Hello, I trained as an industrial designer, then found myself training as a D&T teacher (great choice!). I've been at it for nearly 20 years now. I was a subject leader for 10 years, leading one of only 10 schools in the country to be recognised by the SSAT as leading edge for D&T. I'm also a past recipient of the DATA annual awards for leadership. I am now in senior leadership, but still teach D&T to KS3,KS4 & KS5 weekly. All resources are well designed, and do what they say on the tin!
Hello, I trained as an industrial designer, then found myself training as a D&T teacher (great choice!). I've been at it for nearly 20 years now. I was a subject leader for 10 years, leading one of only 10 schools in the country to be recognised by the SSAT as leading edge for D&T. I'm also a past recipient of the DATA annual awards for leadership. I am now in senior leadership, but still teach D&T to KS3,KS4 & KS5 weekly. All resources are well designed, and do what they say on the tin!
I readiness for this year’s exam season, this is a 3 page countdown calendar made in powerpoint which asks a key question each day in the run up to the exam.
Dates are from Easter to the end of June.
I usually encourage my children to pin the 3 sheets up in their kitchen, and answer the question whilst making breakfast! The students like it, and it often brings about greater revision as the questions lay bare the gaps in knowledge.
Although in powerpoint, the page is set up to be A4, so will print perfectly on a sheet (tip: I usually save as pdf before printing and then print that, as you can get it closer the edges as a pdf!)
NB: The template has questions for GCSE D&T within, and the exam date is also for AQA GCSE D&T, but just needs editing to suit your own subject, Key Stage and classes.
English / Maths / Science / Geography / History / RE / French / German / Drama / Music / Food / CS / Business Studies / ICT
Also enclosed is a few hints for good revision (including a slide you can use when launching this)
Hope it helps!
A microsoft office (powerpoint) based growth plan and development plan. Both are fully editable, and will print at A3 or A4 as desired.
Growth Plan: Designed as a 3 year vision, around the idea of tree growth, along with foundations of leadership. I have left a gap for a diagram of purpose from your school with a filler image - circular ones work well here.
Development Plan: Table based development plan, over 2 sides. One side for depth, and the second side for a light overview. This focus is on leaves (as in on the growth tree!).
Please note I have put most of the graphics on the slide master (view - slide master) to prevent less ICT aware people messing everything up when completed as a group!
Enclosed are templates of all the admin surrounding options for year 9. This includes an assembly, a parents presentation and accompanying letters launching the process.
All files are editable (I’ve also enclosed a PDF of each too).
Obviously every school is different, and this will need editing to suit, but would et you 80% of the way through and save a lot of time.
To help explain what I do, and therefore how this is organised (but is very easily editable to whatever you do!) I place children within one of 3 pathways,
Pathway 1 (most): Children all get 4 free option choices.
Pathway 2: Children identified as not be secure in their likelihood of gaining a grade 4 in English and Maths - Children get 3 free choices, the extra time being taken up by supplementary English & Maths intervention.
Pathway 3: Children who are identified as needing alternative provision for KS4 beyond the core subjects.
I hope this saves someone a lot of time!
A two page document for staff including editable versions to make it bespoke to your school situation.
Page 1 - Refelction on what was covered last year against key points.
Page 2 - Planning (or re-planning) owing to interuption to learning.
Two person pencil and paper game - battleships!
A playing sheet for each player is included on a single sheet of A4, making it very economical for printing & photocopying.
The player sheet folds up, to stop naughty cheats!
Editable version included (powerpoint)