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Teacher Conor's Resources

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Hi, here you can find the resources that I use in my online video series (find it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW4RKg9G1GKSiOMq6xN5FNQ)




Hi, here you can find the resources that I use in my online video series (find it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW4RKg9G1GKSiOMq6xN5FNQ)
pH and the Acid Dissociation Constant (Year 13 Equilibria #1 - Slides and Tasks)

pH and the Acid Dissociation Constant (Year 13 Equilibria #1 - Slides and Tasks)

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Investigate pH, Kw, Ka, pKa and how to utilise them in calculations. Learning Outcomes: (taken from the Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry curriculum) 25.1 Acids and bases 1 understand and use the terms conjugate acid and conjugate base 2 define conjugate acid-base pairs, identifying such pairs in reactions 3 define mathematically the terms pH, Ka pKa and Kw and use them in calculations (Kb and the equation Kw = Ka × Kb will not be tested)
The Nernst Equation, Concentration & Cell Potential (Year 13 Electrochemistry #6 - Slides and Tasks)

The Nernst Equation, Concentration & Cell Potential (Year 13 Electrochemistry #6 - Slides and Tasks)

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Investigate the relationship between concentration and cell potential both qualitatively and, using the Nernst equation, quantitatively Learning Outcomes: (taken from the Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry curriculum) 24.2 Standard electrode potentials E⦵; standard cell potentials E⦵cell and the Nernst equation 6 deduce from E values the relative reactivity of elements, compounds and ions as oxidising agents or as reducing agents 7 construct redox equations using the relevant half-equations 8 predict qualitatively how the value of an electrode potential, E, varies with the concentration of the aqueous ions 9 use the Nernst equation, e.g. E = E⦵ + (0.059/z) log [oxidised species]/[reduced species] to predict quantitatively how the value of an electrode potential varies with the concentrations of the aqueous ions; examples include Cu2+(aq) + 2e- ⇌ Cu(s), Fe3+(aq) + e- ⇌ Fe2+(aq)
Calculating Standard Cell Potentials (Year 13 Electrochemistry #5 - Slides and Tasks)

Calculating Standard Cell Potentials (Year 13 Electrochemistry #5 - Slides and Tasks)

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Calculate standard cell potentials (E⦵cell) and use E⦵ values to determine the feasibility of a reaction Learning Outcomes: (taken from the Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry curriculum) 24.2 Standard electrode potentials E⦵; standard cell potentials E⦵cell and the Nernst equation 4 calculate a standard cell potential by combining two standard electrode potentials 5 use standard cell potentials to: (a) deduce the polarity of each electrode and hence explain/deduce the direction of electron flow in the external circuit of a simple cell (b) predict the feasibility of a reaction
An Overview of Electrolysis (Year 13 Electrochemistry #1 - Slides and Tasks)

An Overview of Electrolysis (Year 13 Electrochemistry #1 - Slides and Tasks)

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Investigate electrolysis and predict products from the electrolysis of both molten and aqueous compounds Learning Outcomes: (taken from the Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry curriculum) 24.1 Electrolysis 1 predict the identities of substances liberated during electrolysis from the state of electrolyte (molten or aqueous), position in the redox series (electrode potential) and concentration
Quantitative Electrolysis (Year 13 Electrochemistry #2 - Slides and Tasks)

Quantitative Electrolysis (Year 13 Electrochemistry #2 - Slides and Tasks)

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Understand the use of electrolysis quantitatively using changes in electrode mass. Learning Outcomes: (taken from the Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry curriculum) 24.1 Electrolysis 2 state and apply the relationship F = Le between the Faraday constant, F, the Avogadro constant, L, and the charge on the electron, e 3 calculate: the quantity of charge passed during electrolysis, using Q = It the mass and/or volume of substance liberated during electrolysis 4 describe the determination of a value of the Avogadro constant by an electrolytic method
Measuring Standard Electrode Potentials (Year 13 Electrochemistry #4 - Slides and Tasks)

Measuring Standard Electrode Potentials (Year 13 Electrochemistry #4 - Slides and Tasks)

LESSON OBJECTIVE: Understand how to measure the standard electrode potentials of a half-cell relative to the standard hydrogen electrode. Learning Outcomes: (taken from the Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry curriculum) 24.2 Standard electrode potentials E⦵; standard cell potentials E⦵cell and the Nernst equation 2 describe the standard hydrogen electrode 3 describe methods used to measure the standard electrode potentials of: (a) metals or non-metals in contact with their ions in aqueous solution (b) ions of the same element in different oxidation states
Year 13 Equilibria (Entire Unit)

Year 13 Equilibria (Entire Unit)

4 Resources
Save 50% when lessons bought as a part of this bundle Four lessons consisting of a unit on equilibria, adressing CIE learning outcomes. Each lesson consists of lesson slides and student led tasks. Consists of the following lessons: pH and the Acid Dissociation Constant Indicators and Acid-Base Titrations Buffer Solutions Solubility Products, the Common Ion Effect and Partition Coefficients
Year 13 Chemical Energetics (Entire Unit)

Year 13 Chemical Energetics (Entire Unit)

6 Resources
Save 50% when lessons bought as a part of this bundle. Six lessons consisting of a unit on chemical energetics, addressing CIE learning outcomes. Each lesson consists of lesson slides and student led tasks. Consists of the following lessons: 1) Lattice Energy and Born-Haber Cycles 2) Enthalpies of Solution and Hydration 3) An Introduction to Entropy 4) Entropy Changes 5) Calculating Changes in Entropy 6) Gibbs Free Energy
Year 13 Electrochemistry (Entire Unit)

Year 13 Electrochemistry (Entire Unit)

7 Resources
Save 50% when lessons bought as a part of this bundle. Seven lessons consisting of a unit on electrochemistry, addressing CIE learning outcomes. Each lesson consists of lesson slides and student led tasks. Consists of the following lessons: An Overview of Electrolysis Quantitative Electrolysis An Introduction to Electrode Potentials Measuring Standard Electrode Potentials Calculating Standard Cell Potentials The Nernst Equation, Concentration and Cell Potential Spontaneity, Gibbs Free Energy and Cell Potential