I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
A set of practice tests all provided with full solutions. Some are whole course, some cover specific aspects of the course, some with self-assessments too.
AH Statistics Past Paper Questions Test
AH Statistics Practice Test 1
AH Statistics Practice Test 2 (full course)
AH Statistics Practice Test 3
AH Statistics Practice Test 4 (Sampling, Prob, Binomial)
AH Statistics Practice Test 5 (Data Analysis)
AH Statistics Practice Test 6 (full course)
AH Statistics Practice Test #7 (Distributions, Regression, CLT, Confidence Intervals, T tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #8 (Probability, Normal Dist, Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Chi-Squared)
AH Statistics Practice Test #9 (Probability, Sampling, Data Display)
AH Statistics Practice Test #10
AH Statistics Practice Test #11
AH Statistics Practice Test #12 (t-tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #13 (no t-tests)
AH Statistics Practice Test #14
AH Statistics Practice Test #15 (no non-parametric)
AH Statistics Practice Test #16
AH Statistics Practice Test #17/18/20 (Probability, Poisson, Binomial, Confidence Intervals, Control Charts, Fences)
AH Statistics Practice Test #19
AH Stats Practice Unit Assessments
AH Stats English PPQ - Part 1 (Sampling, Prob, Mean and Variance, Normal Dist)
AH Stats English PPQ - Part 2 (Binomial, Poisson, Conf intervals, Chi Squared, Mann Whitney, Wilcoxon, Regression)
AH Stats Unit Assessments
Edit March 2023: updated Practice Test 4
Edit: December 2023: added #14-15,
Edit: March 2024: added #16
Edit: Feb 2025: added #17-20
An investigation into how many people can fit in a room while keeping two metres apart. There are three main spacings:
square (the first one you think of)
This is an interesting read for those mathematically minded
A set of 13 practice assessments covering all aspects of the National 5 Course. Each one is laid out with space for write-on answers, and provided with solutions.
Edit: Added assessments 14-17
A set of nine revision homeworks, including one for calculator and one non-calculator.
Covers all areas of the National 5 Mathematics syllabus.
All provided with solutions.
A Powerpoint / PDF giving the Indices Rules with some examples - I have printed these two-sided and laminated these for lots of pupils
Also a few practice questions on Surds and Indices to diagnose what they need to practice.
Four Powerpoint slides and a worksheet revising Straight Line
Identifying the equation from a graph
Finding the gradient and equation from two points
Finding a parallel line
Vertical and Horizontal lines
Sketching straight lines
Solutions at the bottom of each Powerpoint
Edit 2025: Added Straight Line Revision questions
Two Powerpoints for introducing and practicing standard deviation.
Standard Deviation ‘What it Means’ introduces the idea of spread with some examples then gives the full standard deviation for pupils to practice.
Standard Deviation ‘Practice Questions’ gives some examples for pupils to practice and full solutions.
I’ve also included short versions of each Powerpoint as a PDF if you prefer to use these as handouts.
Four worksheets of vectors questions all with full solutions
Vectors #1 Column Vectors - writing as a column vector
Vectors #2 Addition and Magnitude - add, subtract, find magnitude in 2D and 3D
Vectors #3 Pathways and Coordinates - reading pathways, midpoints, 3D coordinates (answer fixed June 2024)
Vectors #4 Mix - magnitude, adding, 3D coordinates, pathways
Two videos on the cosine rule:
missing angle
missing side
And a third video:
which one of Sine rule or Cosine rule to use?
All the videos are compressed mp4
Extension questions testing
numeracy, e.g. what are the prime factors of 1001
logic, e.g. how many false statements are in the list below:
There is exactly one false statement in this list.
There are exactly two false statements in this list.
There are exactly three false statements in this list.
Provided with answers
Seven christmas themed questions on the following topics:
adding fractions, angles in triangles, dividing with fractions, substitution, negative numbers
Four challenging problems as extension material.
The first is to make the number 2021 from the numbers 10,9,8,…,3,2,1 in order.
The other three are tough too!
Solutions at the bottom of each slide.
A set of three powerpoints with riddles on such as this:
Clock A is broken. It never moves.
Clock B loses 10 minutes an hour.
If both clock are right at the very start of 2021, how often are they each right in the whole year?
Provided with solutions at the bottom of each slide.
Explanations and examples of the key statistical concepts for the Cambridge STEP Mathematics entrance exam.
Basic probability
Mean and variance
Continuous probability distributions
Uniform, binomial and normal distributions
Hypothesis testing
All with solutions to my questions and references for the past paper questions
Practice question on topics that pupils might come across when sitting extra maths tests for admission to Cambridge, Oxford, or some other universities.
The topics covered are:
Worksheet 1 - Trapezium Rule, Fixed Point Iterations
Worksheet 2 - Equations, Proportion, Probaility, Riddles
Worksheet 3 - Graphs, Logarithms
Worksheet 4 - Inequalities, Necessary and Sufficient, Proof, Logic
Worksheet 5 - Sine and Cosine Rule, Trig Identities
All with full solutions.
(See my other resource for all the STEP Statisitc questions)
A collection of five nicely presented powerpoints each with 5-10 logic puzzles, taken from the books of Raymond Smullyan. For example:
Knights always tell the truth and Knaves always lie. You meet two people. The first says “At least one of us is telling the truth.” What can you say about the two people?
All provided with answers, and references from which Raymond Smullyan book they are taken from.
Three examples of how matrices can be used to solve real problems. Requires knowledge of
matrix multiplication
matrix inverses
simple probability
Aimed at Advanced Higher Maths but useful for anyone who wants to answer the question ‘what are matrices used for’.