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To know how coal mining affected the lives of people in Nottinghamshire

To know how coal mining affected the lives of people in Nottinghamshire

Children will start by reflecting on prior learning. Children will be provided with a brief overview of what mining is and the importance of it to the Victorian era. Children will then start to explore the general impact of mining,before using the 1842 commission report to identify how mining impacted children. They will finally will look at the impact on Nottinghamshire. Children will write their own report.
PPT - To know how a food chain works and what producer, predator and prey mean.

PPT - To know how a food chain works and what producer, predator and prey mean.

This ppt builds up children’s understanding of food chains through the use of small steps. Children will start by demonstrating their understanding of herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Children will then move onto discuss the link to prior science units such as light and electricity to allow them to build on previous learning. Children will discuss the type of energy that is involved in the food chain and how this is essential to animals survival. Children will then move onto learn about producers and consumers and then further build on this by developing an understanding of of prey and predator. Throughout the slides there are opportunities for common misconceptions to be addressed, children to be actively engaged with their learning through discussions and thinking points and finally the core concepts are built up slowly and repetition is used to deepen understanding.
To identify when the Victorian era started and ended and the key events that happened.

To identify when the Victorian era started and ended and the key events that happened.

The lesson starts with children exploring the concept of chronology. Children will look at how chronology is displayed using a time line and recap on AC and BC. Children will then go on to explore key Victorian vocabulary that may be new to children such as reign. Children will be taught the start and end dates of the Victorian era. As a class children will order some of the key events on a time line they will use a range of skills such as comparing the dates to other key events as well as clues from prior/future events. Children will be challenged to think about what is the most common type of event such as the advancement of technology. Independent application - children to create a time line of key events.
Powerpoint - To place the Vikings on a chronological framework / Viking timeline

Powerpoint - To place the Vikings on a chronological framework / Viking timeline

This resource is a ppt to support teaching on the Viking era. This is aimed at LKS2 but can be easily adapted for upper KS2. The ppt will start by defining chronology and establishing the importance of developing a chronological understanding by comparing the chronology of the Vikings to the development of a key primary resource. The ppt will then go on to teach the differences between BC and AD.