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Bioscience Rocks

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Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.




Bioscience Rocks is a shop that specialises in resources for A-Level Biology and Applied Science students. The resources include a range of activities, starters, worksheets and powerpoints, all of which have been used successfully with students of a wide range of abilities. The author is a National Expert Teacher of Science (awarded by National Science Learning Centre) and also a National Space Academy Lead Educator with a long track record of producing high quality educational resources.
Pest control revision sheet

Pest control revision sheet

A resource aimed at advanced level biology students, this is a revision sheet covering details of pest control using biological agents, chemical control and integrated pest management. Key information is summarised via diagrams and succinct bullet points
What am I? Ecology quiz

What am I? Ecology quiz

A quiz that asks students to give the correct word that matches each description. Useful as a recap of key vocabulary. The worksheet also contains an extension question based on quadrat sampling where students are asked to calculate population density of a plant species.
Questionnaire on MMR vaccination

Questionnaire on MMR vaccination

A questionnaire that can be given to students as part of a homework or research task on the subject of MMR vaccinations. The questions are thought provoking and force students to think about how they would act in the situation of getting their own children vaccinated. This activity works well as a starter activity to ignite debate - particularly when students are tasked with using this questionnaire on members of their own family and reporting the results back to class.
Mitosis crossword - GCSE

Mitosis crossword - GCSE

A resource aimed at GCSE (14-16 year old) students and tailored specifically for AQA specifications, this crossword provides 16 crossword clues that relate to key vocabulary covered in the topic of mitosis (e.g. cytokinesis, interphase, centromere, chromosome, etc). This resource is ideal for students to practice using key vocabulary and can be used as either a starter or plenary task in lessons. An answer key is provided on the second page. Key words: Mitosis, interphase, cytokinesis, chromosome, division, nucleus, paternal, maternal, gene, cancer, asexual, growth, repair, centromere, clone, identical
Cells, Organs and Organ Systems & Digestive System Active Video

Cells, Organs and Organ Systems & Digestive System Active Video

This resource is aimed at GCSE (14-16 year old) biology students and consists of two worksheets. The first worksheet is an introduction to the concept of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems and involves a mix and match task to sort key definitions. The worksheet also has a table to fill in with specific examples of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. The second worksheet consists of eleven questions that are related to an online video that neatly (in the space of 3-4 minutes) introduces the topic of the digestive system. Students watch the video (link to the video is provided on the worksheet) and answer the questions as they go. This is ideal to use as a starter task for a lesson on the digestive system.
HIV - the evolution of a virus

HIV - the evolution of a virus

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource focuses on how the HIV virus has evolved resistance to drug treatments over the last few decades and how some individuals have evolved resistance to the virus. The resource contains two articles (from BBC News and Medical News Today) as stimulus material followed by questions that require students to link their knowledge to these real-life applied examples. This resource is ideal stretch and challenge material for more able students once they have completed a topic on evolution. Key words: HIV, resistance, evolution, disease, virus, AIDS, drugs, medicine
Meiosis - understanding the appearance of chromosomes, gene loci and reduction division

Meiosis - understanding the appearance of chromosomes, gene loci and reduction division

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource aims to clarify details that students often struggle with in their understanding of meiosis. The worksheet requires students to draw a pair of chromosomes in a cell that will undergo meiotic cell division; students are asked to label the pair of chromosomes with genes and show the appearance of these chromosomes after DNA replication has occured, after meiosis I and after meiosis II. The worksheet also includes questions that students are required to answer in order to test their understanding of meiosis. This resource is a valuable exercise to conduct with students in order to identify and address misconceptions/misunderstandings that can often occur in this topic. Keywords: meiosis, chromosomes, interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, DNA, replication, diploid, haploid, gene, loci, heterozygous, homozygous
Observing phototaxis in blowfly larvae - differentiated practical schedules

Observing phototaxis in blowfly larvae - differentiated practical schedules

This resource is aimed at advanced biology students and includes two differentiated practical schedules for the observation of phototactic behaviour in blowfly larvae (maggotts). Both schedules include a brief introduction to the nature of taxis behaviour, followed by details of the practical task. A table to collate data is provided, followed by a step-by-step method of using the chi-squared test to assess statistical significance. The worksheet for higher ability students also contains extra challenge questions on the reason for statistical testing and the rationale for using chi-squared. Key words: behaviour, blowfly larvae, maggotts, statistics, phototaxis, light, response, chi-squared
Human Populations Revision

Human Populations Revision

A resource aimed at advanced biology students, this is a revision worksheet with associated check questions and answers on the topic of human population changes. Included are topics on calculating percentage population growth, demographic pyramids, demographic transition patterns and survival curves. The worksheet concludes with exam-style questions with mark schemes for students to check their understanding.
Active video questions - radiopharmaceuticals

Active video questions - radiopharmaceuticals

A resource aimed at applied science/health and social care or medical physics students (either level 2 or 3) that provides a vocational discussion on how radiopharmaceuticals are used in the treatment and diagnosis of illnesses. The worksheet contains twelve questions that students are required to answer while the video plays (link to youtube video is provided on the worksheet). This is best used as a starter activity for this topic and as a prompt for further discussion. Asking students to answer questions while they watch the video helps to ensure that they are actively engaged and that they have a record of the information in their notes afterwards. Key words: radiopharmaceuticals, isotopes, cancer, radiotherapy, imaging, gamma, beta, alpha, radiation
GCSE Starter: Bacterial cells

GCSE Starter: Bacterial cells

A starter worksheet aimed at GCSE Biology students, this resource provides five questions that recap basic definitions and the concept of magnification. The final questions require students to make measurements of the bacterial cell diagram and calculate magnification of the image (converting millimetres to micrometeres in the process). A useful resource to use in order to reinforce some of the basic ideas on the topic of bacterial/prokaryotic cells. Key words: AQA, biology, bacterial cells, magnification, micrometres, prokaryotic
Starter: Vaccination

Starter: Vaccination

A resource aimed at GCSE biology students, this worksheet provides a brief review of basic key terms (e.g. antibody, antigen, phagocyte, lymphocyte) followed by more open ended and challenging questions that require students to fully explain the principles of active immunity in their own words. Key words: active, immunity, phagocyte, lymphocyte, vaccination, antibody, antigen


A worksheet aimed at A-Level Biology students which begins with a quiz on key word definitions (e.g. habitat, population, community, ecosystem, biotic factor, abiotic factor) and then moves on to the concept of diversity. The worksheet includes an exercise on calculating diversity index for two habitats and subsequent interpretation of results. Keywords: Biodiversity, habitat, population, biotic, abiotic, ecosystem, community, population, diversity index
Gas Exchange - What Am I Quiz

Gas Exchange - What Am I Quiz

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students, this resource provides 27 questions on the topic of gas echange across insects, amoeba, fish and mammals. Each question requires a simple one or two word answer. This is a useful exercise to use as a starter recap on the basics once these topics have been taught. Key words: gas exchange, fish, amoeba, insects, mammals
Properties of phospholipids & fluid mosaic structure review

Properties of phospholipids & fluid mosaic structure review

A worksheet aimed at advanced level biology students which serves to review the reasons for the hydrophilic/hydrophobic nature of phospholipids. The worksheet also contains simple matching tasks for the name of a component in the fluid mosaic model and its function.
Effects of climate change: a case study

Effects of climate change: a case study

Climate change is sometime a 'dry' topic and difficult to include much in the way of practical experiences for students. This worksheet contains a practical procedure that looks at the effect of temperature on the heart rate of Daphnia and the resultant impact on ecosystems. There is also provision for the analysis of results using 95% confidence limits and standard error. An engaging way to look at the impacts of climate change and global warming on living organisms. Key words: Daphnia, heart rate, climate change, global warming, temperature, food chains, ecology, 95% confidence limits and standard error
Biological molecules review table

Biological molecules review table

Biological molecules is often a topic that students struggle with in A-Level Biology. This resource provides a table in which students can pull together all their notes on the different categories of molecules, including carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Nucleic acids are also included as extension and to foster links between different units.
Perceptions of science - scientific theories

Perceptions of science - scientific theories

A resource aimed at BTEC Level 3 Applied Science students, this worksheet provides a series of research prompts for students to explore the nature of a scientific theory. The context of the theory of evolution is used in this task, with students being required to research the evidence for this theory and some of the competing and discredited ideas that were believed (and still are by some individuals) until the evidence for evolution by natural selection became overwhelming.
Active video: The Shadow Of Thalidomide

Active video: The Shadow Of Thalidomide

A worksheet resource that could be used by either 14-16 or 16-18 year old biology students, this resource provides an 'active video' task on the history of thalidomide with a series of question prompts that students complete while watching the video clip. the video clip can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0QpnqjKGJo The video clip provides an overview of the thalidomide tragedy and how the United States stood their ground in refusing a drug licence while the disaster played out across the rest of the world. This is a good activity to set the scene for any topic on how drugs are developed and the importance of drug testing and clinical trials. Key words: Thalidomide, disaster, focomelia, drugs, clinical trials, pharmaceutical, USA, regulations
Passive and active transport review summary

Passive and active transport review summary

A worksheet aimed at advanced biology students consisting of a lengthy passage of text on the topic of passive and active transport. The passage requires key words to be added in the appropriate places. Once complete, students have a written record summary of both passive and active transport processes. This is a good activity to complete at the end of this topic and reinforces key words and vocabulary with students. Suggested answers to each missing space are given at the end of this worksheet