The PE Assessment Series- Catching a Ball packet is a series of assessment sheets using the following 4 formats:
* Teacher Assessment (Pre-test/Post-test)
* Teacher Assessment (Single Test Version)
* Self-Assessment and
* Peer-Assessment
Each assessment format can be used by a physical education teacher for formative or summative assessment purposes.The different sheets share the same visuals, element descriptors and basic rubric system.The teacher versions (Pre/Post-test and Single test variation) allow for scoring to be conducted by the teacher while the peer and self-reflection versions provide an area for student reflection.
The Catching a Ball Assessment sheets provide columns with the following components:
* Visuals to help the students and teachers see the desired movements
* Element/Cue descriptors that define the components of the skill
* Columns with animated ball visuals that students and teachers use to indicate (by
circling) whether they “got it” or they are still “working on” the skill
Included in the packet is a “Working with PE Skill Assessment Data” guide and a PE Skill Outcome Scoring Rubric that can be used for student grading purposes.
The PE Assessment Series- Catching a Ball packet would be appropriate to use with 1st through 8th Grade students
The following fitness activity, “What’s on Your Plate- Thanksgiving Day Fitness Edition” is a high energy, fun and organized. PE Thanksgiving-themed activity that can easily be used as a warm up, cool down, or extended as a “stand alone” activity during fitness instruction. Twenty circular signs with corresponding fitness movements were created to help develop your students personal fitness during those challenging weeks leading up to Thanksgiving day. Your students will love the movement exercises and the Thanksgiving-related graphics. They will want to repeat the activity many times during the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving Break.
This fitness activity can be used in a gym setting, in a classroom or anywhere that you have some space to have kids perform some stationary exercises and movement skills in small groups. The “What’s on Your Plate- Thanksgiving Fitness Edition” is very easy to set up and can last anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes, depending upon the duration you use per rotational movement set.
The What’s on Your Plate- Thanksgiving Fitness Edition was designed for Kindergarten through 6th grade students.
The following “SUPER” games are a series of fast paced, high energy, large group PE games all set to a “Super Hero” theme. All 12 games have “dynamic” references to things like skyscrapers, cities, robots, rangers, command centers, villains, special agents, webs, laboratories, and extra-terrestrials….all of the things kids love! T
These games are tried and true games that students love and ask for on a weekly basis. I have used them with up to 3 or 4 classes at the same time or as little as 1 class at a time. They are geared towards elementary-aged students, however I have used them with middle and high school students and they love them too! The games can be modified to fit your gym size and the equipment listed in the plan can be switched out for something else that you have in your closet.
**Note: One of the games, Survivor Alley is a human target-type toss and roll game. SHAPE America does not endorse games that use human targets for PE. This game is a lot of fun and works great for After School Program, Intramural or class reward game.
The following 12 games: 1. City Avengers, 2. Power Rangers, 3. Fast-Flash-Freeze, 4. Incrediquest, 5. Mackidver, 6. Saved by the Web, 7. Sky Zone, 8. Survivor Alley, 9. Transformers, 10. Triumph of the Gladiators, 11. Watchmen of the Lair, and 12. Z Men: Live by the Sword are included in this package and can be used with large groups of students in a P.E. class setting or with smaller groups in a sports or church camp.
Inside this PACKAGE are 25 fun and exciting relay activities for students designed for a wide range of ages from grades Kindergarten through 8th. The relays include: 1. A Puzzler, 2. ABC, 3. Balloon Bop, 4. Bean Bag Circle Run, 5. Beanie, 6. Blown Away, 7. Cooperative Triangle, 8. Dribbler, 9. Frankenstein Math, 10. Gather it up, 11. Jump and Run, 12. Loco-Jump, 13.Locomotion, 14. Noodler, 15. Obstacle Course, 16. Partner Toss, 17. Plate Skate, 18. Pyramid Building, 19. Scoot-Scoot, 20. Shoot the Hoop, 21. Shuttle Run, 22. Sling Shot, 23. Spelling, 24. Swap it and 25. Weave and Zag.
These are all extremely fun, fast-moving and energy boosting relay activities ideally suited for a “PE warm up” although they can also be used as an extension of a fitness lesson, during a special day like field day or as a lesson closer. Students will get their heart rates up and not even know they are getting a great workout because they will be having so much fun. These activities are “tried and true” quick moving relays that students love and ask for on a regular basis. I have used them with up to 4 or 5 classes at the same time or as little as 1 class at a time. They are geared towards elementary-aged students, however I have used them with middle and high school students and they love them too!
These particular relays are not intended to be used as competition between groups but more as fun, fitness and skill building activities performed in small groups. The group suggestions are small (approx. 3 - 5 students per relay group/line) to keep the students’ activity level high.
The “Creating Awareness of Exceptional Children product provides activities and experiences that will expose students to a number of exceptionalities (disabilities) and provide movement experiences to simulate them. The primary goal is for the students to nurture acceptance of and develop an appreciation, awareness and respect for individuals with exceptionalities and the challenges they experience in their daily lives. By understanding the challenges others face, students will value diversity and hopefully become advocates for individuals with disabilities in and beyond the school setting. The activities encourage opportunities for students to share feelings and personal information about the issues exceptional children face.
Inside this product is comprehensive grouping of activities, signs and task cards (descriptors and images), along with a full lesson plan, circuit diagram and an optional assessment exit slip. The station task cards provide interesting movement experiences that help (in a small way) replicate some of the following exceptionalities; Visual Impairment (blindness), Auditory Impairment (deafness), learning disabilities, brain injuries, movement disorders and paralysis. The students work together with their classmates to go through courses blindfolded, balance on apparatus while performing tasks, move in wheelchairs, execute movements while being restricted and using signs and signals to cue other students.
The PE Super Friends Components of Fitness Signs include 11 Health and Fitness Related Display Signs that were created for younger students to help them relate to and understand the 5 Health and 6 Skill Related Components of Physical Fitness. The images are eye-catching and fun for children and the information communicates simple ideas about each component of fitness. Each sign includes the following informational tidbits that will help your students grasp a better understanding of the components of physical fitness: 1. a super hero name and image, 2. their favorite word, 3. their favorite food, 4. their favorite activity, 5. their super fuel, 6. their super power and 7. the component of fitness they represent.
The signs can be displayed in key areas of your gym to be highlighted during instruction. They can be used to reinforce the fitness-related concepts you cover during your class. Whether it is a game you are playing or a sport-specific skill you are working on, the health or skill related component signs can work as a valuable and practical tool for you to come back to time and time again!
The Quick and Easy Activities for the Gym Packet is a convenient and creative way for you to "move your students" with a purpose!!! The Flip Cards are colorful and include graphics with detailed instructions that include a separate section for each the following: 1. Overview, 2. Set up, 3. Equipment Needed, 4. Detailed Directions and 5. Modifications.
These 15 Quick and Easy PE Activity Flip Cards work best during the start of class as an Instant Activity or Warm Up or perhaps while you are waiting on another class to enter the gym. They also work great at the end of class while waiting on a teacher or if you finish your focus lesson early. They are a lot of fun and your students will ask for them by name. They will get very excited when you bring them out!!!
Please Note: If you are a classroom teacher and have purchased some of my Classroom Energizer Flip Card products, you will see some of the same activities (with descriptions suited for PE teachers/gymnasiums) in this product. I have targeted these activities, however, for gym use to be implemented by a PE teacher, after school worker or camp counselor.
Many PE and health programs around the nation have experienced the unfortunate consequences of our distressed economy and have seen cuts in their districts. This at a time when we are seeing the highest childhood obesity rates in our history. It is extremely important as physical educators for us to continually remind others the value of what we do and to promote the benefits of a quality physical education program.
The following printable display signs were created as a visual aid to highlight the most important reasons for quality physical education. Each individual “Top 10 Reasons for Physical Education” sign has been uniquely created with vibrant colors and attractive text. The signs provide a statement discussing the “PE benefit” along with it’s ranking and include exciting graphics that grab the students’ attention.
The signs can be displayed in key areas of your gym to be highlighted during instruction. They can easily be used to reinforce the movement, skill and fitness concepts you cover during your class. The signs will surely be noticed by your students, principals, parents and colleagues and will work as a valuable tool for you to come back to time and time again!
The following “cosmic” games are a series of fast paced, high energy, large group PE games set to a theme that is “Out of this World.” All 12 games have “cool” references to things like space, planets, stars, aliens, cosmos, meteors, time warps, jets, galaxies, and black holes….all of the things kids love!
These games are tried and true games that students love and ask for on a weekly basis. I have used them with up to 3 or 4 classes at the same time or as little as 1 class at a time. They are geared towards elementary-aged students, however I have used them with middle and high school students and they love them too! The games can be modified to fit your gym size and the equipment listed in the plan can be switched out for something else that you have in your closet.
The following 12 games: 1. Space Invaders, 2. Masters of the Universe, 3. Escape from Cyberspace, 4. Galaxy Quest, 5. Space Junk Collectors, 6. Meteor Blitz, 7. Sky Bowling, 8. Space Connector, 9. Star Wars, 10. Guardians of the Stars, 11. Stars and Strikes, and 12. The Danger Zone are included in this package and can be used with large groups of students in a P.E. class setting or with smaller groups in a sports or church camp.
The PE Cube Fitness product provides 17 exercise and dice, constructible cubes that can be used in a variety of warm-up or fitness related PE activities. After printing off the template sheets, the cubes are easily constructed by cutting, folding and gluing tabs. Once constructed, VOILA, you have a cool “3D” method to ENGAGE your students in their learning!!!
The PE Fitness Cubes work like dice and can be rolled by students to provide them with an assortment of strength, flexibility, plyometric, Yoga, locomotor and manipulative skill movements. In addition (pardon the pun), six of the Cube templates are number and symbol images and work to complement the fitness dice by providing numbers for exercise reps and movement time which will add an element of mathematics to your lesson. Students will a have the chance to add, subtract and multiply numbers as they “roll the dice” and move. Inside the packet are also 6 suggested Fitness Cube activities that you can do with your students!
The PE Cube Fitness product has been broken down into 3 categories:
Grouped Fitness Cubes: these are cubes that have been categorized by various fitness elements (great for station work) and include: 1. Flexibility, 2. Plyometrics, 3. Strength, 4. Yoga, 5. Locomotor Movement and 6. Manipulative skills
Cross Training Cubes: these cubes combine one of each of the above fitness elements on each cube. These cubes provide a better “mixed” grouping of exercises which works better with large group activities).
Number and Symbol Cubes: these cubes complement and work in conjunction with the Grouped Fitness and Cross Training Cubes. With them, you are able to have students roll multiple die which gives students the ability to assign numbers to reps, time to movements and they even provide the opportunity for students to add, subtract and multiply in PE class.
This “Fun Bus” Number Set is a 20 SIGN and 20 CARD product with FULL PAGE and QUARTER PAGE consecutive numbers from 1 through 20. The set includes the numeral, number word and “stop sign” counters.
This number set can be used in a variety of educational settings and for a variety of purposes.
The NUMBER SIGNS and CARDS could be used in the primary classroom to help teach number recognition, spelling and counting. The SIGNS and CARDS could also be used as physical markers in the classroom, in educational games or as an organizational tool.
Just copy, cut, laminate and you are ready to GO!!!
This product is a 24 slide Power Point presentation on the topic of "Body Composition". Most of the slides include relevant subtitles, bulleted text, photos, and animated graphics all on attractive blue backgrounds.
Topics include 1. Definitions, 2. Fat Mass, 3. Essential Fat, 4.Overweight vs. Overfat, 5. Obesity Risk Factors, 6. Obesity vs. Overweight, 7. Assessing Body Composition, 8. Hydrostatic Weighing, 9. Skinfold Measurements, 9. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, 10. BodPod, 11, BMI, 12. Waist to Hip Ratio and 9. Proper Weight Loss
This PowerPoint topic would be appropriate for high school students or University Health, Physical Education and/or Fitness classes.
This Basketball Number Set is a 32 SIGN product with FULL PAGE, consecutive numbers from 1 to 32.
The set can be used in a variety of educational settings and for a variety of purposes.
The NUMBER SIGNS could be used in the classroom as physical markers, in educational games or as an organizational tool.
The NUMBER SIGNS may also be used by a PE teacher or a recreational leader as station markers, field day event indicators or for a variety of purposes in large group and cooperative game settings.
Just copy, laminate and you are ready to GO!!!
This product is a 29 slide Power Point presentation on the topic of "Stress" and "Stress Management". Most of the slides include relevant subtitles, bulleted text, and animated graphics all on attractive and colorful backgrounds.
Topics include 1. Stress Definition, 2. Eustress and Distress, 3. General Adaptation Syndrome, 4.Symptoms and Medical Effects of Stress, 5. Personalities and Stress, 6. Dealing with Stress (Stress Management) and 7. Tips for Managing Anger
This PowerPoint topic would be appropriate for high school students or University Health, Physical Education and/or Fitness classes.
This product is a 22 slide Power Point presentation on the topic of "Cardiovascular Fitness". The slides include relevant subtitles, bulleted text, animated graphics and photos all on a retro chalkboard background.
Topics include 1. The Cardiovascular System, 2. Basic Cardiovascular Physiology, 3. Cardiac Output, 4. Cardiovascular Endurance, 6. Oxygen Uptake, 7. Karvonen Formula, 8. VO2 Max, 9. Energy Systems, 10. Exercise Prescription Factors, 11. Designing Your own Program, and 12. Lifetime Cardiovascular Endurance Training
This PowerPoint topic would be appropriate for high school students or University Health, Physical Education and/or Fitness classes.
This product is a 22 slide Power Point presentation on the topic of "Flexibility". Most of the slides include relevant subtitles, bulleted text, and animated graphics all on attractive and colorful backgrounds.
Topics include 1. Definition, 2. Importance of Flexibility, 3. Benefits of Good Flexibility, 4.Factors affecting Flexibility, 5. Two General Types of Flexibility, 6. Terminology, 7. Four Methods of Stretching, 8. Intensity, Repetition and Frequency 9. Alternative Methods, 10. Back Pain and Posture and 10. Assessment Methods for Flexibility
This PowerPoint topic would be appropriate for high school students or University Health, Physical Education and/or Fitness classes.
The following printable display signs were created as a visual aid showcasing ten non-locomotor movements which include: balancing, bending, curling, pulling, pushing, stretching, swaying, swinging, turning, and twisting. Each individual "Non-Locomotor Movement” sign has been uniquely created with vibrant colors and attractive text.
The signs provide definitions of each non-locomotor movement and also include P.E. and Sport activity examples. The signs have colorful backgrounds and exciting graphics that grab the students’ attention. The signs can be displayed in key areas of your gym to be highlighted during instruction. They can easily be used to reinforce the movement concepts you cover during your class.
The signs will surely be noticed by your students, principals, parents and colleagues and will work as a valuable tool for you to come back to time and time again!
This product is a 38 slide Power Point presentation on the topic of "Nutrition". Most of the slides include relevant subtitles, bulleted text, photos, and animated graphics all on a clean white background.
Topics include 1. Nutrition Definitions, 2. Over consumption, 3. Chronic Diseases Related to Poor Nutrition, 4.Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 5. My, 6. Nutrient Classification, 7. Macro Nutrients: Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein, 8. Micro Nutrients: Vitamins, Minerals and Water, 9. Fiber, 9. Weight Loss Techniques, 10. Food Labels, 11, Vegetarian Diet, 12. Fast Food Choices and 9. Super Foods
This PowerPoint topic would be appropriate for high school students or University Health, Physical Education and/or Fitness classes.
This “Soccer Lizard” Number Set is a 32 SIGN product with FULL PAGE, consecutive numbers from 1 to 32.
The set can be used in a variety of educational settings and for a variety of purposes.
The numbers signs could be used by a classroom teacher for working with numbers, physical markers, educational games or to organize students.
The numbers may also be used by a PE teacher as station markers, field day event indicators or in large group and cooperative game settings.
There are enough numbers for a large class of 32 in case you need that many. Each page (individual number) fits perfectly on an 8 1/2 X 11 piece of paper.
Just copy, laminate and you are ready to GO!!!
This “Basketball Spin” Number Set is a 32 CARD product with QUARTER PAGE, consecutive numbers from 1 to 32.
The set can be used in a variety of educational settings and for a variety of purposes.
The NUMBER CARDS could be used in the classroom by a teacher for mathematical games, physical markers, or as an organizing tool.
The numbers may also be used by a PE teacher for organizational purposes or for large group PE and fitness games.
There are enough numbers for a large class of 32 in case you need that many. Each page has 4 number cards that fit a typical 8 1/2 X 11 piece of paper.
Just copy, cut, laminate and you are ready to GO!!!