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Providing high quality professional science resources for KS3, KS4, and KS5.




Providing high quality professional science resources for KS3, KS4, and KS5.
2.11 Alloys, AQA Chemistry

2.11 Alloys, AQA Chemistry

This resource is a straight forward reference sheet on alloys. I tend to use this resource as a support sheet for students when they are doing some independent research.
2.10 Metallic bonding, AQA Chemistry

2.10 Metallic bonding, AQA Chemistry

I use this metallic bonding resource as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The resource includes a differentiated worksheet on drawing metallic bonds, an information sheet, question sheet and all associated answer sheets. These resources can even be used as a reminder for A Level chemistry students.
2.9 Fullerenes and Graphene, AQA Chemistry

2.9 Fullerenes and Graphene, AQA Chemistry

I use this resource on fullerenes and graphene as a back up in case of IT failures. This is normally a great lesson or homework for students to do some of their own research. It is such a new part of science that the applications of the technology are changing all the time. The fullerenes and graphene resource links in with the previous covalent bonding resources in the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The resource includes: Information sheet (Fullerenes and graphene) Worksheet (Fullerenes and graphene) Answer sheet (Fullerenes and graphene)
2.8 Giant Covalent Structures, AQA Chemistry

2.8 Giant Covalent Structures, AQA Chemistry

I use this resource on giant covalent structures with my Y9 and Y10 students. The resource is excellent for students learning about the differences between diamond and graphite. The resource also introduces students to the term allotrope and readies them for learning about fullerenes and nano technology. I use the giant covalent resource as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The resource includes: Information sheet (Giant covalent structures) Information sheet (Diamond v Graphite) Information sheet (Allotropes) Worksheet (Giant covalent structures) Worksheet (Diamond v Graphite) Answer sheet (Giant covalent structures) Answer sheet (Diamond v Graphite)
Annotated Periodic Table, AQA Chemistry

Annotated Periodic Table, AQA Chemistry

I use this annotated AQA GCSE Periodic Table for my Y10 and Y11 students. There is a large space on the periodic table where students can put their name so they don’t lose it. I usually laminate the resource with the student’s name printed on it. The students have it as a reference for the entire GCSE course. Early on in the GCSE Chemistry course I allow students to use the annotated copy during assessments. Later in the course I make sure students are using the unannotated copy provided by AQA. Please remember this is an annotated copy of the AQA GCSE Chemistry periodic table, it is not the same as what students are allowed to use during exams.
2.7 Simple covalent molecules, AQA Chemistry

2.7 Simple covalent molecules, AQA Chemistry

I use this simple molecules resource as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The simple covalent molecules resource is best used after 2.6 Covalent bonding worksheet. The simple molecules resource provides students with information and then a worksheet to test their understanding. There is also a guide to dot-and-cross diagrams of simple molecules and how to approach drawing them. This resource includes: Information sheet (Simple molecules) Worksheet (Simple molecules) Answer sheet (Simple molecules) Information sheet (How to - drawing dot-and-cross diagrams)
2.13 Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter checklist. AQA Chemistry

2.13 Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter checklist. AQA Chemistry

This checklist for the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1 is useful for students to reflect on a performance in a test and identify areas for improvement. I use this with my GCSE classes at the end of each topic so that they have a group of things that they can focus on before a mock or final exam.
4.12 Chemical Changes Checklist, AQA Chemistry

4.12 Chemical Changes Checklist, AQA Chemistry

This checklist resource for the AQA GCSE Chemistry Chemical changes topic in paper 1 allows students to reflect on their performance in an end of topic assessment and identify areas that need further revision. I use this with my GCSE classes at the end of each topic so that they have a clear list of topics that they can work on for mock/final exams.
2.6 Covalent Bonding, AQA Chemistry

2.6 Covalent Bonding, AQA Chemistry

This covalent bonding resource is an excellent introduction to covalent bonding. I use this resource as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The resource is excellent as a homework for students to prepare them for covalent bonding or as a classroom resource. This resource includes: Information sheet (Covalent bonding introduction) Worksheet (Covalent bonding introduction) Answer sheet (Covalent bonding introduction)
2.5 Giant Ionic Structures, AQA Chemistry

2.5 Giant Ionic Structures, AQA Chemistry

This giant ionic structures resource is best used alongside 2.4 Ionic bonding. Giant ionic structures is the fifth lesson in the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The main things I want students to take away from this resource is the ability to explain the properties of ionic substances. This resource includes: Information sheet (Giant ionic structures) Worksheet (Giant ionic) Answer sheet (Giant ionic)
2.4 Ionic bonding, AQA Chemistry

2.4 Ionic bonding, AQA Chemistry

There are four different worksheets, answer sheets, and an information sheet in this ionic bonding resource. I use these resources as the fourth lesson in the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. I recommend using the 2.3 Forming ions resource in advance of this lesson to prepare students for ionic bonding. The differentiated worksheet supports the weaker learners. This resource includes: Information sheet (Ionic bonding) Worksheet 1 (Ionic bonding) Answer sheet 1 (Ionic bonding) Worksheet 2 (Ionic bonding) Answer sheet 2 (Ionic bonding) Worksheet 3 (Ionic bonding) Answer sheet 3 (Ionic bonding) Worksheet differentiated (Ionic bonding) Answer sheet differentiated (Ionic bonding)
2.3 Formation of ions, AQA Chemistry

2.3 Formation of ions, AQA Chemistry

This forming ions lesson is the third in the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. Some students may already be familiar with ions from the atomic structure topic. This forming ions resource is a great way to secure students understanding of ions in preparation for learning about ionic bonding. The resource includes several different worksheets, a differentiated worksheet to support learners and answer sheets. This resource includes: Information sheet (Forming ions) Worksheet (Charges of ions) Answer sheet (Charges of ions) Worksheet (Ions) Answer sheet (ions) Worksheet (Drawing ions) Worksheet (Drawing ions - differentiated) Answer sheet (Drawing ions)
2.2 Introduction to bonding, AQA Chemistry

2.2 Introduction to bonding, AQA Chemistry

I use this bonding resource as the second lesson in the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Structure, bonding, and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. The introduction to bonding resource introduces students to the idea of different types of bonds. The unique flow chart is a really useful way of supporting students to deduce the type of bonding in a substance. This resource also includes and introduction to dot and cross diagrams and how they are used to represent different types of bonds. The resource includes: Information sheet (Bonding introduction) Information sheet (Dot and cross diagrams) Worksheet (Bonding introduction) Answer sheet (Bonding introduction)
6 Mark Question - States of matter - AQA Chemistry

6 Mark Question - States of matter - AQA Chemistry

This 6 mark question is a great way to assess if students have understood the fundamentals of states of matter. I use this states of matter resource with my GCSE students as part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry course. The resource comes with an answer sheet including examiners guidance.
2.1 States of Matter, AQA Chemistry

2.1 States of Matter, AQA Chemistry

This states of matter resource is the introductory lesson to the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Bonding and the properties of matter’ topic in paper 1. States of matter is studied at KS3 but this is a chance to secure student’s understanding and reveal misconceptions. The resource includes: Information sheet (Changes of state) Worksheet (Changes of state) Answer sheet (Changes of state) Worksheet (States of matter) Answer sheet (States of matter) Template (States of matter) 6 Mark Question (States of matter) 6 Mark Question Answers (States of matter)
6 Mark Question - Electrolysis - AQA Chemistry

6 Mark Question - Electrolysis - AQA Chemistry

This resource contains three six mark questions. Each question is in s separate document and has associated answers with examiners guidance. This is a great resource for revising the electrolysis part of the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Chemical Changes’ topic in paper 1. The electrolysis 6 mark questions resource includes: Electrolysis 1 (Aluminium oxide electrolysis) Electrolysis 2 (Electrolysis of brine) Electrolysis 3 (Evaluation of two different electrolysis cells)
MCQ Hess' Law, OCR Chemistry, A Level

MCQ Hess' Law, OCR Chemistry, A Level

This Hess’ Law resource includes: Summary sheet - Hess’ Law Question sheet - Hess’ Law Answer sheet - Hess’ Law Solutions sheet - Hess’ Law I use these resources with my Y12 students as a summary lesson as part of the Enthalpy topic in the OCR Chemistry A course. Students value the calculations displayed on the solutions sheet to help them see where the answer comes from.
Chemical Changes (AQA Chemistry Topic 4)

Chemical Changes (AQA Chemistry Topic 4)

15 Resources
This bundle of resources covers everything students need to know for the AQA GCSE Chemistry ‘Chemical changes’ topic in paper 1. All resources have information sheets and most importantly answer sheets too. You don’t need to follow the order of lessons that I do, many teachers I know approach this topic from several different angles. The resources are useful to use whenever you reach that stage.