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Edna Allen Languages

BA in Full Certification in Teaching Portuguese and English Language and Literature. Creating Dynamic Visual Communicative Resources for Portuguese and English Language Lessons.

BA in Full Certification in Teaching Portuguese and English Language and Literature. Creating Dynamic Visual Communicative Resources for Portuguese and English Language Lessons.
Word Memory Game Template - Jogo da Memória com Palavras PPT editável

Word Memory Game Template - Jogo da Memória com Palavras PPT editável

Criate your own memory game for those words you would like your students to remember, without depending on other online platforms, using only your PowerPoint application. Although the resource was created in Portuguese, it will not interfere in the way you will edit the template and create your own games. If you do need any assistance, get in contact at ednaallenlanguages.net or ednaallenlanguages@gmail.com PT: Crie seus próprios jogos da memória para ajudar seus alunos a praticar vocabulário que acabaram de trabalhar. Desta forma, você não fica dependente de outras plataformas e de conexão à Internet para revisar ou memorizar termos essenciais. Inclui instruções de uso e slide com dois e com três flashcards por página, mas você pode acrescentar ou deletar quantos desejar. Assistência vitalícia. O material é totalmente editável e simples de modificar, é um arquivo em PowerPoint (compatível com Google Slides) com botões clicáveis que revelam qual das respostas estão corretas. Sem logomarcas para que utilize livremente. Este arquivo é para uso pessoal. A redistribuição e revenda dos arquivos são extremamente proibidos. A redistribuição e revenda sem autorização de Edna Allen resultará em ação judicial de acordo com as leis do Reino Unido. Direitos autorais reservados Edna Allen Languages. Edna Allen Languages ©
Jeopardy - Test your knowledge

Jeopardy - Test your knowledge

Power Point presentation to practice or review any subject and/or review for exams in a fun way. Completely editable Clickable Dynamic Fun sounds Perfect for distant learning or home schooling 25 pages ready to receive questions and answers (you may add more pages or delete some if you do not need as much)
Make your own virtual Hangman Template for all subjects

Make your own virtual Hangman Template for all subjects

This is a customizable Power Point Presentation perfect for teachers of all areas and subjects who work online. With this template you can: add or delete blank spaces according to the number of characters you need give your students or competitors between 5 and 7 chances before the little character is hung have a single or multiple players divided into two groups.
Customizable Multiple Choice Presentation Template

Customizable Multiple Choice Presentation Template

Multiple Choice PowerPoint Template is an easy to use and adaptable template that will help you practice or review new terms or other content. It can easily be adapted for another subject or practice. • Simple layout allowing you work with a variety of subjects. • Includes positive and negative sound reinforcement • You can work with 15 different terms and 15 multiple choice questions/sentences • Easy way to skip between sections and return to last page viewed • Easily editable – you may add images or move content to better visualization (some knowledge of PowerPoint necessary).