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Head of Geography. KS3-4 Resources. KS4 - Eduqas WJEC 9-1 KS5 Resources coming soon (Edexcel)




Head of Geography. KS3-4 Resources. KS4 - Eduqas WJEC 9-1 KS5 Resources coming soon (Edexcel)
Theme 1: Landscapes and Physical Processes Key Idea 1.2 Coasts (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

Theme 1: Landscapes and Physical Processes Key Idea 1.2 Coasts (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

This is a SoW fully resourced for Key Idea 1.2 Landform and Process change in Coastal Landscapes of the new Eduqas WJEC 9-1 GCSE A specification. These lessons are for the Coasts section of Key Idea 1.2. These lessons are from Component A for Core Theme 1 (Landscapes and Physical Processes). The entire SoW for Core Theme 1 can be found in a bundle. This SoW includes a checklist of lessons, key terms homework, completed key terms and 7 lessons on: 6. Coastal Processes 7. Wave-cut notch and platform 8. Arches and stacks 9. Beaches and Spits 10. Landslides, rock falls and slumping 11. Coastal change (geology, extreme weather and human activity) 12. Coastal change ICT task All feedback welcome! Enjoy!!
Coasts SoW

Coasts SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Coasts topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 8 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward.
Weather SoW

Weather SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Weather topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 7 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward.
Settlement SoW

Settlement SoW

A Unit of work for a Settlement Topic. All powerpoints and resources are attached. Some lessons are adapted from other TES resources. Some lessons will have to be adapted to your teaching (lesson 10, the settlement decision-making around the school). There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, ranking, sorting, colour coding, dicussions, decision-making, etc). I have spent a lot of time creating this SoW and would appreciate any feedback!
Glaciation SoW

Glaciation SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Glaciation topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 7 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward. Your frozen home requires the youtube video "Ice Age opening scene" Glacial landscape tourism requires the youtube video "Lake District National Park from above"
Theme 5: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems Key Idea 5.2 (Eduqas 9-1)

Theme 5: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems Key Idea 5.2 (Eduqas 9-1)

This is a SoW fully resourced for Key Idea 5.2 Weather Patterns and Process of the new Eduqas WJEC 9-1 GCSE A specification. These lessons are from Component 2 for Core Theme 5 (Weather, Climate and Ecosystems). The entire SoW for Core Theme 5 can be found in a bundle. This SoW includes a checklist of lessons, key terms homework, completed key terms and 8 lessons on: 4. Weather and Climate 5. Low Pressure Systems 6. Typhoon Haiyan 7. High Pressure Systems 8. California Drought 9. UK Weather and Climate 10. Changing Weather in the UK 11. Urban Microclimates All feedback welcome! Enjoy!!
Theme 5: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems Key Idea 5.3 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

Theme 5: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems Key Idea 5.3 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

This is a SoW fully resourced for Key Idea 5.3 Processes and Interactions within Ecosystems of the new Eduqas WJEC 9-1 GCSE A specification. These lessons are from Component 2 for Core Theme 5 (Weather, Climate and Ecosystems). The entire SoW for Core Theme 5 can be found in a bundle. This SoW includes a checklist of lessons, key terms homework, completed key terms and 7 lessons on: 12. Global Ecosystems 13. Tropical Rainforest Location and Structure 14. Tropical Rainforest Processes 15. Semi-Arid Savanna Location and Structure 16. Semi-Arid Savanna Processes 17. Ecosystem Services 18. Small-scale Ecosystems (Sand dunes) All feedback welcome! Enjoy!!
Theme 5: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems Key Idea 5.4 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

Theme 5: Weather, Climate and Ecosystems Key Idea 5.4 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

This is a SoW fully resourced for Key Idea 5.4 Human Activity and Ecosystem Processes of the new Eduqas WJEC 9-1 GCSE A specification. These lessons are from Component 2 for Core Theme 5 (Weather, Climate and Ecosystems). The entire SoW for Core Theme 5 can be found in a bundle. This SoW includes a checklist of lessons, key terms homework, completed key terms and 8 lessons on: 19. Marine Ecosystem power 20. Human use of the Tropical Rainforest 21. Human use of the Semi-Arid Savanna Grassland 22. Sustainable use of the Tropical Rainforest 23. Sustainable use of the Semi-Arid Savanna Grassland All feedback welcome! Enjoy!!
Plate Tectonics SoW (Volcanoes and Earthquakes)

Plate Tectonics SoW (Volcanoes and Earthquakes)

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Plate Tectonics topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 9 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward.
Theme 3: Tectonic Landscapes and Hazards Key Idea 3.1 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

Theme 3: Tectonic Landscapes and Hazards Key Idea 3.1 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

This is a SoW fully resourced for Key Idea 3.1 Tectonic Landforms and Processes of the new Eduqas WJEC 9-1 GCSE A specification. These lessons are from Component A for Optional Theme 3 (Tectonic Landscapes and Hazards). The entire SoW for Optional Theme 3 can be found in a bundle. This SoW includes a checklist of lessons, key terms homework, completed key terms and 5 lessons on: 1. Tectonic activity global distribution 2. Plate boundaries 3. Large-scale features at plate boundaries 4. Volcanoes and their hazards 5. Small-scale features in volcanic landscapes All feedback welcome! Enjoy!!
Theme 2: Rural-urban Links Key Idea 2.3 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

Theme 2: Rural-urban Links Key Idea 2.3 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

This is a SoW fully resourced for Key Idea 2.3 Urban issues in contrasting global cities of the new Eduqas WJEC 9-1 GCSE A specification. These lessons are from Component A for Core Theme 2 (Rural-Urban Links). The entire SoW for Core Theme 2 can be found in a bundle. This SoW includes a checklist of lessons, key terms homework, completed key terms and 8 lessons on: 17. Global distribution of urbanisation 18. Globalisation and global cities 19. Mumbai population and urbansation 20. Mumbai social and cultural trends 21. Mumbai urbanisation consequences 22. London population and urbanisation 23. London social and cultural trends 24. London urbanisation consequences All feedback welcome! Enjoy!!
BRICS / Superpower SoW

BRICS / Superpower SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a BRICS/Superpowers topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 9 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. The SoW covers an introduction as well as 2 lessons for each country. Each country has a lesson on physical and human features and a unique geographical aspect of their country e.g World Cup impacts in Brazil and Climate conditions in Russia. I first taught this SoW last year when the EU referendum was happening. I taught one off lessons in the week leading up to the referendum which I have attached. It includes a lesson about what the EU is and then a referendum lesson where the students watch speeches, have a debate and vote anonymously (like the real thing woo!). Videos are embedded, let me know if there are problems. I also had loads of information on my whiteboard I had researched. I took a photo of this and I am happy to send if you like. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward.
Theme 6: Development Resource Issues Key Idea 6.3 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

Theme 6: Development Resource Issues Key Idea 6.3 (Eduqas WJEC 9-1)

This is a SoW fully resourced for Key Idea 6.3 Water resources and their management of the new Eduqas WJEC 9-1 GCSE A specification. These lessons are from Component 2 for Core Theme 6 (Development and Resource Issues). The entire SoW for Core Theme 6 can be found in a bundle. This SoW includes a checklist of lessons, key terms homework, completed key terms and 5 lessons on: How and why is the demand for water changing? How can water resources be managed? What are the consequences of international water management? What are the consequences of small-scale water management? What are the consequences of groundwater over-abstraction? All feedback welcome! Enjoy!!
Energy SoW

Energy SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for an Energy topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 8 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward.
Rocks and Geology SoW

Rocks and Geology SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Rocks and Geology topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 8 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward. Do humans rock requires a youtube video about Bounce Below in Wales.
Climate Change SoW

Climate Change SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Climate Change topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 9 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward. Climate Change Evidence requires the youtube video "6 degrees - Our future on a hotter planet"
Globalisation SoW

Globalisation SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Globalisation topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 9 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward. A global brand requires the youtube video "The Globalisation of Nike" Negative Nike lesson requires youtube video "Nike Sweatshops - Behind the Swoosh". This covers 2 lessons.
Development SoW

Development SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Development topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 8 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward.
Tourism SoW

Tourism SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Tourism topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 8 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions, ICT task). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward.
Crime SoW

Crime SoW

Here is an entire Scheme / Unit of work for a Crime topic in Geography. This was delivered to Year 9 KS3. Some resources have been adapted from various powerpoints. All resources have been attached. There are a variety of activities included in this SoW (DME, rankings, Diamond 9, sorting tasks, colour coding, discussions). I would really appreciate any feedback. No lesson plans are attached but it should be quite straight forward. The SoW covers: 1) What is crime? 2) What are the causes of crime? 3) Crime in the local area (can be adapted for your school) 4) Crime in your school (can be adapted for your school) 5) Child murderers (DME about James Bulger) 6) The impacts of terrorism (9/11 case study) 7) 9/11 response debate (preparation 1 lesson, debate 1 lesson) 8) Debate 9) Watch Stacey Dooley: Cocaine Capital of the World 10) Newspaper report about the impacts of the cocaine trade Enjoy!!!!