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Non - Chronological report - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Non - Chronological report
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.

Explanation text - Success Criteria 3 way differentiation.
Explanation text
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.

Discussion Texts - Success Criteria - Differentiated. KS2
Discussion Texts
Success Criteria
3 way differentiation.
KS2 - Designed for years 3 and 4.

Planning grids for writing KS1 KS2
Planning grids and writing frame some differentiated.
Clear and editable.
Plus self and peer assessment sheets.

Comic strip used for story planning. KS1 or KS2
Simple comic strip that could be used for a variety of planning writing.
Could be used in KS1 or 2.
Easy to adapt.

Play script / Playscript - writing frame
A clear writing frame for playscripts.
Designed for LA / SEN pupils who need support setting out their work.
Suitable for years 2 - 6. Designed for years 3 and 4. KS2

Poetry planning sheets - Differentiated - Literacy.
Poetry planning sheets
3 way differentiated.
Poetry planning sheets for children to plan their own poem .
Could use used or adapted for 2 - 6. Have been designed for year 3/4.

Mystery Story planning sheets - differentiated.
Mystery Story planning sheets.
3 way differentiated.
Mystery story planning sheets for children to plan their own mystery story.
Could use used or adapted for 2 - 6. Have been designed for year 3/4.

KS2 - Peer and self assessment sheet - Differentiated Literacy.
Year 3 - Peer and self assessment sheet
3 way differentiation
Peer assessment of partners work and self assessment of their own work all in one.
I have used in year 3 and 4 but could be used from year 2 - 6.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Year 3 - Animals including humans planning 10 lessons.
Year 3 - Animals including humans planning 10 lessons.
Differentiated 3 ways
WALT: Ask questions
WALT: Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat
WALT: Identify the different food groups and know that I get nutrition from what I eat.
WALT:Know that we get nutrition from what we eat.
WALT Know that we get nutrition from what we eat.
WALT: understand that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement
WALT know that humans and animals have muscles to help them move.
WALT how muscles and joints work together to provide movement.
WALT write instructions.

Mental addition and subtraction - Year 3 Maths Planning 4 days (week)
Mental addition and subtraction - Year 3 Maths Planning 4 days (week) Differentiated
Mon - Mentally add two 2 digits numbers
Tues - Mentally subtract a 1 digit for a 2 digit.
Tues - HA: Mentally subtract 2 digit from a 2 digit
Wed - Mentally subtract 2 digit from a 2 digit
Thurs - Solve addition and subtraction problems
Clear plan including a mental oral starter and success criteria.

Multiplication using the grid method activity worksheet including a challenge (Maths KS2)
Multiplication using the grid method activity worksheet including a challenge (Maths KS2)
Differentiated 3 ways includes a challenge.
Using in an observation lesson only thing to improve was to get to the challenge quicker.
KS2 Year 3

Ofsted observation KS2 maths lesson - solving problems involving multiples
Ofsted observation year 5 maths lesson - solving problems involving multiples.
I used this in an observation for ofsted. Differentiated resources and starter. Planning and display included.
It uses problem solving to apply what they know about multiples. Could be used in any KS2 class if amended.
L.O: To solve problems involving multiples

Year 5 - Maths Planning Bundle 8 Weeks some resources included.
Year 5 - Maths Planning Bundle 8 Weeks some resources included. Based on the 2014 curriculum.

Year 5 - Reflection, parallel and perpendicular lines, Coordinate Planning Differentiated 4 Days
Year 5 - Reflection, parallel and perpendicular lines, Coordinate Planning Differentiated 4 Days
2014 Curriculum
To identify parallel and perpendicular lines.
To use coordinates on a grid.
To reflect shapes on a mirror line.
To use co-ordinates when reflecting shapes

Year 5 Division Planning 3 Days
Year 5 Division Planning 3 Days
Please see my other resources for previous division planning.
2014 National Curriculum.
Learning Intentions and Objectives:
To divide using short division with remainders.
To divide expressing the remainder as a fraction
To solve division problems

Year 5 - Division Planning Differentiated 5 Days
Year 5 - Division Planning Differentiated 5 Days
2014 National Curriculum.
Learning Intentions and Objectives:
To solve division problems with remainders
To use mental methods to divide by a one digit number.
To use a written method to solve division calculations.
To solve problems using division
To round after division

Year 5 Fractions Planning
Year 5 Planning Fractions
Leaning Objectives / Intentions:
To add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
To add fractions with different denominators.
To subtract fractions with different denominators.
To find fractions of quantities
To solve problems involving fractions

Adding and Subtracting using formal written methods planning and resources - Year 5
Adding and Subtracting using formal written methods planning and resources - Year 5
5 days planning and resources for day 3 and 4 only.
Learning Intentions /Objectives
To add using formal written methods
To subtract using formal written methods
To add decimals mentally
To subtract decimals mentally
To solve multi-step problems in a range of contexts.

Year 3 Spelling Lists - Whole year.
I have compiled spellings lists to cover 28 weeks of the year. Each week there are words from the national curriculum and words that contain a spelling rule which are taught over 2 weeks. E.g List 1a and 1b have 4 national curriculum words and 4 words that contain the prefix dis- or in-. Each weeks there are 8 words to learn and 3 places to practice on the sheet. There is also a challenge where they could apply using some or all of the word that they have used.