All resources

Religious Experience - GCSE Edexcel Spec A
Complete lesson with engaging activities and exam practice.

Arguments for the Existence of God and Relationships and Families Revision Booklet - Edexcel Spec A
Complete Revision booklet with multiple choice quizzes and exam practise with support.

CH3 and CH4 Revision Booklet, PPT and SOWA Sheet - Edexcel Spec A
Sources of Wisdom and Authority
Forms of Expression and Ways of Life
Complete Revision Booklet with multiple choice questions and exam practise.
Complete PPT to assist with the booklet.
Key SOWA’s sheet for CH3 and CH4

Salvation and Grace - Edexcel Spec A Beliefs and Teachings
2 Complete Lessons on Salvation and Grace.
Exam Practise with support.
Engaging and Challenging Activities.
1 Worksheet to support learning.
Higher ability and Lower Ability lessons.

Catholic Social Teaching - Edexcel Spec A GCSE
2 Complete Lessons with engaging activities and exam practise with support.

The Four Marks of the Catholic Church - Edexcel Spec A GCSE
Completed lesson made for Lockdown Learning.
Clear and engaging tasks.
With Practise Question for Edexcel Spec A and support

The Second Vatican Council - Edexcel Spec A GCSE
Complete Lesson with clear and engaging activities.
Made for Lockdown Learning.
GCSE practice questions and help.

Eschatology - Edexcel Spec A GCSE - Beliefs and Teachings
2 Completed Lessons with engaging activities and GCSE practice questions.

Religious Experiences Edexcel Spec A GCSE
Complete lesson with engaging activities and exam practice.

Revelation - Arguments for the Existence of God Edexcel Spec A GCSE
2 complete engaging lessons.
Varied activities.
Exam practice.

How Chrisitanity has changed throughout history
Completed lesson with mixed activities to engage pupils.
Aimed at KS3 pupils.

The Pope
Completed lesson about:
How a new Pope is chosen?
What is the role of the Pope?
Catholic believes about the Pope.
Aimed at Yr7 - Yr8 pupils.

Introduction to the Christian Creation Stories
Completed Single Lesson introducing the Christian creation stories from Genesis 1 and Genesis 2-3.
Suited to Year 6/7.

The Church as the Body of Christ
Complete lesson for Edexcel Specification A.
Varied activities and exam practise.

Divorce and Remarriage
Complete lesson for Edexcel Specification A.
Includes various activities and exam practise.