World languages
House and Home Revision
Revision of haben and sein, household chores and accusative adjective endings based on rooms in the house.
Mein Haus
Powerpoint about rooms in the house. Using 'es gibt' plus the accusative and adding ',wo' to extend sentences.
What did you do yesterday morning?
Worksheet matchup - daily routine phrases in the past tense.
Letter applying to 'Kleiner Bruder'
Based on Unit 1A of GCSE German for OCR textbook. An example letter of an application to 'kleiner Bruder' with exercises.
Where do you normally go on holiday?
Worksheet with 3 passages about holidays in the present tense with comprehension questions in English.
Holidays adjectives
Worksheet to add extra opinions and justifications - relates to holidays topic
Holidays opinions
Using different adjectives plus reasons to make your sentences more interesting - relates to holidays topic
Where would you go on holiday?
Worksheet containing a letter about where someone would go on holiday, if they could. Lots of examples of the conditional and exercises.
Verbs with 'zu'
Powerpoint explaining how to use verbs with 'zu' constructions.
Haben Und Sein
worksheet explaining the two verbs in the present tense plus exercises
Dual case prepositions
Powerpoint explaining when to use dative/accusative with these prepositions.
Verb table of various important verbs for GCSE in various tenses
The Conditional Tense
Powerpoint explaining the conditional with exercises
Sport translation
Using p44 of OCR GCSE German textbook to help, translate the sentences.
What is a healthy diet?
Important constructions to use with this topic.
Health sentences past/future
Sentences to be translated into English.
Two pieces of similar writing based on the Sports unit of the OCR GCSE German text book. Shows the differences between a C grade and an A* grade answer - can be used for discussion.
Rauchen und Alkohol
Worksheet with various exercises.
Die Umwelt - vocab
Vocab list relating to the environment GCSE topic (OCR)
Letter to an agony aunt
Letter to an agony aunt about clothes. Find the German for... and letter writing exercises