Government and politics

Government and Politics: Democracy and Participation Key Points (NEW SPEC) - Edexcel
This is a key point sheet. It is a concise and accurate sheet that allows for quick revision without cutting out detail. I do not recommended to learn the topic, but highly recommend using these sheets to refresh memory and/or to test yourself to. ensure all knowledge is understood and digested. This is aimed at A-Level/IB students who take the Edexcel exam board but can be applied to any exam board with similar content.

Government and Politics: Voting Behaviour and the Media Key Points Sheet (NEW SPEC) - Edexcel
This is a key point sheet. It is a concise and accurate sheet that allows for quick revision without cutting out detail. I do not recommended this resource to learn the entire topic, but I do highly recommend using these sheets to refresh memory and/or to test yourself to ensure all knowledge is understood and digested. This is aimed at A-Level/IB students who take the Edexcel exam board but can be applied to any exam board with similar content.

Government and Politics: Parliament Key Points Sheet (NEW SPEC) - Edexcel
This is a key point sheet. It is a concise and accurate sheet that allows for quick revision without cutting out detail. I do not recommended this resource to learn the entire topic, but I do highly recommend using these sheets to refresh memory and/or to test yourself to ensure all knowledge is understood and digested. This is aimed at A-Level/IB students who take the Edexcel exam board but can be applied to any exam board with similar content.

Government and Politics: The Constitution Key Points Sheet (NEW SPEC) - Edexcel
This is a key point sheet. It is a concise and accurate sheet that allows for quick revision without cutting out detail. I do not recommended this resource to learn the entire topic, but I do highly recommend using these sheets to refresh memory and/or to test yourself to ensure all knowledge is understood and digested. This is aimed at A-Level/IB students who take the Edexcel exam board but can be applied to any exam board with similar content.

Government and Politics: Political Parties Key Points Sheet (NEW SPEC) - Edexcel
This is a key point sheet. It is a concise and accurate sheet that allows for quick revision without cutting out detail. I do not recommended this resource to learn the entire topic, but I do highly recommend using these sheets to refresh memory and/or to test yourself to ensure all knowledge is understood and digested. This is aimed at A-Level/IB students who take the Edexcel exam board but can be applied to any exam board with similar content.

Government and Politics: Elections Key Points Sheet (NEW SPEC) - Edexcel
This is a key point sheet. It is a concise and accurate sheet that allows for quick revision without cutting out detail. I do not recommended this resource to learn the entire topic, but I do highly recommend using these sheets to refresh memory and/or to test yourself to ensure all knowledge is understood and digested. This is aimed at A-Level/IB students who take the Edexcel exam board but can be applied to any exam board with similar content.