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Math BINGO: Order of Operation *no exponents*

Math BINGO: Order of Operation *no exponents*

This bingo set comes with 26 premade cards and 16 order of operation equations (excluding exponents) 5TH GRADE TEKS: 5.4(F) simplify numerical expressions that do not involve exponents, including up to two levels of grouping
Math BINGO: Find the Rule --Input/Output Charts

Math BINGO: Find the Rule --Input/Output Charts

Includes 26 different premade bingo cards and 24 tables for students to "find the rule." Perfect for centers, just print and cut out the table cards. Students pull a card, find the rule, then cover the space on the bingo card. 5TH GRADE TEKS: 5.4(D) recognize the difference between additive and multiplicative numerical patterns given in a table or graph 5.4© generate a numerical pattern when given a rule in the form y = ax or y = x + a
Add, Subtract, Multiply, & Divide DecimalsPirate Board Game

Add, Subtract, Multiply, & Divide DecimalsPirate Board Game

60 cards with word problems: --Adding/Subtracting decimals to the thousandths place --Dividing 4 digit by 2 digit decimal numbers. --Multiplying 3 digit by 2 digit decimals. Includes multiplying decimals by whole numbers and multiplying decimals by decimals. TEKS: 5.3 (B) multiply with fluency a three-digit number by a two-digit number using the standard algorithm; 5.3 (C) solve with proficiency for quotients of up to a four-digit dividend by a two-digit divisor using strategies and the standard algorithm; 5.3 (E) solve for products of decimals to the hundredths, including situations involving money, using strategies based on place-value understandings, properties of operations, and the relationship to the multiplication of whole numbers; 5.3 (K) add and subtract positive rational numbers fluently; and
Place Value, Compare, Order, and Round Decimals Board Game

Place Value, Compare, Order, and Round Decimals Board Game

Includes board game + 60 Task cards with QR code answers Aligned with TEKs: 5.2 A,5.2 B, 5.2 C (2) Number and operations. The student applies mathematical process standards to represent, compare, and order positive rational numbers and understand relationships as related to place value. The student is expected to: (A) represent the value of the digit in decimals through the thousandths using expanded notation and numerals; (B) compare and order two decimals to thousandths and represent comparisons using the symbols >, (C) round decimals to tenths or hundredths.