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Explain why there were political threats to Weimar in 1918-1920? History GCSE 12 marker model answer
Model answer to the 12 mark history gcse question : “Explain why there were political threats to Weimar in 1918-1920?”

HISTORY WW2 : the atomic bomb powerpoint
History powerpoint titled : “World War 2 : what was the atomic bomb and did America have the right to use it?”

A level biology WATER
brief revision worksheet into water. This worksheet cover the roles and properties of water, the structure of water, the definitions of polar and hydrogen bonding.
Great for some quick revision to test your knowledge!

the general basics into Monosaccharides, Disaccharides and Polysaccharides.
Includes key information that you must know and is a great for some quick revision.

This revision resource contains practice exam questions with model answers provided. There is also a mini quiz at the end to test some basic Knowledge.
This resource is beneficial to GCSE history students, who are studying Anglo-Saxon and Norman England.
This is perfect for anyone who wants a quick revision session.
I hope you find this resource useful! any feedback is welcome :)

One week Macbeth revision resource
Student made resource for revision :)
This pack contains recall questions with answers. Brainstorming themes and ideas. Analysis of quotes. contextual links. Practice exam questions which you can attempt.
I made this resource to help some of my friends at school, this is meant for seven days (to help some of my friends revise through Easter) , once again, it is student made.
Recall is essential, so there are many recap questions from various Acts and Scenes.

Macbeth, the character of Lennox
This resource contains notes on Lennox, one of the less well known characters in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
Please note that this resource has been made by a student, to be used as a revision tool.
There aren’t many notes online about Lennox so, hope this helps!

CPU performance notes with questions and answers
This resource includes notes on CPU performance, the components of the CPU (with their definitions) and 3 short summary questions (answers provided). This resource is short and is intended to be used for revision purposes to reiterate the knowledge learned.