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End of unit consolidation, mock, and improvement lesson (Edexcel History American West 9-1)
Pupils will match up key acts and treaties as a quick recall activity
Then they will create two narrative account timelines for Mormon and Exoduster movements.
Consider consequences of the Gold Rush before explaining in detail why each feature of the Boom Towns lead to law and order problems.
Finally, pupils will evaluate how far things had changed for the Indians using acts and treaties to explain whether there were any significant turning points.
Mock attached, follows next lesson.

KS3 WW1 bundle
Four lessons that introduce KS3 pupils to WW1 whilst building skills towards KS4. Focus on analysis, evaluation and source work throughout the scheme of work.
Pupils will be introduced to propaganda as well as contemporary evidence from the period.

Early Elizabethan England Revision Bundle inc. Mock (Edexcel 9-1)
This revision bundle covers the content required to revise Paper Two of Early Elizabethan England (Edexcel 9-1).
Sessions included in this bundle:
Key people (Elizabeth, Walsingham, Mary QoS)
Life and problems (poverty, education, entertainment)
Plots against Elizabeth (Ridolfi, Babington, Throckmorton, Northern Earls, Armada)
Exploration (Drake and Raleigh with exam practice)
Full mock also included

Medicine Through Time Revision Activity Book (designed for Edexcel 9-1)
Revision booklet with:
Knowledge checker (RAG rated)
input of knowledge for each section laid out appealingly
tasks at the end of teach unit - 10 ideas of how pupils can revise, four key words to define and a quick quiz (answers in the back)
source (strengths and weaknesses) table at the back of the booklet

Medicine Through Time Revision Bundle
Five sessions that cover revision for the Medicine Through Time unit.
Each session comes with a worksheet for pupils to create that they can take home to revise from.
Sessions include:
Medieval medicine 1250-1500
Renaissance medicine 1500-1700
Early Modern medicine 1700-1900
Modern medicine 1900-2000
WW1 Medicine in the trenches (Historic environment) 1914-1918

American West Revision Guide for Edexcel 9-1 2017
I have created this revision guide aimed at KS4 Edexcel 9-1 for the 2017 specification.
It includes sections about:
Plains Indians,
Indian Wars,
Cattle Industry
Each section has information sheets, revision ideas, key words and a quick quiz (all answers to the quiz are in the back of the book).

Indian Wars bundle (American West (Edexcel history 9-1))
This bundle includes lessons that cover the Indian wars as well as reservations.
The lessons include focus on cause, conduct and consequence in preparation of Paper Two (Edexcel 2016 specification). There is a focus on developing the skills required to answer the narrative account, importance and consequence questions.

Edexcel Nazi Germany Independent Revision Guide
Revision guide created cross referenced with the Edexcel textbook and specification.
Focus on knowledge with guidance suggesting how pupils may revise.
Pupil knowledge audit
2 A4 pages per quarter of the unit (weimar, rise to power etc)
Checklist of revision ideas (create a facebook profile, create a mindmap, research etc) guidance to develop independent learners
quick quiz (answers in the back)
worksheet 1x section so that you can set guided revision homework
The revision guide follows the structure of the textbook:
Rise to Power
Nazi Control
Life in Nazi Germany

KS3 Henry VIII
Five lessons well resourced and researched to create a flowing scheme of work for KS3.
Each lesson is fully differentiated and includes options for SEN and LA pupils as well as challenging HA+. Pupils enjoy these lessons because they link back to prior knowledge they may have attained through primary school, activities include creating facebook conversations, carousel tasks and levelled extended writing, of which could be marked formally if you so wish.
All lessons available to buy singularly for £2-£3 on my TES shop.
There are some lessons missing from the SOW as a whole because I hadn’t made the other lessons from scratch, for example you may want to include lessons such as the dissolution of the monasteries, pilgrimage of grace, and others.

What is History? KS3 introduction to history
This scheme of work has been created to introduce and embed historical skills across KS3.
Pupils explore key concepts such as chronology, bias, and interpretations before conducting their own investigation over a series of six lessons.
The seventh lesson of the series can be used as a baseline assessment and is in line with the interpretation skills included in Paper 3 (edexcel 9-1).

American West Revision Bundle (designed for Edexcel 9-1)
7 revision sessions focused around building skills towards the new GCSE content - narrative account, importance and consequences.

KS3 WW2 bundle
This unit of work has been created to embed and develop skills required at KS4 within KS3 written responses. Skills developed include source work (Interpretations and sources) as well as narrative account, consequences, and PEEL paragraphs.
Bundle includes lessons about:
Defeat of France
Hitler’s defeat
Invasion of Poland
Operation Barbarossa
Pearl Harbour
The Blitz
WW2 Dictators

KS3 Elizabeth I
Full scheme of work consisting of 9 lessons exploring the reign of Elizabeth I.
All lessons fully differentiated and designed to embed skills required for the reformed GCSE’s.
Topics in order of teaching are:
Who was Elizabeth?
Who should marry Elizabeth?
Poverty and the poor laws
Mary Queen of Scots - whats the problem?
Mary Queen of Scots - plots and execution
Armada - causes
Armada - events narrative account

SAVE 30%!! Slavery and emancipation bundle
Aimed at y8/ks3 pupils
All lessons fully differentiated, homework included where appropriate.

Slavery Bundle (7 lessons with homework, differentiation and fully resourced)
Skills building unit surrounding slavery in the British Empire and the Americas, developing skills towards KS4 GCSE. Aimed at Y8 KS3, fully differentiated for level 3-6.
What is slavery,
Slave trade triangle
Opposition and rebellion
Abolition in America
Abolition in Britain
Were slaves really freed?
Comparative cartoon homework
Abolitionist profile

Edexcel 9-1: Anglo-Saxon and Norman England
A bundle of fully differentiated lessons.
Lessons build into a scheme of work for Paper Two Anglo-Saxon and Norman England.
Pupils are given the opportunity to be supported through effective differentiation every lesson and challenged through tasks ranging up to a grade nine every lesson.
There are a variety of WAGOLLs included to give pupils model answers to work from, all tasks are responded to through AFL and there are several longer written responses included to allow teachers to mark pupils written communication.
I have included some revision sessions (labelled REVISION) as a bonus.

SAVE 30%!!! American West Edexcel 9-1 bundle
14 lessons and revision guide.
All fully differentiated and resourced including differentiated homework where appropriate.
Please note this does not include the entire unit of lessons, I am happy to send the order of teaching that I use via email upon request.