Year 7 - Living systems – L5 Diffusion worksheet
Activity sheet for drawing the particle model for diffusion
Year 7 - Living systems - L2 specialised cells starter
Activity sheet for decoding definition.
Year 7 - Living systems – L6 - Unicellular organisms worksheet
Activity sheet for a carousel/circus activity, works well along side the information sheets. Could also be used for research homework task.
Works best for lower ability or SEN students.
Year 7 - Living systems - L9 - Muscles worksheet (SEN)
Activity sheet for lower ability/SEN students for contraction & relaxation of muscles in antagonistic pairs.
Year 7 - Living systems – L10 - Joints worksheet
Activity sheet for a carousel/ activity for joint. Could also be used for homework as part of a research activity.
Year 7 - Living systems – L8 – Skeleton worksheet
Activity sheet for labeling the human skeleton. For lower ability or SEN students.
Year 7 - Living systems – L10 - Joints worksheet
Activity sheet for checking learning on the different types of joints and joint tissues.
Year 7 - Living systems - L2 specialised cells worksheet
Activity sheet for matching up specialised cells with their structure and functions. Also has the answers (Mark scheme).
Year 7 - Living systems – L8 – Skeleton worksheet
Activity sheet for labeling the human skeleton.
Year 7 - Living systems - L3 Magnification Worksheet
Activity sheet for calculating magnification and converting units.
Year 8 - Reproduction - L1 Intro Worksheet
Information sheets on different species, best used in a carousel activity or as a research/homework task.
Also comes with a task based on information sheets and mark schemes.
Year 8 - Reproduction - L5 Reproduction in humans
Activity sheet for carousel/circus activity, includes information on the male and female reproductive systems in humans.
Could also be used as a research activity for homework.
Year 8 - Reproduction - L8 Gestation (Carousel/Circus activity worksheets)
Activity sheet for carousel/circus activity.
Could also be used as a research activity for homework.
Year 7 - Living systems – L6 - Unicellular organisms worksheet
Information sheets for different types of unicellular organism. Used best as a carousel/circus activity.
Year 7 - Living systems – L10 - Joints worksheet
Information sheets on the different types of joints, Could also be used as poster or for a research activity.
Year 7 - Living systems – L8 – Skeleton worksheet
Handout/poster with human skeleton labeled.
Year 7 - Living systems - L9 - Muscles worksheet
Activity sheet for human photocopier activity, for human muscles.
Year 8 - Reproduction - L4 Seed dispersal (worksheet)
Activity sheet for carousel/circus activity, with information sheets and a table handout.
Could also be used as a research activity for homework. Students to write a brief description on the different seed dispersal, with any special features and examples.
Year 8 - Reproduction - L4 Seed dispersal (Worksheet)
Activity sheet for investigating seed dispersal. Best used to teach the difference between independent, dependent and control variables and graph drawing skills.
Year 7 - Living systems – L8 – Skeleton worksheet
Activity sheet for labeling the human skeleton. For higher/lower ability or SEN students. Differentiated.