This lesson activity is based around the Facebook / Cambridge Analytica data privacy data breach of 2018.
The resource consists of a worksheet that can be used to initiate discussion and to complete activities based around these discussions.
Page 2 has a lesson plan attached.
The resource is in word format so can be easily edited to your own requirements.
The lesson activity introduces the topics of
Cyber security
Ethical issues and
Digital Literacy.
The resource is is suitable for GCSE Computer Science and KS3 Computer Science.
Simple Input Process Output Machine Model
This is another Simple Input Process Output Machine Model to help students understand the concept if input, process and output.
Please feel free to use and adapted to your own needs.
There is also a link to a Quizizz quiz based in the presentation.
An activity sheet (with a separate document with all the answers) that is based around wired and wireless networks.
Based around keystage 3 networking but can be use for Keystage 4.
Includes three activities, all with marks.
A double sided / 2-page document that is used for testing and peer reviewing a product or item. The testing and review is general purpose and can be applied to most items that have been developed or created, including programs / software.
Aimed mainly at KS3 students but can also be used with KS4 students and easily adaptable if required.
A bundle of three computing keywords sheets that students have to find the definition for and complete. Useful as homework activities or part of a classroom activities on specific computing topics. Useful for GCSE KS4 lessons.
Arrowords - Teachers Cryptic Computer Puzzle
This one is mainly for the teachers of computer science, but you may want to let your students have a go…
The arroword puzzle is based on a selection of ‘memory / storage’ computer words but have cryptic clues.
Answers / solutions are on the second page, try not to peep.
Have fun!
This flowchart shows the links between fixing errors and resilience and also that repeated practice leads on to mastery, the more programming is practiced, they better you will get!
The flowchart algorithm can be used in classes as a discussion point and a display. The embedded graphic can be resized, printed, cut-out and stuck into exercise books as a reminder that making mistakes is OK, normal and part of the programming cycle.
This resource is a computer science crossword.
Suitable for KS3 and GCSE KS4 pupils.
Can be used as a starter, plenary or homework etc.
The second page contains the answers for the teacher viewing.
Computer Science Keywords in the puzzle are:
This arroword puzzle is based on computer storage keywords.
The puzzle is meant for teachers and has cryptic clues, but no reason why pupils can’t have a go if you think it is appropriate for some.
Answers are on the second page.
This arroword puzzles is based on computer storage keywords and is FREE to download.
The puzzle is appropriate for KS4 GCSE and KS3 computer science.
Can be used as a starter, plenary, homework or an extension task.
Answers to the clues are on the second page.
**Arrowords - - Computer Science - System Achitecture **
KS3 and KS4
This puzzle is similar to a crossword but the clues are inside the puzzles itself.
The sheet can be used for homework, a starter, plenary or extension task etc.
The second page of the resource has the answers on it.
The associated words are related to computer science system architecture and includes:
A bundle of 11 computing keywords homework / class activity sheets that students have to find the definitions for and complete.
Useful as homework activities or part of a classroom activities on specific computing topics. Useful for GCSE KS4 lessons, homework, starters plenaries, recall and interleaving.
Data Types and Structures
Input and Output (programming)
Programming Languages
Searching and Sorting
Binary - Hexadecimal / Hex
Binary Representation
Computer Systems
Binary Shift Information and Practice Activities
This resource consists of a basic explanation of binary shifts (left and right) showing illustarted examples of how to perform the operations.
There are also examples and activities to complete.
The resource is linked to two videos that show how to perform the shift operations using 1 and 0’s. The practical activities are best performed by representing the 1 and 0’s on the printed sheet using plastic spoons, buttons, lollipop sticks with 1 and 0 written on them (or any other way to represent to 1 or the 0).
The activity has deliberately been devised to be hands-on.
Useful for KS3 and KS4 GCSE Computer Studies
Ethical, Legal, Environmental and Cultural Issues in Computing
-A whole lesson resource relating to the Ethical, Legal, Environmental and Cultural Issues relating to technology and computing.
-can be used for Christmas homework or revision
There is a sheet with information about the issues and a page of lesson activities.
The resources contain active links to on-line material.
The resource can be used by itself or to lead on to further discussion about the associated issues.
Can be used as a classroom activity or homework
Also provided is a sheet with examplar answers.
Useful for revision and practice questions.
Encourages debate and discussion
This activity sheet allows students to practice exam questions. They will be given a question to answer or pick their own
question to answer from an exam paper, revision book or any other appropriate revision resource and answer the question on the sheet. Once the question has been answered the students can self or peer mark the answer by looking up the answer on a mark scheme or revision source.
Students can discuss with peers the answer and exam technique and correct any mistakes made.
The activity sheet allows four questions to be answered on each side (print on both sides to save paper).
The marking of the answers can be set as a peer or self assessment task or worked through with the teacher.
**Technology in the News Activity **
The resource includes a word processing and a PowerPoint version.
There are links within the resources to a variety of news articles which students can browse and investigate.
The activity is applicable to KS3 and KS4 computer studies and links to Legal, Ethical, Cultural and Environmental aspect of GCSE computer studies.
Activities can be saved and used as an ongoing activity.
The activities can be used as a starter, plenary, homeworks or as part of a class activity leading on to discussions about various aspect of computer science / studies.
Stakeholders Activity Sheet
This worksheet fits into the GCSE computer studies unit on Ethical, Legal, Cultural and Environmental issues.
The worksheet asks students to explain how the change in technology stated will affect various stakeholders and this is a basis for discussion and possible research on how technology effects peoples lives?
A worksheet activity adding binary numbers and conversions to denary.
Starts with 4 bits (nibble) and moves on to 8 bits (byte) additions. There is also an accompanying answer sheet. The activity also has some general questions about binary for students to answer, which could be part of an extension or small research activity.
KS3 Computer Science
GCSE Computer Science