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Durgamata's Shop

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A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.




A specialist Religious Education and Art Teacher - I retired a few years ago. Now I am an Entrepreneur. I have created a Programme called The Seven Steps to Happiness. It is all about Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. Before Coronavirus came along I gave Workshops and Retreats from my home. Now I am moving my work online. I share resources on TES to support my wonderful Teacher-Colleagues. Most are free but I spend hours on these so I charge for some of them. Enjoy.
Community Cohesion Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit  1.4

Community Cohesion Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.4

This 13-word Community Cohesion crossword, with Teacher's Notes and Helpful Hints, is designed to reinforce or revise the main Key-Words for the GCSE Religious Studies topic 1.4 Community Cohesion. This resource includes * 2 versions of the crossword, * Teacher's Notes which include answers and hints - and a * Helpful Hints sheet which you may use to aid differentiation or as the alotted time is nearly up - to speed up completion. Ideal for use as a Starter Activity, part of a lesson introducing the topic, extension activity, homework or revision. In addition to the required Key-Words, a small number of additional words relating to this topic have been included.
Matters of Life and Death Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.2

Matters of Life and Death Key-Word Crossword Puzzle for GCSE Religious Studies - Unit 1.2

This twelve-word crossword-puzzle, with Teacher's Notes and Helpful Hints, is designed to reinforce or revise the main Key-Words for the GCSE Religious Studies topic Matters of Life and Death. This resource includes * 2 versions of the crossword, * Teacher's Notes which include answers and hints - and a * Helpful Hints sheet which you may use to aid differentiation or as the alotted time is nearly up - to speed up completion. Ideal for use as a Starter Activity, part of a lesson introducing the Key Words, extension activity on this topic, homework or revision.
Rights and Responsibilities - Crossword for Key Words in Religion and Society

Rights and Responsibilities - Crossword for Key Words in Religion and Society

Crossword using the Key Words and more from the old Unit 8: Religion and Society Based on a Study of Christianity and at Least One Other Religion Section 8.1: Religion: rights and responsibilities. While the spec has changed, the words found here are important to understand. My crosswords aid learning and revision of important concepts and words found at GCSE Level in RE. This one is also relevant for Citizenship and PSHE.
The God Question - 2 The Creation Story

The God Question - 2 The Creation Story

Looking into the content of the Creation-Story, how it is found in both the Jewish Hebrew Bible and The Christian Bible. Where does the story originate - what is its Genre and what is the nature of the truths it offers? How do different people approach the Bible and the Story of Creation - and how does this lead to different interpretations? In what ways may the Creation-Story conflict or support the discoveries of science - which point to evolution over millions of years rather than an event spanning seven days? What truths or insights does the Creation-Story offer which complement scientific disovery? What might Einstein have meant when he said that without religion, science is blind and without science, religion is lame?
The God Question 1 - What is the Bible?

The God Question 1 - What is the Bible?

The Bible is a complex document. The very word means a library of books. What is it’s origin, how were the books chosen and when, Where does the Story of Creation appear and what genre of writing does it belong to? How do different Christians choose to interpret the Bible and why? Before we can even start to ask The Great God-Question, we need to ask all these questions and more. What is the relationship between Science and Religion. Exploring the God Question will help us understand. This is just the first slide in a series - exploring the God Question from different angles and religious perspectives. Who knows, it could even become another book!
Failure As a Springboard to Success

Failure As a Springboard to Success

How to use Failure as a Springboard to Success What are your New Year Resolutions? Meditation, Conscious Breathing, Mindfulness and A Gratitude-Attitude. Powerful Strategies to Reduce Stress, Build Resilience and Increase Happiness. An experience on New Year’s Day inspired me to write an article for the online Magazine Elephant Journal. It is quite a comprehensive reflection on New Year Resolutions and what life is all about. One of the nicest responses I have had so far is an email from an American Coach and Educationalist. She writes - Your article is wonderful and so inspiring! I am working on a talk right now, and many of the ideas, quotes, and stories helped me think more clearly about what I’d like to say. It’s so easy to get caught in the net of horridness - due to the goings-on in the US right now… Part of my long response was this - My friend - thank you for the lovely response. I can hear your voice when I read your writings. It warms my heart each and every time. Thank you for the shared love and concern for our country. I pray that all will be well, that justice will survive, and that those responsible will pay for their wrong-doings. You may use my words for a testimonial - happy to help in any way. Thank you for the suggestion of James Corden - I love him and I will watch. Be well, get back to your news only in small doses, and keep doing the great work! Our world needs YOU! Big hugs, Regina Regina Carey, M.Ed. Empowerment Coach & Passion Instigator
Mindfulness  Stories from the Classroom - Part 1 The God Question

Mindfulness Stories from the Classroom - Part 1 The God Question

DurgaMata is a specialist Religious Education Teacher and a serious Spiritual Aspirant. She began practising meditation and mindfulness more than ten years before she qualified as a teacher, and she viewed teaching as part of her Spiritual Sadhana or Spiritual Journey. In this book she shares her strongly spiritual philosophy which informs everything she does. Her approach to life is heart-centred, an opportunity to grow in love and oneness. For her, teaching is an opportunity to see, love and serve what she calls God in the hearts of everyone. The God Question is one of the most challenging topics which we cover in Religious Education and DurgaMata shares some of her struggles and triumphs in the stories she shares here. There are some profound and moving poems and stories written by her pupils and a host of practical mindfulness strategies which you can enjoy. in addition to the stories, each page features an inspiring quotation, mounted on a colourful photograph from the world of nature. You are welcome to print these out and use for displays in your classroom and around the school.
The Seven Steps to Happiness - Full Version

The Seven Steps to Happiness - Full Version

This is the full version of my book The Seven Steps to Happiness. I will add more info later but have to leave London within the next hour or can’t spend Christmas with my family (we are all strictly self-isolating - so no risks there. But I don’t want to get trapped by the lockdown so I have to move fast. I spent today just polishing this up and it is as good as I can make it but I would love some feedback. It is powerful. It contains a lot of value. Do share the link with anyone who you know who is finding life really tough and stressful as it works. My Programme - The Seven Steps to Happiness has evolved in face to face workshops over the past 5 or so years, since I retired from teaching. Now I am moving it online and my entire focus is to be of service to my beloved colleagues. Stress is massive - but I have been exploring ways in which we can better handle it. The aim is to learn to surf the stress, rather than be overwhelmed by it. Try it and see for yourself. LOVE AND ALL BEST WISHES DurgaMata
Science and Religion / The God Question and a lot more

Science and Religion / The God Question and a lot more

19 Resources
This is a bundle of files which explore the God Question, matters relating to Science and Religion and also includes some great puzzles which reinforce important concepts and vocabulary relating to Religious Education Great Value for Money here.
2020 and The Seven Steps to Happiness

2020 and The Seven Steps to Happiness

From HOD in Religious Education to giving Mindfulness-Meditation and Empowerment Workshops for resilience, improved mental health and happiness. In this Ebook, DurgaMata shares some practical strategies for reducing stress and increasing happiness - both in your own life and when dealing with challenges in the classroom. DurgaMata gives a fascinating overview of her own ‘spiritual sadhana’ which has taken her from teaching in the classroom to offering an Online Programme to reduce stress, build resilience and increase happiness - which can span the world. DurgaMata writes - The spiritual side of life has always been important to me. In this account I look back at how circumstances moved me from joyful and devoted Head of Religious Education in a large Secondary School, through a challenging time of unemployment as the Ebacc changed the educational landscape - to developing increasing expertise in Health and Wellbeing - especially mental health. After retiring from teaching, I developed a unique and comprehensive program for Raising Consciousness - which I translate as Reducing Stress, Building Resilience and Increasing Happiness. In my small book The Seven Steps to Happiness, I share some of the experiences which have been significant and a mini-seven-step strategy to use in the classroom when a challenging situation occurs. Before 2020, my workshops were all face to face but corona-virus has turned that - on its head, forcing me to take my signature Program ‘The Seven Steps to Happiness’ online. Everyone is suffering from stress - but my particular concern is to support and empower teachers in every way I can, so I dedicate this little book to you. I hope my book will encourage you to see beyond the surface of events to the great, underlying inner principles of love, compassion and oneness which we can all engage with, whatever crazy things may be happening in the world outside - and remind you that if we are to achieve that ideal, we need to begin by taking care of our own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs and ring-fencing the time we need to look after ourselves. If we want to serve others - if we want to care for the children, pupils and students we teach - and if we want to have positive and happy relationships in the staffroom - then we have to ensure we are taking care of ourselves and we have an effective way of replenishing our own reservoir of inner peace and happiness. I hope this little book will give you some leads and encourage you to follow them. Love and Peace DurgaMata ps, hold fire on buying this. I have to edit all the quotes slides to ensure I’m not breaking copyright rules. I’ll let you know when it’s done.