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Music teacher in the UK creating & sharing resources for MUSIC & RELIGION Please leave a review of any resource if you have used it :)




Music teacher in the UK creating & sharing resources for MUSIC & RELIGION Please leave a review of any resource if you have used it :)
GCSE Music Section A Questions Doc

GCSE Music Section A Questions Doc

In this document you will find a variety of SECTION A MUSIC SET WORK questions from Edexcel GCSE music There is also a grid to keep a track on pupil progress.
Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.5 FULL ANALYSIS PowerPoint

Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.5 FULL ANALYSIS PowerPoint

A full analysis of Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No.5 in D Major Movement III. Included in the powerpoint is : Background on Bach Baroque era Baroque features Glossary of important terms A full musical analysis is colour coded and inlcudes comments on all elements of music texture tonality general context structure tempo, metre, rhythm melody harmony


Fusion PowerPoint Included in this powerpoint is: Background of Fusion Features of Fusion Examples and Map showing different parts of the world Listenng actitivites x8 Questions on appraising Samba em Preludio Release Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes Capercallie Foggy Dew Wellerman
Tudor and Renaissance Music KS3 BUNDLE

Tudor and Renaissance Music KS3 BUNDLE

This bundle includes an introduction powerpoint presentation with flipped learning research activities, tudor instruments, key dates and composers. There is also a guided revision worksheet which includes listening activities, key terms etc.
Film Music PowerPoint and Worksheets Year 8 (KS3)

Film Music PowerPoint and Worksheets Year 8 (KS3)

This bundle is a full unit of work for Film music Ks3, tailored to year 8 in particular. The unit looks at diegetic, non-diegetic sounds, dissonance, mickey-mousing, incidental music and fanfare in film. There are various listening activities with audio included, worksheets to accompany the activities are included. There is an assessment for composing a Fanfare theme for film, assessment criteria is given.
Stephen Sondheim revision - Essay help

Stephen Sondheim revision - Essay help

Full revision powerpoint on the elements of music needed for Section C A Level AQA Music Paper. Each slide is for a musical elements; melody/tonality/structure etc, and goes through 8 different songs by Sondheim comparing the use of that element in each song.
GCSE Composition Booklet

GCSE Composition Booklet

A Booklet for GCSE Composition Edexcel board. A detailed guide to creating the perfect composition, inlcludes all the theory they need to know and a step by step guide to composing music.
Celtic Music PowerPoint and Worksheet Bundle

Celtic Music PowerPoint and Worksheet Bundle

This resource bundle consists of a powerpoint and bundle of worksheets to accompany the content in the powerpoint. Students will learn about the origins of Celtic music, the instruments associated with Celtic music and how they look and sound, they will further their understanding of elements of music through appraising tasks, learning about the Celtic dance music and traditional Sean Nós singing. They will do fact file work on The Pogues, retrieval tasks on the features of Celtic music. This is an entire unit of work and should span 4-5 lessons approx.
Samba bundle for KS3 Music

Samba bundle for KS3 Music

This bundle includes: A powerpoint presentation on samba music which looks at the origins, instruments, features, practical body percussion performance activity and the impact of samba. A samba retrieval worksheet A crossword activity to solidify knowledge and answer page A samba assessment for the end of unit.
Sweeney Todd Full Analysis Powerpoint AQA A Level AoS 4

Sweeney Todd Full Analysis Powerpoint AQA A Level AoS 4

Included in this powerpoint is a full background of Stephen Sondheim, Sweeney Todd, and the four main songs: The Ballad of Sweeney Todd My Friends Green Finch and Linnet Bird A Little Priest A full song analysis is given and a breakdown of the score. Videos and images are included Character Analysis A comparison between the film & muscical adaptations is included. Practise exam questions Practise short questions
Key Stage 3 Music BUNDLE

Key Stage 3 Music BUNDLE

8 Resources
A new bundle for KS3 music including powerpoints for Blues / Fanfare / Time Signatures / World Music and activities for 12 Bar Blues / Blues Booklet / Film Music Booklet / Orchestra and a music quiz for year 7. Valued at £30.