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AQA GCSE Kidney disease and treatments
A lesson which looks at potential kidney issues and their diagnosis. Then looks at dialysis and kidney transplants comparing the pros and cons of the two. there is a card sort for dialysis and transplants with answers on powerpoint. There are accompanying exam questions on the content covered with answers on powerpoint.

AQA GCSE thermistors, variable resistors, diodies and light dependent resistors
A lesson which looks at the thermistor, variable resistor, diode and LDR in detail. It includes an info hunt activity where students learn about how each one works and examples of where it may be used. It also includes exam questions with answers on powerpoint so students can go through questions

KS3 Pollination, fertilisation and germination sucess rate (two lessons)
Two lessons which looks at how plants spread pollen. How a plant can form a seed and factors that affect seed germination. This includes a practical which takes place over two lessons. This is aided by the practical sheets students can use.

KS3 Food chains, Food webs and bioaccumulation
Three lessons with tasks and worksheets for looking at KS3 food chains, food webs and bioaccumulation. Each topic has its own lesson and worksheet to accompany it.

AQA GCSE National Grid - cables and AC/DC
A look at how the national gird is set up, takes a look at step up and down transformers, what current is used and the types of cables. Includes a cut and stick activity for the set up and exam questions with answers on powerpoint.

Brain damage - AQA Applied Science Module 4
A lesson for AQA Applied Science Module 4 looking at the brain and brain damage. Includes a exam question sheet with answers on the powerpoint.

Enzymes in Digestion + Digestive system
Less with info hunt on different enzymes in digestion. Includes some starter information about reactions with enzymes. Also follow up on digestive system.

AQA Energy stores and Pathways (two lessons, updated for latest spec)
Two lessons for energy stores and pathways.
Lesson one looks at the different types of energy store. Students work on identifying them and complete card sort activity checking understanding.
Lesson 2 recaps stores and introduces pathways. Tasks include a worksheet where students must identify the stores involved in an energy change and the pathway it takes.

Science Christmas Colour by Numbers
a selection of colour by numbers for science and end of the year. Asks questions which students in the year groups are likely to have come across.

AQA GCSE rates of reaction and effect of surface area
A lesson looking at rates of reaction and factors effecting this. It looks in detail at surface area and rates of reaction with a practical sheet and exam questions. Answers on powerpoint

Synapses - Applied Science Module 4 (suitable for A level)
Lesson designed originally for a applied science biology group. Could work with an A level group or even a high ability GCSE group.
A lesson which looks at the method of action on a synapse including how various drug actions can generally effect the synapse
includes card sort activity for synapses and a starter that goes over action potentials from previous lesson

AQA - Stopping Distances
A GCSE lesson looking at factors affecting stopping distances and touching on braking force (linking to F=ma work)
includes worksheet for reaction times and comparison with other data and exam questions with answers on the lesson powerpoint. The exam questions includes a nice suvat rearranging question for the higher ability.

AQA GCSE Radiation types and uses (2-3 lessons)
A lesson which follows on from a look at the different types of radiation - it looks at the types of radiation, issues with radiation (contamination ,etc ) and what you would use the types of radiation for in the real world

Specific heat capacity (3-4 lessons)
Three lessons covering everything for the AQA specific heat capacity required practical
Lesson 1 - a look at the theory of specific heat capacity with some example questions for students to have a go at on sheet
Lesson 2 - the practical itself with a guidance sheet to assist with working out the specific heat capacity. Sheet is especially helpful to scaffold students with working out the power and then the energy in the absence of a joulemeter for practical
Lesson 3 - a review of the practical including exam questions covering this and relevant science skills. Answers in detail on powerpoint for you to go through with students
This can be a faff for specialists and non specialists so I hope this helps you.

Nerves and Action potentials - AQA Applied Science Module 4
Two lessons for AQA Applied Science Module 4. These look at the structure of nerve cells in detail. The second lesson focuses on how action potentials come about and how this leads to nerve signals.

AQA Acceleration, Uniform acceleration and free fall (two lessons)
Lesson 1 - looking at acceleration and acceleration due to gravity. Working out acceleration due to gravity via a free fall practical (explanation in lesson) - including practice of calculating acceleration with exam questions
Lesson 2 - calculating acceleration from real life examples. Velocity in a circle. Example questions

Home Learning - AQA Biology - B6 Variation and Inheritance - Complete workbook
A workbook for students which takes them through the first half of B6 Inheritance and Variation. Finishing at cloning. Includes all the information they will need, links to resources and activities for them to do as they go.
Includes exam practice, key words, tasks and more.
This was originally designed for separate science students, but that means it has everything that it could possible need.
Part 2 coming soon.

Home Learning - KS4 Physics -AQA - Forces part A
Part 1 of 3 complete workbook taking students through P5 Forces module of physics for AQA. This includes all content for, foundation, higher and seperate science students.
It has been designed in a textbook style with information followed by follow up questions and activities.
Part B to be released soon.

AQA density of regular and irregular objects (3 lessons)
Three lessons on the density of regular and irregular objects. Linked to the AQA physics scheme of work. There are practical sheets which accompany both lessons and exam questions to assess learning.
Lesson 1 -looking at density of regular objects , including practical sheet with questions (answers on powerpoint) for working out density of regular objects
Lesson 2 - same idea but now for density of irregular objects, again practical sheet with questions (answers on powerpoint)
Lesson 3 - a review, looking at density of liquids, some ideas of precision in this practical and some exam questions to complete. Answers in detail on powerpoint.

KS3 Sound and Light Full Scheme of work resources
A full scheme of work for KS3 sound and light. Contains resources for all the lessons needed to cover this scheme.
light interactions
colour filters
producing sound
speed of sound
frequency and amplitude (lesson available for free) so not in this bundle
echos and ultrasound
revision resources