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Year 3 - Computing Skills Teacher assessment sheet (Curriculum 2014) KS2
Year 3
Computing Skills
Teacher assessment sheet
For the current curriculum (2014)
It is divided down into coding, using the internet, information and e-safety.
See my other resources as I have all of the computing sheets available for EYFS to Year 6.
Each it is fully editable and easy to adapt for your own needs.

Year 2 - Computing Skills - Teacher assessment sheet - curriculum (2014) KS1
Year 2
Computing Skills
Teacher assessment sheet
For the current curriculum (2014)
It is divided down into coding, using the internet, information and e-safety.
See my other resources as I have all of the computing sheets available for EYFS to Year 6.

Year 1 - Computing Skills Teacher assessment sheet (Curriculum 2014) KS1
Year 1
Computing Skills
Teacher assessment sheet
For the current curriculum (2014)
It is divided down into coding, using the internet, information and e-safety.
See my other resources as I have all of the computing sheets available for EYFS to Year 6.

Missing box column addition and subtraction problems - Year 3 /4 L KS2 Differentiated Maths
Missing box column addition and subtraction problems - Answers included!
3 way differentiation
Aimed at Year 3 / 4
I have also included a multiplication using the grid method resource.
More details on each listing.
Check out some of my other KS2 planning and resources.

Missing box column addition problems - Year 3 /4 L KS2 Differentiated Maths
Missing box column addition problems - Answers included!
3 way differentiation
Aimed at Year 3 / 4
LA - 2 digits by 2 digits moving on to 3 digits by 2 digits. (moving on to some carrying).
MA - 3 digits by 2 digits moving on to 3 digits by 3 digits. (carrying).
HA - 3 digits by 3 digits (carrying some answers into 1000's).
The resource is fully editable and adaptable.
Check out my other KS2 planning and resources!

Missing box column subtraction problems - Year 3 /4 L KS2 Differentiated Maths
Missing box column subtraction problems - Answers included!
3 way differentiation
Aimed at Year 3 / 4
LA - 2 digits by 2 digits moving on to 3 digits by 2 digits. (no exchanging).
MA - 3 digits by 2 digits moving on to 3 digits by 3 digits. (some exchanging).
HA - 3 digits by 3 digits (with exchanging).
The resource is fully editable and adaptable.
Check out my other KS2 planning and resources!

Friction Forces Science experiment - Year 5 KS2 - Planning
Friction Forces Science experiment
Aimed at Year 5 KS2
3 lessons
Learning intentions/objectives:
To plan a fair test.
To understand the effect of friction on a moving object
To write a persuasive letter explaining your results.
Used as part of science day
Fully editable and easy to adapt planning.
Check out my other KS2 resources.

Light - How colours mix in light - KS2 Year 3 planning and resources (Science)
Light - How colours mix in light
3 lessons based on planning investigation and writing up a science experiment in the form of a poem.
I used it as part of our science day.
Included some worksheets/activities.
WALT Plan an investigation into how colours mix in light.
WALT Investigate how colours mix in light.
WALT Write up our Investigation into how colours mix in light as a poem.
It is fully adaptable and easy to edit.
Check out my other resources.

Edit instruction text differentiated- Years 3 /4 LKS2 - Literacy
Edit instructional text
(How to make a cup of tea)
3 way differentiation - suitable for years 3 or 4.
LA - editing for spelling and punctuation.
MA - editing for spelling, punctuation, time adverbials and imperative verbs.
HA - put instructions in the correct order and editing for spelling, punctuation, time adverbials and imperative verbs.
It can easily be edited and adapted as required.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning!

Year 3 - 6 weeks maths planning including some resources.
Year 3 - 6 weeks maths planning including some resources.
Also included in Easter code breaking problem and missing box addition and subtraction problems
All resources fully editable.
See individual resources for more details .
Check out the other items in my shop!

Maths - Column addition and subtraction planning including resources differentiated KS2
Column addition and subtraction planning including resources
3 way differentiation on all resources.
All resources there for each day.
5 day maths plan
Aimed at year 3 lower KS2
Add two 2 digit numbers using the column addition method.
Add a 3 digit to a 2 digit number using the column addition method.
Subtract a 2 digit number from a 2 digit number the column subtraction method.
Subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number the column subtraction method.
Solve addition and subtraction problems
Clear and editable planning and resources.

Instructions planning sheets - Differentiated - Literacy.
Instructions planning sheets
3 way differentiated.
Instructions Could use used or adapted for 2 - 6.
Have been designed for year 3/4.

Instructions - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Instructions Success Criteria
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.
See other Success Criteria's.

Edit instructions (non-fiction) text. Year 2/3/4 KS2 Literacy.
An editing instruction task.
Children to edit the instructions for spelling and punctuation. It could easily be adapted to edit for edit for other grammar focuses such as imperative verbs or adverbs of time.
Designed for year 3 but could be used or adapted in other year groups.
Instructions: How to make a cup of tea.

Year 3 - Maths planning on tenths (decimals) differentiated
Learning Objectives / WALTS:
To understand the term one tenth.
To know different ways to write one tenth.
To know how to write a tenth as a decimal.
To understand the place value of units and tenths.
5 days differentiated planning.
Year 3 - Clear and editable.
Tenth, decimal place, place value, partition.
Learning Objective:
To be able to round decimal numbers.
Number lines
Round, decimal, tenth, unit.
Learning Intention:
To solve problems.
Fractions and decimals.
Round, decimal, tenth, unit, partition, place value, decimal place.

Year 3 maths 4 day plan - Rounding and finding 10 more ten less.
To know the multiple of ten that comes before and after any two and three digit number.
To round numbers to the nearest ten
To find ten more or ten less than any 2 or 3 digit number.
To find ten more or ten less than any 2 or 3 digit number.
Clear differentiated planning including mental oral, success criteria and plenary.
Easy to edit.

Literacy Success Criteria's Year 3 KS2
A range of year 3 success criteria.
All differentiated 3 ways.
All editable.

Mystery Story - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Mystery Story
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.

Story - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.

Poetry - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.