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Dh2119's Maths Resources Shop

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(based on 615 reviews)

I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+. All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.




I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+. All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
Units Investigation

Units Investigation

This is an investigation to get pupils thinking about different units. The Power Point begins with an introduction, then a few questions to get pupils thinking about different units, and finishes by describing the investigation they should do, finding out more about one type of measurement and presenting their results.


This is a 2-page write on worksheet that tests these basic skills: - Lines of symmetry - Names of 2D shapes - 2D shapes that can be convex and non-convex Pupils can write directly on the sheet. Full solutions included.
Subtracting a Negative Number

Subtracting a Negative Number

This is Power Point and practice questions to get pupils comfortable with subtracting a negative number. Rather than just stating that “it’s the same as adding” they will learn to do this instinctively, by thinking about temperature. Full solutions provided.
Decimals Practise

Decimals Practise

There are two comprehensive worksheets here practising basic skills with decimals. Full solutions included.
Corners of a Rectangle

Corners of a Rectangle

This is an investigation for the whole class to do at the same time, investigating the seemingly simple idea of the four corners of a rectangle. It will force pupils to get out of the simple thinking that every rectangle has to be lined up with the co-ordinate axes, with a horizontal base and vertical sides. Full solutions included.
Senior Maths Puzzles #1

Senior Maths Puzzles #1

This is a set of six puzzles presented as large scale Power Points. I used them as colour A3 posters for a monthly maths competition. These puzzles are challenging and give the scope for comprehensive answers. Full solutions included.
Multiplication and Division by 10, 200, 3000 etc.

Multiplication and Division by 10, 200, 3000 etc.

This is two worksheets practising some important basic skills. The first worksheet is powers of ten and multiplication. The second worksheet introduces two-step multiplication (e.g. multiplying by 20 is ×2 and ×10) and division. Full solutions included.
Units of Measurement

Units of Measurement

A fun introduction to units, converting between e.g. metres and centimetres. A starter activity, two pages of worksheet activities, and a challenge to find the amount of air in the room.
2D Shapes

2D Shapes

This is a series of worksheets all about finding the area of 2D shapes (quadrilaterals and circles). - Recognising and naming 2D shapes - Knowing their properties - Knowing the formulas for their areas - Being able to calculate the areas
Functions - Domain, Range, Composite

Functions - Domain, Range, Composite

A series of four worksheets about domain, range and composite functions. There is many lessons work here with lots of practice. The four parts are: - Domain and Range - Composite Functions - Further Functions (combining domain, range, composite) - Extension (proofs about linear functions) All provided with full solutions
Middle School Maths Revision

Middle School Maths Revision

A series of questions revising a full range of skills. Full solutions provided. Part One Decimals addition, subtraction, multiplication Adding Fractions Fractions Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Prime Numbers Mean, median, mode and range Stem and Leaf Co-ordinates Solve equation from formula Negative Numbers s Angles Part Two Rounding decimals Find percentage with a calculator Ratio Probability Time differences Area of 2D Shapes Composite area
Area and Perimeter Project

Area and Perimeter Project

This project gives pupils some real life houses from around the world to practice finding the area and perimeter of. The package includes an introductory Power Point then a series of tasks, culminating in designing their own shelter. Skills used: - Area - Perimeter - Units - Scale drawing - Budgeting Full solutions included.
Fractions Decimals Percentages Revision #2

Fractions Decimals Percentages Revision #2

Includes - converting between fractions, decimals, and percentages - ordering a mixed list of all three - equivalent fractions - adding fractions - mixed numbers and improper fractions Solutions included.
Primes, Factors Multiples practice questions

Primes, Factors Multiples practice questions

Four sets of practice questions. Includes: - determining if numbers are prime (and odd or square numbers) - multiples and least common multiples - factors and highest common factor Solutions included
Volume and Surface Area - Basics and Extension Questions

Volume and Surface Area - Basics and Extension Questions

This will introduce the topics of 3D volume and surface area, and also provide some challenging extension questions. A set of four worksheets on - Basic Skills (rounding, 2D perimeter and area, 3D volume and surface area) - Problems (real life problems involving volume and surface area of cuboids, cylinders, cones and spheres) - Units (converting between e.g. square metres and square centimetres) - Extensions to the Problems (revisiting the problems with converting units and more in-depth calculations) All provided with solutions.
Metric estimation worksheets

Metric estimation worksheets

This is a series of simple questions to give pupils practice in estimating a variety of different units in real life circumstances. The questions are straightforward but should produce a good basis of discussion. There is estimation in a variety of units and also some measuring. Full solutions included.
Sequences - Required Skills, Examples and Investigation

Sequences - Required Skills, Examples and Investigation

A series of four worksheets to give some background algebra, do plenty of examples finding a limit, then for advanced pupils go on to find a general formula for a linear sequence. If you follow this through you will be able to instantly work out the value of the 50th term of u_n+1 = 0.4 u_n +3 (for example). The four worksheets are: - Indices (practice on this) - Algebra (rearranging formula) - Sequences (standard questions on finding limits, and graphing the results) - Investigation (putting it all together to get a general formula) All provided with full solutions.
Algebra Worksheets

Algebra Worksheets

This is a series of worksheets testing a range of algebra skills. This is the rough order of increasing difficulty: Simplify and Brackets - Simplify 2t + 5t - Simplify 2(x+3) – 4 Substitution - If a = 3 and b = 2 find 3a – b Inequalities - Find the set of dice rolls where x > 3 and x Consecutive numbers - Find two consecutive numbers that add up to eleven Full solutions included.
Rounding Introduction

Rounding Introduction

A series of worksheets covering all aspect of rounding. - money, rounding to the nearest dollar/kilogram/penny - rounding to the nearest 10,100,1000 - using rounding to approximate answers - using rounding to approximate on more difficult problems Full solutions provided to worksheets.
Algebra and Geometry Revision Bank

Algebra and Geometry Revision Bank

Four sets of revision questions, with full solutions provided. • Algebra – equations • Algebra – brackets • Straight Line • Circles – angles • Circles – sector and arc length • Circles – Pythagoras • Pythagoras • Simultaneous Equations • Similarity • Volume • Parabola – Complete Square • Parabola – Factorise • Parabola – Quadratic Formula