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Miss McVitie's Shop

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Resources produced by an English Literature and Language teacher of eleven years from North West England. All resources have been produced by myself. These resources include revision tasks and engaging activities for both Key Stage 3 and GCSE classes. After prominently teaching and marking the AQA exam board most of my resources comply with this curriculum. Hopefully you find these resources helpful, interesting and they help ease the pressure of planning!




Resources produced by an English Literature and Language teacher of eleven years from North West England. All resources have been produced by myself. These resources include revision tasks and engaging activities for both Key Stage 3 and GCSE classes. After prominently teaching and marking the AQA exam board most of my resources comply with this curriculum. Hopefully you find these resources helpful, interesting and they help ease the pressure of planning!
'Heart Disease Called Love' poem

'Heart Disease Called Love' poem

Series of lessons exploring the poem ‘Heart Disease Called Love’. Includes comprehension questions, explorative response and model answer. Has been planned for students to work through independently at home.
'Blood Brothers' - Marilyn Monroe Act 3 coronavirus

'Blood Brothers' - Marilyn Monroe Act 3 coronavirus

An analysis task of ‘Marilyn Monroe’ in Act 3 - using students’ prior knowledge of this figure in history. Includes a link to an interesting biography and a structured framework which students can use to explore key phrases from the song. (Own link to song need to be provided by teacher.)
Romeo and Juliet Ball Scene Mask Design

Romeo and Juliet Ball Scene Mask Design

Creative task in which students design their own mask for a masquerade ball similar to those of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Act 1 Scene 5. Includes translated key moments of scene and mask template. Promotes discussion around connotation of colour and design before students design their own. All images from Google.
Poetry revision note guides

Poetry revision note guides

A breakdown of key questions and points to consider when making notes around poetry. Students could transform this into a revision map, booklet, poster or general revision guide. Can be used for any poem alongside pupils' prior knowledge or by transferring notes from revision guides.
'Cornish Limpet' poem

'Cornish Limpet' poem

Series of lessons exploring the poem ‘Cornish Limpet’. Includes comprehension questions, explorative response, model answer and creative writing task. Has been planned for students to work through independently at home.
Fantastic Beasts/Mythical Creatures creative writing

Fantastic Beasts/Mythical Creatures creative writing

KS3 creative writing planning and writing task based around the topic of Fantastic Beasts or Mythical Creatures. Encourages class discussion of previously studied mythical creatures and leads into a creative writing piece. Includes a structured framework to encourage detailed writing and organised paragraphing. Also includes a response to feedback opportunity.
'Valentine' - Carol Ann Duffy

'Valentine' - Carol Ann Duffy

Lesson which explores the poem ‘Valentine’ by Carol Ann Duffy. Includes annotation task, discussion points, analysis question, model answer and creative task to produce own unusual love poem. All images from Google.
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth character revision

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth character revision

Revision resources, based on two extracts, which asks students to analyse the changing characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Includes extracts, clips and frameworks for students to use to organise their ideas. Requires prior reading from students and encourages discussion to allow them to explore these key characters,
Shakespeare 'Romeo and Juliet' invite/sonnet writing

Shakespeare 'Romeo and Juliet' invite/sonnet writing

Lesson which explore Capulet’s invite to his ball (Act 1 Scene 2) and Sonnet 18, then asks students to then write their own version of one of the pieces. Includes starter activities, original text and translation, key questions for understanding the language and frameworks for both tasks. All images from Google.
'Who's For the Game' Jessie Pope exploration

'Who's For the Game' Jessie Pope exploration

Four lessons which focus on exploring of the WW1 poem ‘Who’s For the Game’ (1915) by Jessie Pope. Include: Propaganda engagement task Brief facts about author Comprehension/key understanding questions Sentence starters Feature spotting Analysis question with framework and model answer Creative writing task with sentence starters All images from Google.
Homelessness creative writing task

Homelessness creative writing task

Lesson which uses the issue of homelessness to encourage students to plan and develop their own piece of creative writing. Uses a five point plan to help students organise their writing (two versions of a table plan provided for upper and mid ability). Includes taboo style starter to encourage students to aim for ambitious vocabulary.
England Football Team Letter of Thanks

England Football Team Letter of Thanks

Lesson which gives students guidance on how to write a formal letter of thanks to the England football team for their performance in the Euros. Uses a letter from the queen as an example of how to embed language devices. Gives a writing frame to use. Includes facts and statistics for students to embed into their letter. All images from Google.
'Ode to the Coast' exploration

'Ode to the Coast' exploration

A short series of lessons which encourage students to explore John Cooper Clarke’s poem ‘Ode to the Coast’. Includes a matching game to identify language devices, an exploration of the poem matching these devices, model responses using a structured framework and a framework for students to follow to analyse phrases of their own choice. Intended as a KS3 ‘unseen poem’ exploration - with some guidance beforehand!
Peter Kay mini scheme

Peter Kay mini scheme

Short scheme using an extract from chapters 1 & 3 of Peter Kay’s 2006 autobiography ‘The Sound of Laughter’. Used with a lower ability group to encourage exploring tone, humour and non-fiction writing. Includes: Extract from chapter 1 with pictures Extract from chapter 3 Lesson by lesson mini-scheme Assessment around an extract from chapter 3 Mark scheme for assessment
Negative food review writing

Negative food review writing

Using a sarcastic and spirited negative review, students are to write their own negative food review. Includes: Clip of Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares to encourage ideas Emotive images and planning Negative review of Chinese restaurant Framework to organise students planning and initial write up Intended for KS3 language classes - originally introduced as part of a transactional writing scheme.
The Hill We Climb poem analysis

The Hill We Climb poem analysis

Series of lessons which includes: Analysis of poem title Link to poem being performed Summary of poem Analysis of extract Key language features Model answer exploring theme of ‘hope’ Framework for students’ independent response Creative writing task Also included is a copy of a glossary to explain language used in the poem. All images from Google.
Theme Park speaking and listening, design and creative project.

Theme Park speaking and listening, design and creative project.

Project (group) task usually used at the end of term. Students must design their own theme park, using ideas from research tasks and class discussion to inform their ideas. They produce a map, one key ride design, address a letter of complaint, write a point of view poem about their theme park and deliver a presentation to the group. There are also various extension tasks within the lessons (safety leaflets etc.) Could tie in well with homework too. 'Theme Park Project worksheet document is a workbook which could be used to store ideas and notes down any changes. Includes speaking and listening reflection. Lessons can be changed and order is not necessarily chronological.
Room 101 Speaking and Listening project

Room 101 Speaking and Listening project

A speaking and listening project task that asks students to place an item into ‘Room 101’. Booklet can be used alongside Power Point to record work. Begins as an indvidual task looking at persuasive writing features and moves into a group presentation task. Includes several links to speeches and videos for students to watch.
AQA Language Paper 1 - Gollum

AQA Language Paper 1 - Gollum

A series of tasks which uses an extract from Chapter 5 of ‘The Hobbit’ to answer 5 questions in the style of AQA Enligh language paper 1. Includes: Extract Model answers Frameworks for each answer Planning opportunities/examples A structured response to each question. Images and extract from Google.