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Year 7 PSHE Drugs lesson
Interesting PSHE lesson for Year 7 discussing different types of drugs (legal and illegal) and the impacts these drugs may have on people

Families PSHE lesson
PSHE lesson exploring how families support each other, including understanding a diverse range of family types

Measuring risk PSHE lesson
Fun Year 7 PSHE lesson teachin students to understand how to measure risks, and which risks are worth taking, plus consequences of risk-taking.

How rules keep us safe PSHE lesson
PSHE lesson teaching students about the importance of rules for keeping us safe, in an easy to deliver lesson.

Bullying PSHE lesson
Informative and engaging Year 7 PSHE lesson about bullying, its effects and how to speak out and stand up to bullies.

Healthy relationships PSHE lesson
Fun lesson exploring what healthy relationships look like and what might bond people together. Gender neutral examples to avoid hetero-normative relationship discussion.

Fake News PSHE lesson
Innovative PSHE lesson about Fake News, challenging students to spot (and write) Fake News stories. How easily fooled are they? What might this tell us about Fake News?

Expressing Emotions PSHE lesson
Emotional PSHE lesson exploring how we can express difficult emotions in a way that is useful and constructive, and why this is an important skill.

Dealing with Bad Relationships PSHE lesson
Informative and useful Year 7 PSHE lesson about practical strategies to deal with bad relationships in their lives.

Fake News PSHE lesson
Fun and challenging Fake News PSHE lesson. Students have to identify fact from fiction and write their own news story, which may or may not be true! Can the rest of the class catch them out?

Meaningful Relationships PSHE
Fun lesson exploring equality in relationships and celebrating differences!

Safe lifestyle choices PSHE lesson
Research-based PSHE lesson where students examine the key factors that contribute to having a safe and healthy lifestyle, and deliver a short presentation at the end.

Relationship Cycles PSHE lesson
Important PSHE lesson discussing with students the life cycles of relationships and their possible impacts emotionally.

Managing Money PSHE lesson
Step by Step guide to managing money for students including real breakdowns of salary, taxes, national insurance etc. This PSHE lesson helps students understand the realities of money management and why it is important to budget, especially with rising living costs.

Managing Emotions PSHE lesson
Reflective PSHE lesson for students to consider their emotions and how they are able to manage these changing emotions in their lives.

Personal Space PSHE lesson
Fun and informative PSHE lesson teaching about Personal Space and respecting the physical boundaries of other people

Online Safety PSHE lesson
Informative PSHE lesson about online safety, teaching students practical tips for protecting themselves on social media

Online Safety PSHE lesson
Fun PSHE lesson for Year 7 about online safety and how they can identify and protect themselves from various online risks.