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Mademoiselle Blanchette Bonjour

6 years of teaching experience. Curriculum Leader for French and Spanish. Teaching French from KS2 to KS5, Spanish from KS2 to KS4. 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 NPQLTD.

6 years of teaching experience. Curriculum Leader for French and Spanish. Teaching French from KS2 to KS5, Spanish from KS2 to KS4. 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 NPQLTD.
GCSE FRENCH- ‘C’est quoi un bon ami pour toi?’ 4x lessons EPI approach

GCSE FRENCH- ‘C’est quoi un bon ami pour toi?’ 4x lessons EPI approach

This resource provides 4 hour-long lessons, using the EPI methodology to train pupils to answer using the question: ‘what makes a good friend?’ The resource starts by introducing pupils to the vocabulary on the sentence builder, using listening activities such as listening bingo, before moving onto speaking activities such as mindreader and sentence stealer. The 3rd and 4th lessons then focus on increasing the amount of complex vocabulary embedded in pupils’ long term memory by focusing on translation, reading and writing activities to allow pupils to produce their own writing on the topic. Separate handout files are also included to make printing easier.
GCSE FRENCH - Décris ta personnalité / Mon caractère

GCSE FRENCH - Décris ta personnalité / Mon caractère

This resource contains 2x 1 hour lessons using EPI methodology to introduce Y9/10 pupils to describe their peraonality. The activities use vocabulary from a sentence builder containing 2 tenses and some more complex vocabulary. Pupils work through activities such as bingo, delayed copying, mind reader and sentence stealer and there is also a writing task at the end where pupils are tasked to write about their own personality. A success criteria and WAGOLL is included to support pupils.
KS3 Spanish- En Mi Mochila- EPI approach

KS3 Spanish- En Mi Mochila- EPI approach

This resource contains 2 x1hr lessons (both contain activities to take them over 1 hour if needed/increase to 3 lessons) about what’s in your schoolbag. Pupils complete activities based on the EPI approach as advocated by Dr Gianfranco Conti. Activities include bingo, mindreader, sentence stealer and a pyramid translation. There is also a big grammar focus on ‘un’ and ‘una’ to introduce pupils to Spanish nouns, their respective genders and the implications this carries.
KS3 Spanish- School Subjects, opinions and reasons -EPI APPROACH

KS3 Spanish- School Subjects, opinions and reasons -EPI APPROACH

This is an extremely comprehensive set of 4 x 1hr 15 min lessons, which could be changed into 5, if lessons are shorter. A full knowledge organiser is included for the whole unit of work and then the lessons follow the EPI approach to teach pupils how to discuss school subjects in the past, present and conditional tenses. There is also a grammar focus on giving opinions and reasons for singular and plural school subjects. A different retrieval activity is used to start each lesson, allowing for a variety of fun activities whilst always working on recalling vocabulary to aid memory. Conti-style activities are included throughout and build up to producing own written work in lesson 4.
3x lessons - Ma matière préférée (knowledge organiser+ writing task with whole class feedback sheet)

3x lessons - Ma matière préférée (knowledge organiser+ writing task with whole class feedback sheet)

This set of lessons includes a full knowledge organiser for the whole Dynamo Module 2 as well as lots of Conti-style games to introduce pupils to and consolidate knowledge of favourite school subjects. Lesson 3 includes a writing task with a WAGOLL, a success criteria and even a whole class feedback sheet that helps teachers to cut down marking time dramatically. This resource will save hours and hours of planning and marking time.
Year 3 Intro to French Lessons Bundle

Year 3 Intro to French Lessons Bundle

This unit of work entitled ‘Bonjour’ aims to start a Year 3 class off with learning French but could be easily adapted to use with a lower ability Year 7 class/ant primary class starting out with learning French. Pupils learn how to greet people, introduce themselves, describe how they are feeling and how old they are, as well as saying goodbye in a variety of ways. There are 5 lessons in this bundle, each using the EPI methodology to teach pupils through the use of sentence builders. Each lesson is based on 1 hour of teaching and can be easily printed to provide each pupil with a booklet, minimising the need for exercise books. As the lessons progress, the sentence builders grow in complexity to continually challenge pupils to make progress. in addition, this bundle includes an assessment preparation PowerPoint, as well as a teacher marking grid to aid assessment grading/report writing and to make notes on the pupils presentations as they are delivering them to the class.