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Nazi Racial Policies – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

Nazi Racial Policies – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the Nazis’ racial policies as part of the Volksgemeinschaft from 1933-39. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the success/impact of Nazi policies or the reasons for the control of the Nazis or lack of opposition. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Nazi Policies on the Church – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

Nazi Policies on the Church – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the Nazis’ policies on the Church as part of the Volksgemeinschaft from 1933-39. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the success/impact of Nazi policies or the reasons for the control of the Nazis or lack of opposition. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Nazi Economic Policy – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

Nazi Economic Policy – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the Nazis’ economic policy from 1933-39. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the success/impact of Nazi policies or the reasons for the control of the Nazis or lack of opposition. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Nazi Germany – 1933-34 – Lesson & Revision Pack – IAS History

Nazi Germany – 1933-34 – Lesson & Revision Pack – IAS History

11 Resources
This pack of can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the reasons for the completion of Hitler’s dictatorship, the use of propaganda and terror to maintain control and the policies on women, youth and education, workers, the Church and the economy in the years 1933-39. Each lesson includes detailed notes, relevant past paper questions, suggested questions and plans. Lessons were made using 5 AS textbooks and all the past papers. It also includes an essay planning booklet covering a full range of past papers and suggested questions. The resources were produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. They are in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Opposition to the Nazis 1939-45 - Germany - IAS History

Opposition to the Nazis 1939-45 - Germany - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the opposition to the Nazis during WW2. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the opposition to the Nazis during WW2, including the reasons for the increase in opposition, the most significant opposition and the limits of opposition. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Nazi Policies on Workers/the DAF – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

Nazi Policies on Workers/the DAF – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the Nazis’ policies on workers, included the DAF, as part of the Volksgemeinschaft from 1933-39. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the success/impact of Nazi policies or the reasons for the control of the Nazis or lack of opposition. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Nazi Policies on Women – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

Nazi Policies on Women – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the Nazis’ policies on women as part of the Volksgemeinschaft from 1933-39. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the success/impact of Nazi policies or the reasons for the control of the Nazis or lack of opposition. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Nazi Policies on Youth and Education – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

Nazi Policies on Youth and Education – 1933-1939 - Germany - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the Nazis’ policies on youth and education as part of the Volksgemeinschaft from 1933-39. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the success/impact of Nazi policies or the reasons for the control of the Nazis or lack of opposition. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
The Nazis – 1933-1939 – Essay Questions – Germany 1918-45 – IAS History

The Nazis – 1933-1939 – Essay Questions – Germany 1918-45 – IAS History

The essay booklet contains all the Part 3 past paper questions, and a range of suggested questions based on patterns. It can be used to plan essays on Hitler’s dictatorship, the use of propaganda and terror to maintain control and the policies on women, youth and education, workers, the Church and the economy in the years 1933-39. It was made using 5 AS textbooks and all the past papers. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Brezhnev’s Government – 1964-82 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Brezhnev’s Government – 1964-82 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the key developments in Brezhnev’s government, including growing political stagnation. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions such as an evaluation on stability or stagnation brought by Brezhnev and a comparison to Khrushchev or Gorbachev’s governments. It was made using 2 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Gorbachev’s Government – 1985-1991 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Gorbachev’s Government – 1985-1991 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the key developments in Gorbachev’s government, including the policing of perestroika and glasnost. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions such as an evaluation on the impact of Gorbachev’s policies and a comparison to previous governments. It also includes a source question to practise. It was made using 2 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Stalin’s Government – 1928-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Stalin’s Government – 1928-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers key developments in Stalin’s government, including the elimination of his opponents in the government and party. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the main developments in Stalin’s government and a comparison to Lenin’s government. It was made using 2 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Stalin’s Government L2- Purges – 1928-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Stalin’s Government L2- Purges – 1928-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers key developments in Stalin’s government, including the purges of the 1930s. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the main developments in Stalin’s government and a comparison to Lenin’s government. It was made using 2 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Stalin’s Government L4 – 1928-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Stalin’s Government L4 – 1928-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It is a summary of the developments in Stalin’s government, including the elimination of opponents, the purges and his power over party and state. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the main developments in Stalin’s government and a comparison to Lenin’s government. It was made using 2 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Stalin’s Government L3 – 1928-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Stalin’s Government L3 – 1928-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers key developments in Stalin’s government, including his power over party and state. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the main developments in Stalin’s government and a comparison to Lenin’s government. It was made using 2 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Lenin and Stalin’s Governments – 1917-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Lenin and Stalin’s Governments – 1917-1953 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It is a summary of the key similarities and differences between Lenin and Stalin’s governments. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on a comparison to Lenin’s government. It was made using 2 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Khrushchev’s Government – 1953-1964 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Khrushchev’s Government – 1953-1964 – Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the key developments in Khrushchev’s government, including his attempts to carry out deStalinisation. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions such as an evaluation of the success/impact of deStalinisation and a comparison to Stalin’s government or later governments. It was made using 2 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
Source Q1 Guidance - Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

Source Q1 Guidance - Russia Lenin to Yeltsin - IAS History

This document is based an example Source 1 question on the Constituent Assembly. It includes the question, mark scheme, examiner feedback and a teacher produced checklist and instructions for answering question 1 in the exam. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.
The Holocaust – 1939-1945 - Germany - IAS History

The Holocaust – 1939-1945 - Germany - IAS History

This lesson can be used for IAS, AS and GCSE History. It covers the Nazis’ racial policies from 1939-45, including the ghettos, death squads and Final Solution. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the impact of Nazi policies. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination.
Reasons for Germany's Defeat in WW2 – 1939-1945 - Germany - IAS History

Reasons for Germany's Defeat in WW2 – 1939-1945 - Germany - IAS History

It covers the reasons Germany lost WW2, including economic issues, allied bombing, the war at sea and strategic mistakes. It includes detailed information, the relevant past paper questions and plans for possible essays. It can be used to make notes and plan for the key essay questions on the main reason Germany lost WW2. It was made using 5 AS textbooks. The resource was produced by an experienced teacher and used to prepare pupils who achieved A grades in the examination. It is in line with assessment requirements and can be used to support improvements in writing.