This power point introduces Coulomb's law to A2 Physics students. This power point is quite mathematical and includes information on Coulomb's constant. Linked to textbook by Pearson for Edexcel Syllabus starting 2016.
A power point presentation that supports the EDEXCEL A-Level Physics course lesson titled ‘The particle zoo’. Linked to textbook by Pearson for Edexcel Syllabus starting 2016.
A detailed power point, with open questions, helpful diagrams and definitions with an activity/homework at the end to consolidate learning. This lesson includes information on Carbon Dioxide, Global Warming and the Carbon Cycle.
An activity based lesson designed to free up the teacher from doing all the talking and letting the pupils explore the topic of using limestone in building.
A powerful power point describing combustion using chemical equations and highlighting the associated problems with burning fossil fuels. Useful for Key Stage 4 and Key stage 3 Chemistry lessons.
This power point presentation is suitable for a Key stage 3 or Key stage 4 Physics lesson on the Big Bang. It identifies evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory in a non-judgmental way. Suitable for faith schools.
A powerpoint presentation covering the section on Further Mechanics Topic 6.1 on Momentum. The presentation covers the lessons linked to the EDEXCEL textbook by Pearson including derivations and answers.
Power point covering the full lesson on Edexcel Topic 3.1.2 linked to the textbook with answers to calculations. Detailed notes explaining the 'electronvolt'
A lesson presentation containing practical work and theory with diagrams to explain the difference between longitudinal and transverse waves for GCSE Physics