I have nearly 30 years teaching experience in a variety of secondary schools. I am currently a senior examiner for GCSE French writing, and many of my resources concentrate on developing exam skills, while still providing engaging activities. They are designed to develop the key skills needed for the new exam format throughout KS3 and 4.
I have nearly 30 years teaching experience in a variety of secondary schools. I am currently a senior examiner for GCSE French writing, and many of my resources concentrate on developing exam skills, while still providing engaging activities. They are designed to develop the key skills needed for the new exam format throughout KS3 and 4.
A GCSE resource designed to give students practice in the skills required for the new specification. A booklet containing extensive translation exercises, exam style written tasks, photo questions and role-play practice, as well as conversation topic questions. There are opportunities throughout for students to evaluate and re-draft their work. Covers the topics of sports, leisure activities, TV and cinema, going out. technology, grammar exercises.
A 15 page booklet designed to accompany Studio 2 module 5, to provide further challenge and practice in translation and writing skills, and to develop these skills ahead of GCSE. Contains extensive translation exercises, a Foundation GCSE style writing task, answer pages for some of the listening activities in the textbook, speaking test questions and describing a photo. There is provision throughout with checklists to enable students to redraft their work based on teachers comments/peer assessment. talent and ambition, infinitives, modal verbs, imperative, comparatives and superlatives.
A colourful 33 page workbook designed to roughly follow studio 1 module 5 Partez! Contains a variety of exercises on the subject of holiday destinations, holiday activities, eating in a cafe, dream vacations etc., including vocabulary building, translation skills, grammar focus, reading comprehension, a 90 word writing task, picture questions and speaking exam questions. The tasks range from straightforward to challenging. The activities and texts are different from those in the textbook, although in the same vein, so it is useful as a supplementary resource. There are opportunities built in to the tasks to give student and teacher feedback. Ideal for home learning, homework tasks and for students who have limited IT access.
A complete unit of work. A colourful and easy to follow 29 page booklet designed to roughly follow and complement Viva 1 module 5 ‘Mi Ciudad’. This booklet is aimed at lower ability. The resources are based on, but are different from those in the textbook. Contains a variety of exercises on the subjects of places in a town, activities, things to do in your area, eating tapas, what you are going to do. Includes vocabulary building, key phrases, translations, straightforward reading comprehension, a simplified writing task, picture questions and wordsearches. There are exercises on telling the time, using the 24 hour format, but relatively simple. Also includes creating a menu page and project research tasks on the towns mentioned in the booklet. A look at the contents page on the preview will give you an idea. The tasks are straightforward. Ideal for home learning, or for reinforcement in school, as the tasks are largely based on the textbook but are significantly simplified. Individual exercises could be given as homeworks.
A Word and a PDF version are available. There is a version available for more able students.
A colourful 31 page workbook designed to roughly follow studio 1 module 1 C’est perso! This booklet is designed for most students. Contains a variety of exercises on the subject of likes and dislikes, mon kit de survie, personality, appearance, pop groups etc., including vocabulary matching, translation, reading comprehension, etc. There are also assessment materials - reading, writing, picture questions and speaking questions. The tasks range from straightforward to more complex, with clear explanations and instructions in English., to enable students to work independently. The activities and texts are different from those in the textbook, although in the same vein. Ideal for groups and individual students. Also useful for home learning, homework tasks and for students who have limited IT access.
Also available is a lower ability version of this booklet for less able students. There are both word and pdf versions included.
A booklet based on Studio 1 module 5, aimed at developing accuracy and translation skills lower down the school. Can be used independently of the textbook. Contains short translations which vary in complexity, based on each double page in the textbook, with writing tasks, a picture to describe and speaking test questions. There are spaces to self assess progress and to re-draft work. Can be used in booklet format to monitor progress in one place, projected on board as classroom activities, or as homework tasks.
GCSE French Translation and writing skills booklet. A 39 page booklet with translation exercises and writing tasks, covering home, region, what there is to do, environment. Contains checklists for student feedback on each written task and space to redraft work taking on board these areas for improvement. Also contains possible questions for the speaking exam. Can be given to students as a workbook or dipped into for translation exercises/writing tasks.
A GCSE resource designed to give students practice in the skills required for the new specification. A booklet containing extensive translation exercises, exam style written tasks, photo questions and role-play practice, as well as conversation topic questions. There are opportunities throughout for students to evaluate and re-draft their work.
A collection of 9 foundation level role-play practice cards, covering a variety of topics. The cards display both the candidate’s and the teacher’s role. The top text box can be flipped to make a tent- fold card suitable for pairwork in class. The cards contain a hyperlink to a LOOM video where I talk through the task, explaining what is expected in each bullet point, giving sample answers. I then run through the task giving the teacher’s role, leaving pauses for students to say their own answers out loud. I believe it facilitates speaking work/exam practice with remote learning in place.
Higher level role-play practice cards. The cards display both the candidate’s and the teacher’s role. The top text box can be flipped to make a tent- fold card suitable for pairwork in class. The cards contains a hyperlink to a LOOM video where I talk through the task, explaining what is expected in each bullet point, giving sample answers. I then run through the task giving the teacher’s role, leaving pauses for students to say their own answers out loud. It facilitates speaking work/exam practice with remote learning in place. There is a foundation free sample available if you would like to try first.
A collection of 9 foundation level role-play practice cards, covering a variety of topics. The cards display both the candidate’s and the teacher’s role. The top text box can be flipped to make a tent- fold card suitable for pairwork in class. The cards contain a hyperlink to a LOOM video where I talk through the task, explaining what is expected in each bullet point, giving sample answers. I then run through the task giving the teacher’s role, leaving pauses for students to say their own answers out loud. I believe it facilitates speaking work/exam practice with remote learning in place.
A collection of 9 higher level role-play practice cards. The cards display both the candidate’s and the teacher’s role. The top text box can be flipped to make a tent- fold card suitable for pairwork in class. The cards contain a hyperlink to a LOOM video where I talk through the task, explaining what is expected in each bullet point, giving sample answers. I then run through the task giving the teacher’s role, leaving pauses for students to say their own answers out loud. I believe it facilitates speaking work/exam practice with remote learning in place. There is a free sample available in my shop.
A colourful 31 page workbook designed to roughly follow studio 1 module 2 Mon college. This booklet is designed for the majority of students. Contains a variety of exercises on the subject of school subjects, opinions, telling the time and timetables, school day, and eating at school. Includes vocabulary matching, translation, reading comprehension, etc. There are also assessment materials - reading, writing, picture questions and speaking questions. The tasks range from straightforward to more complex, with clear explanations and instructions in English, to enable students to work independently. The activities and texts are different from those in the textbook, although in the same vein. Ideal for groups and individual students. Also useful for home learning, homework tasks and for students who have limited IT access.
Also available is a lower ability version of this booklet for less able students.
A colourful 31 page workbook designed to roughly follow studio 1 module 1 C’est perso! This booklet is designed for lower ability students. Contains a variety of exercises on the subject of likes and dislikes, mon kit de survie, personality, appearance, pop groups etc., including vocabulary matching, translation, reading comprehension, wordsearch and puzzles and a research project. There are also simplfied assessment materials - reading, writing, picture questions and speaking questions. The tasks are straightforward, with clear explanations and instructions in English. The activities and texts are different from those in the textbook, although in the same vein. Ideal for lower ability groups and individual students. The tasks are designed so that a non specialist learning suppport staff would be able to effectively help students. Also useful for home learning, homework tasks and for students who have limited IT access.
Also available is a ‘standard’ version of this booklet for more able students. There are both word and pdf versions included.
A GCSE resource, a 39 page booklet designed to give students lots of practice in translation skills and writing tasks, with detailed feedback forms on each task, and opportunities to redraft work. There are also topic questions for the speaking exam. Can be used as a booklet for the students, or as individual translation exercises, homework tasks etc.
A GCSE resource, which can be used as a booklet for students or dipped into for translations/writing skills practice. Designed to complement Studio GCSE Module 6, it provides extensive translation and written task practice, and suggested questions for the speaking element. After each written task there is a tick box feedback form, saving teachers time. There is also space to act on this feedback and to re-draft written tasks.
A valuable tool for practising phonics and dictation skills, ahead of the new specifications. This resource contains 4 sections. The first section is a grid containing common French phonics and their graphemes, with several examples of words which contain them. This can be printed and laminated for classroom display use. There is also a one page version that can be copied and stuck in students books.
There is a ‘mini dictees’ version, with 2 or 3 short sentences to be completed as dictations, focusing on one phonic at a time. This then progresses to ‘midi-dictees’ which have longer translation exercises encompassing 3 or 4 of the phonics together.
Finally, there is a 20 question choose the correct spelling exercise.
A GCSE workbook on the topic of School, designed to develop knowledge and exam skills, as well as revision of other topics. The booklet comprises sentence translations on school subjects, teachers, description of school, rules, extracurricular activities. The booklet also revisits the topic of family. Exam practice is included, with translation exercises, role play, picture stimulus, conversation topic questions and writing exam style tasks.
A collection of 25 vocab tests with answers, focusing on key verbs in different tenses, time expressions, question words and more. The Excel spreadsheet provides an overview and can be printed off for students to revise from. Either use it systematically or dip in at random for spot checking revision. Each Powerpoint slide has a block which covers the answers, so you can chose to test English to French or French to English.
A collection of 9 Foundation tier style roleplays, covering all 3 themes, for practice for the new 2026 GCSE.
The role plays are ‘tents’ which students can fold and use in pairs, with the teacher’s role scripted for the teacher/pairwork partner to use.
You could copy one for practice on a particular theme, or use the whole collection as general speaking exam practice.
If you do not want to use as ‘tents’, you can rotate the top box.