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Resources to support mainly year 6. Focusing on the new national curriculum and SATs papers. Resources focus on fluency and reasoning skills




Resources to support mainly year 6. Focusing on the new national curriculum and SATs papers. Resources focus on fluency and reasoning skills
Report Writing year 5/6 - Use of formal language and report text

Report Writing year 5/6 - Use of formal language and report text

Powerpoint presentation and 2 levels of differentiation of a formal report with missing words. Powerpoint goes through when we use formal language and examples. Activity is a formal report on a children with missing words (formal words). BAR sheet has the first letter included. Also included the full report so you have the answers as well as a good quality year 6 report text.
Year 6 Co-ordinates to support with KS2 SATs

Year 6 Co-ordinates to support with KS2 SATs

Notebook file with 3 levels of differentiation as we as 2 past SATs question to be used as plenary and/or extension. Perfect to support with KS2 SAT's. Mild - plotting, identify co-ordinates and matching co-ordinate on excel sheet; therefore, it is editable if necessary easily. Hot and Spicy - Children draw a set of axis for 4 quadrants and then plots the three points given of a quadrilateral - similar to how past SATs question have been set. Differentiation is that Spicy have more complex quadrilaterals and they may overlap and cross over the axis. Hot only uses squares and rectangles (one square is rotated 45 degrees)
Year 6 - Fractions of amounts - Would you rather?

Year 6 - Fractions of amounts - Would you rather?

Notebook file and 3 levels of differentiation (Mild, Hot and Spicy) focusing on calculating fractions of amounts Start included on notebook file - rounding to nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 and 1000000. Children to reason why they have chosen certain amount (can lead to PSHE and Science conversations)
Writing Interim Framework - Children assessing work - Report Writing

Writing Interim Framework - Children assessing work - Report Writing

PowerPoint to guide children through the Writing Interim Assessment Framework targets with the use of a text (report on a child) writen using the book 'There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom'. Lesson used for observation by teacher, english leads and head teachers from other schools. Children can work in pairs of small groups for this activity depending on the time of the year. PowerPoint can be reused again and again, only the text used needs to be change depending on text using in the class at the time
Year 6 - Science Investigation - Rocket Fuel

Year 6 - Science Investigation - Rocket Fuel

4 days of planning, result table for those who need it and PowerPoint activities (all 4 days are on one PowerPoint) Children to investigate a replace fuel source for NASA - looking at chemical reactions and why. PowerPoint goes through the write up of the investigation step by step for a good quality piece of work for assessment. Planning provided to support teaching of this investigation. Error with PowerPoint has been corrected.
KS2 Maths Problem solving activity Number patterns- Nim 15 Game (Don't say 15)

KS2 Maths Problem solving activity Number patterns- Nim 15 Game (Don't say 15)

High engaging problem solving activity where children play a game call Nim15. In pairs children count up but can only say 1, 2 or 3 numbers. whoever says 15 loses. Aim of the lesson is to understand how to always win the game by identify the pattern. Problem can be completed with any KS2 class as the children can take the problem as far as they want by changing the rules. The PowerPoint includes: Explanation of the game Example of the game (with lego characters) Activity Extension Lots of key questions to support discussion
Year 6 Maths - addition and subtraction multistep problems (money) - 4 levels of differentiation

Year 6 Maths - addition and subtraction multistep problems (money) - 4 levels of differentiation

Multi-step problems focusing on addition and subtraction for the new 2016 curriculum include mental starter focusing on arithmetic of addition and subtraction. 4 levels of differentation plus addition challenge for most able. For the start there are 2 mistakes in the answers. click on the answer to show the working that gave this answer. Children explain why they are incorrect. Question link to fiver challenge project but can be used at any time of the year and no knowledge of the project is needed
Maths KS2 SATs Paper 2016 broken down into focus areas

Maths KS2 SATs Paper 2016 broken down into focus areas

13 documents that break down the 2016 KS2 reasoning paper 2 and 3 in to focus areas to support revision and teaching of needed topic. Documents are on word so they can be edited so that children get more exposure to SATs questions but with different value.
Letter Writing - Time Capsule - Perfect for the start of the year

Letter Writing - Time Capsule - Perfect for the start of the year

PowerPoint and lines ofr children to write a letter to themselves of the future. Lovely activity to do in the first few days of the year for the children to look at at the end of the year and write a reply in the future. PowerPoint also focuses on 'secret words' that children wil be expected to use all year without reminder. Presentation focuses on year 6 but can be easily adapted for year 5 and even year 4.
Year 6 SATs Workshop - Introduction to year 6 (or for revision) NEW CURRICULUM

Year 6 SATs Workshop - Introduction to year 6 (or for revision) NEW CURRICULUM

PowerPoint and corresponding booklet to support children with practice question from past SATs papers since the change in 2016. I am using this as an activity in the first few day of year 6 to get the children straight into the feel of year but can be used for revision purposes. Questions focus on maths and SPaG. On PowerPoint, questions have answers that are animated. There are some answer that are incorrect to start with so that children have to explain why they are wrong but correct answer does follow.
Word Classes - Grammar

Word Classes - Grammar

Powerpoint and activity focusing on identifying word classes in sentences nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives Perfect for KS2 SPaG revision
Honest is the Best Policy Assembly

Honest is the Best Policy Assembly

Stuck for an assembly - this popular assembly is suitable for both KS1 and KS2. Along with powerpoint for assembly with key questions for discussion there is also two story relating to honestly as a core message. One a tradition style story and one more modern
NPQSL Final Assessment - Passed

NPQSL Final Assessment - Passed

NPQSL assessment completed iwhich was successful following marking. Support for those whole need guidance for writing their NPQSL I have only removed names of people and school name for data protection. Everything else is included. I have included 4 of the appendices, I am unable to attach the other due to them being scanned and unable to remove protected information
Percentages of amounts - Year 6 with 3 levels of differentiation

Percentages of amounts - Year 6 with 3 levels of differentiation

Notebook and activities focused calculating percentages of amounts with 3 levels of differentiation (Mild, hot and spicy). Learning moves from multiples of 10% to 5% then individual percentages Learning includes fluency (arithmetic questions) followed by reasoning style questions to make this resource suitable for developing children's understanding and ability to solve SATs style questions for the new KS2 national curriculum.