by fraction or whole numbers continuing up until spicy with mixed and improper fractions.
Year 6 activity and presentation focusing on solving equation. Presentation and activity focuses on the same style of questions that are in the new national curriculum assessments.
3 levels of differentiation (Mild, Hot and Spicy)
Smartnote book file and activity included
Notebook file includes 2016 KS2 reflection and transformation question with a sample of incorrect answer for children to identify. Real focus on precision with the children to ensure marks awarded in papers.
Activity follows by looking at properties of 2D and 3D shapes. Children to write as many properties of each shape as possible. Notebook as shape shapes to teacher to model.
2 days of activities inputs for area and perimeter for year 6 but could also me suitable for year 5 towards the end of the academic year. Perfect to support with NEW maths KS2 SATs.
Focus areas are: perimeter of compound shapes - two levels of differentaition with input and area or triangles and parallolgrams - three levels of differentiation with input. Powerpoint breaks down the shapes for children to see the relationship for these two shapes to rectangles visually.
4 days worth or activies and inputs focusing on fractions - addition and subtraction, multiplcation, division and fractions of amounts. Learning perfect for KS2 arithemetic paper.
Activities also have learning that include reasoning style questions to support with New KS2 SATs
Along with Inputs on a smart notebook there are three levels differentiation per per. some with additional challenge)
Resources include scanned copies of sheets with fraction already on as wll as the orignal word documnt if you choose that you wan different fractions depending of you AfL of children understanding.
Some answer provided as well.
Addition and Subtraction multi-step problems of numbers greater than 4 digit and decimals
Activitieshave learning to include reasoning style questions to support with New KS2 SATs aswell as arithemtic stle questions to support with fluency
Along with Input on a smart notebook there are three levels differentiation per per.
2 days worth of activities and smartnote files to support with compat multiplcation and long division.
Activities support with the arithematic paper and also have learning includes reasoning style questions to support with New KS2 SATs
Along with Inputs on a smart notebook there are three levels differentiation per per.
2 days of activities and and 3 days of inputs for calculating missing for year 6 but could also me suitable for year 5 towards the end of the academic year. Perfect to support with NEW maths KS2 SATs
Focus areas are: Missing angles on straight lines, within triangles and within quadrilaterials. Children to use the knowledge of isosceles triangles and opposite angles
All three days have input resources - smart notebooks.
All activities have 4 level of differentiation
Activities and input presentation to support with common factors and highest common factors for Year 6
Perfect to support with NEW maths KS2 SATs
Fluency questions are then followed with reasoning style question to support with full understanding.
Activities have 3 level of differentiation
Addition and Subtraction of numbers greater than 4 digit and decimals.
Activities also have learning to include reasoning style questions to support with New KS2 SATs
Along with Inputs on a smart notebook there are three levels differentiation per per.