Similes and Horror with the MONSTER GAME
Fab lesson where pupils can create simile monsters. They draw the head, fold the paper, pass on, next pupil draws body, folds and passes on- finally, the feet.
Collect all in and give out randomly. Pupils then label their monsters with descriptive similes- detail is needed!
Finally, pick one good example and read out the similes to pupils whilst they draw them on mini whiteboards- most similar recieves a reward. :)
Holes wordsquare Pendanski
A mini activity to use to get pupils settled- they have to find the most words or the longest words.
The witches Bruno's diary as a mouse
Homework sheet provided
Presents from my aunts guided listening task
Based on The Poems From Different Cultures Anthology. To be used with the Roots and Water video
On my first sonne questions
Poems from the Duffy, Armitage and Pre1914 Anthology.
Homecoming Revision sheet
Poems from the Duffy, Armitage and Pre1914 Anthology.
Compare Half caste and hurricane hits England
Based on The Poems From 2005 onwards Anthology.
Two extracts from the Magician's Nephew
They are interesting and detailed enough for pupils to make annotations about the author's craft or for the teacher to make some kind of fill the gap exercise. Suitable as a homework analysis activity.
The Witches How Grandma lost her thumb
Nice diary activity
The Witches A script for pupils to use to create..
their own performance of the chapter Frizzled like a Fritter. Their is an evaluation powerpoint for pupils in the R Bank.
The Witches- make a machine based on the
chapters where the Grand High Witch creates the formula. What will the witches do with all those mice-children?
An activity for pupils based on The Witches
Pupils design their own product for their sweet shops- the AFL sheet will allow pupils to assess their own work.
Room 13 FAB ICT task for chapters 18 and 19
Pupils create a shared powerpoint for the whole chapter then we read it together the next lesson
Room 13 READING TEST with markscheme, etc
And grade bands so students can recieve a level
If Rudyard Kipling Analyse verse 2
The Magician's Nephew comparing the Bible
To CS Lewis' book. A starter activity to get pupils thinking about the religious links.
JAWS Abridged essay plan..
For those students who have missed lessons or do not hand work in.
Room 13 ICT task create poster for party..
at the Crow's Nest
The Witches Wordsearch on diary features