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DC Mastery Maths Worksheets

All worksheets £1 each. Currently 10% off newest resources. New bundle - Multiplication worksheet pack - 6 different worksheets for £3 Worksheets suitable for a mastery approach to learning which include variation, reasoning and well sequenced questions. I am a Primary School Teacher with a Maths specialism currently working in Year 5 therefore my worksheets are aimed at Year 5 but could be used for intervention or tutoring in Year 6.

All worksheets £1 each. Currently 10% off newest resources. New bundle - Multiplication worksheet pack - 6 different worksheets for £3 Worksheets suitable for a mastery approach to learning which include variation, reasoning and well sequenced questions. I am a Primary School Teacher with a Maths specialism currently working in Year 5 therefore my worksheets are aimed at Year 5 but could be used for intervention or tutoring in Year 6.
Mental subtraction on a number line

Mental subtraction on a number line

Subtracting mentally using a number line. Includes a guided task, independent task and challenge. There is also a completed example which shows how to use the number line to subtract efficiently.
Numbers with 3 decimal places

Numbers with 3 decimal places

A worksheet for identifying and representing numbers with 3 decimal places where 0 is used as a place holder in any position. Uses place value counters to develop conceptual understanding with good variation and challenge questions.
Improper fractions and mixed numbers

Improper fractions and mixed numbers

A worksheet for converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa using diagrams. Includes carefully sequenced questions that suit all learners with guided, independent and challenge questions.
Measuring angles

Measuring angles

A worksheet for measuring acute, obtuse and reflex angles to the nearest degree using a protractor. There is a guided/paired task to practice measuring each type of angle and a list of independent questions with angles presented in different orientations. The reflex angles questions are designed to be calculated by measuring the complementary acute/obtuse angle and subtracting it from 360.
Multiplying two digits by two digits

Multiplying two digits by two digits

A worksheet for multiplying two digits by two digits using grid method. Children have to complete the grids using their knowledge of times tables and known facts. Includes two challenge/deeper learning questions.
Mental addition on a number line

Mental addition on a number line

Adding numbers efficiently on a number line. It includes a guided task, independent questions and a challenge. It includes completed examples which show how to add efficiently on the number line.
Number sequences

Number sequences

A worksheet for completing number sequences with numbers to one and two decimal places. The questions are carefully sequenced to ensure the challenge increases from one question to the next. Includes steps to success to help children complete the questions.
Converting  measures

Converting measures

A worksheet for converting different measures. Includes converting between litres/millilitres, metres/kilometres and grams/kilograms. Includes completing a table for each measure and 2 challenge questions.
Proofreading and editing tasks

Proofreading and editing tasks

Three different passages for the children to proofread and edit taken from different English units we have studied. Aimed at upper KS2, the worksheets includes instructions, the incorrect passage for the children to edit and the edited version for teacher reference. The passages are based on the story of Gelert, Hugo Cabret and a non-chronological report on Fauns linked to The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. They are focused on key editing skills such as spelling, punctuation, tenses and uplevelling sentences/vocabulary.
Rounding bundle

Rounding bundle

5 Resources
Five different worksheets for rounding numbers using a number line including: Rounding numbers up to 1,000,000 to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. Rounding numbers with two decimal places to the nearest tenth and whole number. The questions have been carefully sequenced to enable progression and provide challenge for all learners.
Lesson - read and write numbers to at least 1,000,000.

Lesson - read and write numbers to at least 1,000,000.

Lesson for reading and writing numbers to at least 1,000,000 using place value counters. Includes: Lesson plan Worksheet with varied questions Place Value Chart Word list to support spelling of numbers. Ideal for teaching with a mastery approach.
Year 5  multiplication worksheet pack

Year 5 multiplication worksheet pack

6 Resources
Six different worksheets focusing on different mental and written strategies for multiplication. It includes: multiplying four digits by one digit using the grid method multiplying two digits by two digits using grid method multiplying using arrays and partitioning multiplying using compensation multiplying using known facts. multiplying by 10,100 and 1000.
Decimals Bundle

Decimals Bundle

7 Resources
7 worksheets for helping children to understand numbers to 3 decimal places. Includes: Reading and writing decimal numbers identifying the value of each digit writing thousandths as decimals and fractions rounding to the nearest tenth and whole number
Place Value bundle year 5

Place Value bundle year 5

10 Resources
A collection of 10 resources including: reading and writing whole numbers up to 7 digits read and writing decimal numbers with up to 3 decimal places ordering and comparing numbers with up to 7 digits Rounding numbers up to 1,000,000 to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand identifying the value of digits with whole numbers with up to 7 digits identifying the value of digits with numbers with up to 3 decimal places. All resources have well sequenced questions with good examples of variation. Aimed at year 5 level but also suitable for year 6 booster/intervention groups.
Year 5 mixed resources

Year 5 mixed resources

20 Resources
A total of 20 worksheets for essential skills in Year 5 including: Place value of whole numbers Place value of decimals Rounding Mental methods for four operations Adding fractions Include questions with excellent variation.