These resources can be used to cover the topic of healthy and unhealthy lifestyle.
(They follow my previous unit about food).
The the first of the two Notebook presentations (22 slides) focus on healthy and unhealthy habits, in the past and in the present. It is followed by a secure presentation (26 slides) about giving advice and the consequences of not being healthy.
The activities include revision of different tenses, negative sentences and expressions with the infinitive (hay que + infinitive).
The two presentations are supported by a variety of worksheets that can be used together with the presentations or on their own.
There are three photo cards (part of the new GCSE speaking test) and two short translations.
Booklet with key vocabulary for students to revise for their foundation listening and reading Spanish exams. It contains 15 pages of vocabulary in Spanish. Students write the English next to them and colour-code the words: green for the words they knew, yellow or amber for the ones they were not 100% sure, and red for the words they didn't know at all.
A (very large) set of resources to cover all aspects of the topic of jobs and careers, guiding the students towards beign able to write and speak about the topic using a variety of tenses (preterite, imperfect, the expression "tenía que" + infinitive and future simple), as well as the relative and other complex structures.
The set also includes an introduction to the subjunctive (with expressions such as "No creo que" + subjuntive).
All supported by 15 corresponding worksheets that also include reading activities.
A set of resources to support students through the first year of the new A Level Spanish course (AS). Based on the AQA specification, and following the Hodder text-book, it includes
- AS (A Level year 1) overview and lesson-by-lesson Scheme of learning
- A Level overview
- Paper 2 support booklet (based on the film El laberinto del fauno)
- Paper 3 support booklet
The fourth booklet contains a very comprehensive (118 pages) overview of the main aspects of Spanish grammar that the students are expected to be able to use on their A Level course.
A very comprehensive set of resources to study the topic of the weather in Spanish. Suitable for students of all levels, the presentation starts with simple vocabulary activities and little games (Simon says, Battleship, human dominoes) and it builds up from there (weather forecasts, leisure activities in different kinds of weather).
It also includes a range of reading activities to do with the weather and the climate in Spain. Additionally I have included several reading and writing activities about Spanish geography to provide the students with a better understanding of Spanish geographical features (and at the end of the topic they will even believe you when you say that it does indeed snow in Spain; quite a lot, actually!)
A set of resources to prepare students for the new GCSE speaking exam (AQA specification), including:
- Three booklets with role plays (at both foundation and higher level) to prepare Theme 1 (Identity and culture), Theme 2 (Local, regional, international and global areas of interest) and Theme 3 (Current and future education and work).
- Three booklets with Photo Cards, again on Higher and Foundation level and covering all three themes.
- A General Conversation booklet, with a very extensive list of questions covering every aspect of the three themes.
UPDATE: a game of Trivial Pursuit to practise the general conversation. (ADDED JULY 2019)
Nine worksheets to help teachers provide their students with an overview of the new Spanish GCSE course, an overview of the speaking and the writing exams (both at foundation and higher level) and four sheets to provide the students with immediate, personalised feedback for their mock or practice speaking and writing papers.
UPDATE: the feedback sheets now include the 2018 grade boundaries, to make it easier for teachers to estimate a grade.
Two practice writing papers (one foundation, one higher) following the format of the new GCSE writing exam. The foundation paper includes four questions (describe the photo, 40 words question, translation and 90 words question) and the higher paper includes three (90 words question, 150 words question and translation). The papers focus on Theme 1 of the new spec (Identity and culture) and they cover family and relationships, technology and leisure.
I have also included two feedback sheets (one foundation, now higher) that include"check-lists" (based on the AQA mark scheme for writing) to provide quick, personalised feedback for each of the questions. The check lists provide the students with feedback on what went well (WWW) and what they need to do to improve further (TIF).
The resource also includes an explanation of the requirements of the Foundation and the Higher writing papers and a copy of the mark scheme for each question.
Also available in French:
A very comprehensive set of resources to help students revise Theme 1 (Identity and culture) of the new Spanish GCSE and prepare for the speaking test.
The pack i ncludes:
- Role plays booklet, with 14 role plays at both foundation and higher level.
- Photo cards booklet, with 40 cards (each of which includes four foundation and four higher questions).
- General conversation questions, with 45 questions altogether at both foundation and higher level.
- Foundation and higher mark schemes / feedback sheets.
A very comprehensive set of resources to help students revise Theme 3 (Current and future study and employment) of the new Spanish GCSE and prepare for the speaking test.
The pack includes:
- Role plays booklet, with 25 role plays at both foundation and higher level.
- Photo cards booklet, with 26 cards (each of which includes four foundation and four higher questions).
- General conversation questions, with 40 questions altogether at both foundation and higher level.
- Foundation and higher mark schemes / feedback sheets.
A set of two lessons to talk about current social issues. It includes key vocabulary, a sentence-builder / template to help the students talk and write about social issues, and role plays, photo cards and translations to revise the topic. Additionally, there is a brief explanation on how back-to-front verbs work, using "Me preocupa" as an example.
A very comprehensive set of sentences (suitable for all abilities) and paragraphs (mainly higher) to translate from Spanish into English. The resource includes 120 sentences and 6 long paragraphs and they cover the following aspects of Theme 3 (Current and future stydy and employment), organised as follows:
Part 1: My studies
Part 2: School life
Part 3: Education post-16
Part 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Finally, the six longer paragraphs include language related to all four categories.
The sentences include references to a variety of tenses (present, preterite, imperfect, present perfect, conditional, future), as well as a wide range of complex structures (negatives, comparatives, conditional clauses…).
UPDATE: I have added to the resource a translation into Spanish of the two translation activities (at foundation and higher tier) of the 2018 French GCSE AQA exam.
Three activities adapted from online questionnaires / quizzes to discuss whether the students depend too much on their mobile phones, social media and the internet in general. Useful vocabulary for the new A Level topic of Cyberspace.
Reading activity based on an article from La Vanguardia (8th of November 2017) about the pay gap between men and women in Spain.
The resource includes 8 activities:
- find key vocabulary
- true, false or not mentioned
- explain what the figures represent
- translation into English
- explain the title of the article
- summarise the text
- explain the information in a photograph
Three booklets to prepare students for papers 2 and 3:
Paper 2 (writing) - Volver
Paper 2 (writing) - La casa de Bernarda Alba
Paper 3 (speaking)
Each booklet includes a wide range of questions to provide the students with plenty of practice, as well as detailed explanations of the paper's requirements, assessment objectives and mark schemes.
The fourth booklet contains a very comprehensive (118 pages) overview of the main aspects of Spanish grammar that the students are expected to be able to use on their A Level course.
A bundle containing three resources to support students as they prepare for Paper 2 of the new Spanish A level exam:
- Spanish A Level Grammar booklet (118 pages).
- Paper 2 booklet: El laberinto del fauno.
- Paper 2 booklet: La casa de Bernarda Alba.
Three very comprehensive sets of Spanish to English translations, each covering all aspects of Theme 1 (Identity and Culture), Theme 2 (Local, regional, national, international and global areas of interest) and Theme 3 (Current and future study and employment).