An assembly drama/ideas for songs suitable for a class to perform, maybe Years 5 - 7.
The assembly’s message is that you don’t have to be a superhero to be a hero.
I’ve a couple of other assembly skits available.
For copyright reasons, I cannot include the music, only the script and suggested music.
**LATEST**: Online seating plan generator - paste lists from SIMS or similar, group/distribute students, show/hide sensitive data, upload/download plans etc. NB No student data is transferred to the internet, it is all local within your web browser.
Excel spreadsheet basic version
You don’t have to be minted to get your hands on to a seating plan generator!
Get your seating plans sorted with this free-to-use web app.
Web links are being removed by TES so to find it, Google:
Clickschool seating generator
Or go to the main web site and add /seatplan to the web site address.
Features: show/hide sensitive data (such as current grade, SEND status etc), flip (so your students can see where to sit should you project it), print, download/upload data, drag/drop seats, random position, a-z position and ‘auto’ position (e.g. group by target grade and then split by gender), select templates, crop, random name picker, add/remove fields.
All data is stored ONLY on your computer - no data about students is collected whatsoever.
At time of writing, it is an ‘alpha’ release.
Enjoy :-)