Directing Ariel in The Tempest: Worksheet
Printable worksheet: simple grid layout with support. Pupils to gather their ideas based on the language in Act 5 Scene 1.
Tempest Act 1 How to perform the lines
A worksheet that helps pupils to think about the different ways in which we can interpret the actions of the characters.
The Witches- make a machine based on the
chapters where the Grand High Witch creates the formula. What will the witches do with all those mice-children?
An activity for pupils based on The Witches
Pupils design their own product for their sweet shops- the AFL sheet will allow pupils to assess their own work.
Room 13 Lesson 3 from scheme The letter
Assess the letter from Lisa to Mr Hepworth
Room 13 FAB ICT task for chapters 18 and 19
Pupils create a shared powerpoint for the whole chapter then we read it together the next lesson
Room 13 READING TEST with markscheme, etc
And grade bands so students can recieve a level
Room 13 Script writing activity
Pupils imagine the conversation between two characters in the book
Film Review- students make their own plan
cutting and sticking activity
If Rudyard Kipling Analyse verse 3
Buddy Lesson plan on Croxley Street
The resources for this plan are in the resource bank.
If Rudyard Kipling Analyse verse 1
Activity sheet
The Magician's Nephew comparing the Bible
To CS Lewis' book. A starter activity to get pupils thinking about the religious links.
Identifying sentence types in The Tempest
Pupils use the worksheet to identify whether characters use declarative, interrogative, etc. sentences.
Wordsearch to go with CSI Scheme- Mr Peters
Pupils are reminded of the 10 pieces of evidence they have found at the crime scene with this wordsearch.
CSI Mr Peters Template for court report (McMuscle)
Can be used as a generic template for court activities. It helps pupils to produce a report for the courts, decribing the evidence against him.
Room 13 chapter 11 activities differentiated
The scheme of work can be found in the TES resource bank.
JAWS Abridged essay plan..
For those students who have missed lessons or do not hand work in.
Room 13 ICT task create poster for party..
at the Crow's Nest