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Discussion Texts - Success Criteria - Differentiated. KS2
Discussion Texts
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.

Estimate and measure capacity - Year 2/3/4 maths - Differentiated 3 ways - Plan and resources
Estimate and measure capacity
Ideal for years 3 but could also be used in year 2 or 4.
Differentiated 3 ways
Plan and resources
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Multiplication using the grid method activity worksheet including a challenge (Maths KS2)
Multiplication using the grid method activity worksheet including a challenge (Maths KS2)
Differentiated 3 ways includes a challenge.
Using in an observation lesson only thing to improve was to get to the challenge quicker.
KS2 Year 3

Palm Sunday 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly - In Class
Palm Sunday 2017
PowerPoint Presentation
Could be used for an assembly or in class.
There is a link to a video on YouTube - this will only work if you have internet connection and YouTube is not blocked within your organisation. It is linked into the presentation so you shouldn't have you close the presentation to show it.
I have saved it in two versions on PowerPoint, if you have an older version.

Mental and written methods to solve multiplication calculations 4 days planning and resources.
Mental and written methods to solve multiplication calculations 4 days planning and resources differentiated.
Pitched at year 5 - Autumn term.
Learning Intentions/ Objectives
To use mental methods for multiplying a two digit number by a one digit number.
To use a written method to solve multiplication calculations.
To use a written method to solve multiplication calculations.
To solve multiplication word problems.

Groovy Greeks Theme / Topic Planning (8 Lessons) KS2
Groovy Greeks Theme / Topic Planning (8 Lessons) KS2
Designed for years 5/6 but could easy be adapted to years 3 and 4.
To locate Greece on a map and discuss the climate and features.
To know that Athens and Sparta were city states which governed themselves.
To write a persuasive text based on the city states in Ancient Greece.
To explore the daily lives of people living in Ancient Greece.
To understand why Greeks were successful warriors.
To understand the importance of the Greek gods and godesses.
To write an explanation text about Greek theatre.
To design a Greek theatre mask.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or In Class
Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday 2017
PowerPoint Presentation - saved in 2 versions of PowerPoint for people using an older version of PowerPoint.
I have included some notes on the slides so you don't need to keep looking at the screen.
It could be used in an assembly or in class.
Mothering Sunday / Mother's Day is on Sunday 22nd March 2017.
I have included some previews of the sides.
It is easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday 2018 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or In Class
**Mother’s Day / Mothering Sunday 2018 **
PowerPoint Presentation - saved in 2 versions of PowerPoint for people using an older version of PowerPoint.
I have included some notes on the slides so you don’t need to keep looking at the screen.
It could be used in an assembly or in class.
Mothering Sunday / Mother’s Day is on Sunday 11th March 2018.
I have included some previews of the sides.
It is easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Year 3 - Reading and writing numbers in words - Plan and resources - First lesson back
Year 3 - Reading and writing numbers in words
Plan and resources - Differentiated 3 ways
Ideal for the first lesson back.
Easy to edit and adapt.

Compare numbers 2 and 3 digit numbers - Place value - Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Compare numbers (2 and 3 digit - primarily)
Place value
Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
Great for the first lesson back
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Red Nose Day - Comic Relief 2022 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly - In Class
Red Nose Day - Comic Relief 2022
PowerPoint Presentation
Could be used for an assembly or in class.
There is a link to a video on YouTube - this will only work if you have internet connection and YouTube is not blocked within your organisation. It is linked into the presentation so you shouldn’t have you close the presentation to show it.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Year 1 - Computing Skills Teacher assessment sheet (Curriculum 2014) KS1
Year 1
Computing Skills
Teacher assessment sheet
For the current curriculum (2014)
It is divided down into coding, using the internet, information and e-safety.
See my other resources as I have all of the computing sheets available for EYFS to Year 6.

Find half way between two numbers - Year 3 /4 KS2 Maths - Differentiated
3 way differentiated task on finding half way between two numbers.
Aimed at year 3/4.
LA - finding half way between small 1 and 2 digit numbers
MA - finding half way between 2, 2 digit numbers with a challenge
HA - finding half way between two 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Easy to edit and adapt.

Estimate and measure weight - Year 2/3/4 maths - Differentiated 3 ways - Plan and resources
Estimate and measure weight lesson
Ideal for years 3 but could also be used in year 2 or 4.
Differentiated 3 ways
Plan and resources
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Edit instructions (non-fiction) text. Year 2/3/4 KS2 Literacy.
An editing instruction task.
Children to edit the instructions for spelling and punctuation. It could easily be adapted to edit for edit for other grammar focuses such as imperative verbs or adverbs of time.
Designed for year 3 but could be used or adapted in other year groups.
Instructions: How to make a cup of tea.

Maths - Word problems on sequences - Year 3 or 4 (KS2). Differentiated 3 ways.
Sequence word problems.
Aimed at year 3 or 4
Differentiated 3 ways.
Easy to adapt and fully editable for your own needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning.

Partitioning numbers in a variety of ways - Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Partitioning numbers in a variety of ways (2 and 3 digit - primarily)
Place value
Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
Great for the first lesson back
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Year 4 - Computing Skills Teacher assessment sheet (Curriculum 2014) KS2
Year 4
Computing Skills
Teacher assessment sheet
For the current curriculum (2014)
It is divided down into coding, using the internet, information and e-safety.
See my other resources as I have all of the computing sheets available for EYFS to Year 6.
Each it is fully editable and easy to adapt for your own needs.

Estimate and measure length - Year 2/3/4 maths - Differentiated 3 ways - Plan and resources
Estimate and measure length
Ideal for years 3 but could also be used in year 2 or 4.
Differentiated 3 ways
Plan and resources
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Order numbers - Place value - Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Order numbers (LA 1 and 2 digit; MA 2 and 3 digit; HA 3 and 4 digit numbers)
Place value
Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
Great for the first lesson back
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here