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Cool Classroom

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(based on 40 reviews)

Selling unique and high-quality resources and display items for the classroom. Make your classroom cool with these creative and inspiring products. I've been teaching 15 years and I'm passionate about creating a classroom environment where kids are inspired and excited to learn. I use my experience in graphic design to develop high quality resources and display items. If you have any requests for personalised products or need something whipped up, let me know.




Selling unique and high-quality resources and display items for the classroom. Make your classroom cool with these creative and inspiring products. I've been teaching 15 years and I'm passionate about creating a classroom environment where kids are inspired and excited to learn. I use my experience in graphic design to develop high quality resources and display items. If you have any requests for personalised products or need something whipped up, let me know.
Starbooks Cafe book tasting session- Menu, slide, bunting and placemat

Starbooks Cafe book tasting session- Menu, slide, bunting and placemat

Introducing children to new books is such a treat, especially when you theme it around a book cafe. Invite your children to Starbooks Cafe to enjoy a 5 course taster menu, where they dip into a range of your new books and fill out their thoughts. Bunting (in white, green and grey), a placemat and screen slide is also included. Just add the biscuits or cake and you’re away!
Marauder's Map Walking Verbs

Marauder's Map Walking Verbs

Capture the imagination of your children with this pack of alternative verbs for walking in the theme of Harry Potter’s marauder’s map. This set includes over 50 verbs on footprints which can be used under the 4 banner headings- slowly, quickly, with attitude and with limitation. 2 sets included for alternative angled footprints. Display them across your wall or ceiling for a really unique Hogwarts style theme.
Said synonyms- Put 'Said' to Bed

Said synonyms- Put 'Said' to Bed

A set of 30 synonyms for ‘said’ presented in cool spech bubbles. As children become more proficient at using direct speech in their writing, it’s key that they start to show an understanding of the characters’ feelings and intentions by using alternative words for said. 3 sets included: with titles one each bubble without titles with white background for ink saving
Wizarding world inspired posters ADD ONS

Wizarding world inspired posters ADD ONS

3 Additional posters for those who already downloaded the original set. Contains Luna quote and alternative versions of ‘believing in yourself’ and ‘reada good book’ For full set see pack in store
WORDLE spelling game- 200 High Frequency Words Version

WORDLE spelling game- 200 High Frequency Words Version

Download this trending online game that has been especially adapted for the classroom to develop spellings of the next 200 high frequency words. Pack includes: printable game boards for 3, 4, 5 and 6 letter words rules sheet HFW lists You can also get the children to come up with their own words or set your own.
Sentence types & English posters/ branding

Sentence types & English posters/ branding

A collection of images to brand up your sentence types and English work. Lots inspired by Alan Peat sentence types. Download as a PDF and in a PowerPoint Included: 2A sentences 4A sentences Click, click, claps VA,N sentences BOYS sentences Ad, same, ad sentences 3 Action sentences Subordinate conjunctions +spelling monster branding and posters
reading quotes video

reading quotes video

A video of 20 looping quotes to inspire reading. Could be used to show whilst children are coming into class or during reading sessions
Reception High Frequency Words

Reception High Frequency Words

Print out your own classroom set of the Reception high frequency words all in stunning individual designs. Why not display them around the room or on the back of chairs! Available in a pdf or as images within a PowerPoint presentation.
Find it (Dobble inspired)- Y5 & 6 Statutory Words (2 sets covering 100 words)

Find it (Dobble inspired)- Y5 & 6 Statutory Words (2 sets covering 100 words)

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read, recognise and spell the Year 5 & 6 statutory word list. There’s a matching word on every card. Can the children spot it? All 100 words covered within 2 packs of cards. The 2 packs need to be kept as separate games although they do have a few crossover words includes: 2x PDF version with 6 cards per sheet. PDF of individual cards to be printed to your custom size. Suggested: print 6 cards per A4 page.
Find it (Dobble inspired)- Reception High Frequency Words

Find it (Dobble inspired)- Reception High Frequency Words

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read and recognise the Reception high frequency words. There’s a matching word on every card. Can the children spot it? 45 words included with a few animals thrown in! Included: A4 printable set individidual cards to print as needed. (suggested 6 per A4 page) a, all, am, and, are at, away, big, can, cat, come, dad, day, dog, for, get, go, going, he, I, in, is, it, like, look, me, mum, my, no, of, on, play, said, see, she the, they, this, to, up was, we, went, yes, you
Phase 3 Phonics Sounds- Find it!

Phase 3 Phonics Sounds- Find it!

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read and recognise the Phase 3 phonics sounds. There’s a matching sound on every card. Can the children spot it? 27 sounds and 4 extra animals (to make the game work but also gives another chance to use the sounds) Included: A4 printable set individidual cards to print as needed. (suggested 6 per A4 page) Note- There are 2 sounds of ‘oo’- you might want to decide which image goes with which sound.
Year 5 and 6 Statutory Words- printables

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Words- printables

Print out your own classroom set of the Year 5 and 6 statutory words all in stunning individual designs. Why not display them around the room or on the back of chairs! Available in a pdf or as images within a PowerPoint presentation.
Year 3 and 4 Statutory Words- printables

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Words- printables

Print out your own classroom set of the 100 Year 3 and 4 statutory words all in stunning individual designs. Why not display them around the room or on the back of chairs! Available in a pdf or as images within a PowerPoint presentation.
Phase 5 Phonics Sounds (plus phase 4 revisit)- Find it!

Phase 5 Phonics Sounds (plus phase 4 revisit)- Find it!

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read and recognise the Phase 5 phonics sounds. There’s a matching sound on every card. Can the children spot it? All phase 5 sounds and additional phase 4 sounds to revisit (to make the game work but also gives another chance to use the sounds) Included: A4 printable set individidual cards to print as needed. (suggested 6 per A4 page)
Phase 4 Phonics Sounds (plus phase 3 revisit)- Find it!

Phase 4 Phonics Sounds (plus phase 3 revisit)- Find it!

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read and recognise the Phase 4 phonics sounds. There’s a matching sound on every card. Can the children spot it? All phase 4 sounds and additional phase 3 sounds to revisit (to make the game work but also gives another chance to use the sounds) Included: A4 printable set individidual cards to print as needed. (suggested 6 per A4 page) Note- There are 2 sounds of ‘sk’- you might want to decide which image goes with which sound.
Find it (Dobble inspired)- Prepositions

Find it (Dobble inspired)- Prepositions

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read and recognise a range of prepositions. There’s a matching word on every card. Can the children spot it? 57 words included on a set of 57 cards Included: A4 printable set individidual cards to print as needed. (suggested 6 per A4 page)
Find it! (Dobble inspired)- Year 1 Common Exception Words

Find it! (Dobble inspired)- Year 1 Common Exception Words

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read and recognise the Year 1 Common Exception Words. There’s a matching word on every card. Can the children spot it? All 45 words included with a few animals thrown in! Includes A4 pdf version with all 57 cards 57 individual cards on pdf to be printed to your custom size. Suggested: print 6 cards per A4 page.
Find it (Dobble inspired)- Year 2 Common Exception Words

Find it (Dobble inspired)- Year 2 Common Exception Words

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read and recognise the Year 2 Common Exception Words. There’s a matching word on every card. Can the children spot it? 57 words included (57/64 - note: there is no- cold, gold, told, every, prove, Mr, Mrs otherwise the maths wouldn’t work!) 57 cards on a pdf to be printed to your custom size. Suggested: print 6 cards per A4 page.
Find it (Dobble inspired)- Y3 & 4 Statutory Words (2 sets covering 100 words)

Find it (Dobble inspired)- Y3 & 4 Statutory Words (2 sets covering 100 words)

Dobble/ Spot it inspired game for helping children to read and recognise the Year 3 & 4 statutory word list. There’s a matching word on every card. Can the children spot it? All 100 words covered within 2 packs of cards. The 2 packs need to be kept as separate games although they do have a few crossover words includes: PDF version with 6 cards per sheet. PDF of individual cards to be printed to your custom size. Suggested: print 6 cards per A4 page.