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Choralsongster's Shop

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Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.




Infant teacher - shortlisted for TES Resource Contributor of the Year 2014 & 2015. All my resources have been made for my class, so have been tried and tested before uploading them to share with others. I hope you find my resources useful.
How to deal with children stealing

How to deal with children stealing

A powerpoint designed to be used in assembly or in class for PSHE/PSED. Discussion point on what stealing is, to consider the consequences of stealing, and think of others’ feelings.
Holy Week

Holy Week

Information and images on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Information on Easter Monday has not been included, as these events are secular nowadays. Text courtesy of projectbritain.com.
A Flower a Day

A Flower a Day

A value based story shown in a powerpoint form about telling the truth. The story was written by Pedro Pablo Sacristan.
How to observe a child training

How to observe a child training

Powerpoint presentation on how to Observe children in the Early Years. Designed mainly for classroom assistants, but could be tweaked to present to parents and other staff at school. Additional word document case study. Suggest staff go through the training, then look at any observations they have already completed, as well as complete a joint/paired observation, and then discuss what is exactly required.
Behaviour reflections

Behaviour reflections

Behaviour reflections form based on form seen on lauracandler.com, but just updated in UK English spellings. May be useful to record a meeting with parents before a behaviour IEP is put into place.
Harvest festival: the story of bread

Harvest festival: the story of bread

A PowerPoint lesson plan that could be used for Geography or RE teaching. Covers the story of bread from wheat seed to bread on the table. Has a Christian element looking at what harvest festival is and thanking god for the food we receive. Sequence the pictures from Grain Chain.
Black History Month 2014

Black History Month 2014

An assembly/tutorial PowerPoint on author Toni Morrison and poet Derek Walcott. These literary geniuses have been chosen this year as they have both received the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Numbers and Patterns parent workshop

Numbers and Patterns parent workshop

Powerpoint presentation for parents on the teaching of Numbers and Patterns in the Early Years and Year 1. Covering counting, ordering, adding, subtracting, patterns, recognition and partitioning
EYFS Tracker spreadsheet (updated)

EYFS Tracker spreadsheet (updated)

An Excel spreadsheet set up to record ages and stages of development within the EYFS. Mainly designed for Nursery children, although can also be used initially to track progress of Reception children also. Quick easy to see children on track, working above and below (1 or 2+ development bands) for staff CPD as well as focus children. Please also see my Tracker moderation to split ages and stages into beginning, Developing and Secure - useful for tracking progress across terms and the year, especially for Reception F2.
EYFS 2013 Profile report pro-forma

EYFS 2013 Profile report pro-forma

A pro-forma to complete for the end of year report for Reception F2 children. Based on the new EYFS Profile document. Each area of learning has the ELG expected statements included and room for the emerging (age and stage as appropriate) and exceeding as necessary. These will need to be added in, dependent on levels the child is working at. Space also provided for additional comments, as well as a page for the characteristics of effective learning, and general teacher/HT comments. Attendance etc can be added as appropriate.
Dough gym

Dough gym

Based on ABC Does' blog posts this week on Dough Gym, but in PowerPoint form for staff training and parent workshops. Includes gross motor and fine motor development, ideas on how to create a dough gym, additional &'funky fingers&'; ideas for child initiated activities to improve fine motor control, and malleable material recipes/ideas.
Ages and stages of ICT development in the EYFS

Ages and stages of ICT development in the EYFS

I was given this by our Early Years Support Team training on ICT as an activity. I have used with my team to focus in on levels of ICT development. From birth to 60+months. To look at the stages of ICT development and match to the appropriate age. Good for identifying whether a child is on track or not.
EYFS Development Matters Tracker class record

EYFS Development Matters Tracker class record

Designed to sum up exactly which development band each child in a class falls into for each AoL. I specify in plain black if the child is working at their development band (lowest possible one if they overlap). 1 development band below written in bold red. 2+ development bands below written in bold blue. If working a development band above, then I change the font colour to bold green. A good quick at a glance assessment sheet for team meetings/discussions with EYFSCo/HT/Manager/OFSTED. I have also added percentage columns on the right hand side (formulas will need amending!)
Learning Journey label

Learning Journey label

A PowerPoint slide (to be reduced to 4 on a page) to be a label for the front of a Learning Journey book. Space for personalisation with child's name, photo and school details.
Phonics /ee/ /ea/ /e-e/ family real and alien words

Phonics /ee/ /ea/ /e-e/ family real and alien words

A selection of real and 'alien' pseudo words containing either the /ee/ /ea/ or /e-e/ grapheme. Alien words have an image of alien to assist preparation for the Phonics Screening. Children can write on their sound buttons to help read the word. Also a powerpoint containing all the words to read as a whole class