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We understand the importance of education. We offer tailored private tuition designed to maximise success at GCSE, A Level and beyond. Our tutors are experienced professionals, teachers and top-tier graduates with extensive knowledge in their subjects. On Tes we offer high quality board-specific resources. Please check back regularly as we are continually updating our stock.




We understand the importance of education. We offer tailored private tuition designed to maximise success at GCSE, A Level and beyond. Our tutors are experienced professionals, teachers and top-tier graduates with extensive knowledge in their subjects. On Tes we offer high quality board-specific resources. Please check back regularly as we are continually updating our stock.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 26 - The Circulatory System

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 26 - The Circulatory System

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.68 - Understand how the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries relate to their function. Specification Point 2.69 - Understand the general structure of the circulation system, including the blood vessels to and from the heart and lungs, liver and kidneys. Complete set of Chapter 3 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 7 - Enzymes

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 7 - Enzymes

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.10 - Understand the role of enzymes as biological catalysts in metabolic reactions. Specification Point 2.11 - Understand how temperature changes can affect enzyme function, including changes to the shape of the active site. Specification Point 2.12 - Practical: Investigate how enzyme activity can be affected by changes in temperature. Specification Point 2.13 - Understand how enzyme function can be affected by changes in pH altering the active site. Complete set of Chapter 1 Lessons are available
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 8 - Enzymes and pH

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 8 - Enzymes and pH

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.14B - Practical: Investigate how enzyme activity can be affected by changes in pH. Complete set of Chapter 1 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 9 - Movement Across Membranes

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 9 - Movement Across Membranes

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.15 - Understand the processes of diffusion, osmosis and active transport by which substances move into and out of cells. Specification Point 2.16 - Understand how factors affect the rate of movement of substances into and out of cells, including the effects of surface area to volume ratio, distance, temperature and concentration gradient. Specification Point 2.17 - Practical: Investigate diffusion and osmosis using living and non-living systems. Complete set of Chapter 1 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 5 - Biological Molecules

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 5 - Biological Molecules

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.7 - Identify the chemical elements present in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Specification Point 2.8 - Describe the structure of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids as large molecules made up from smaller basic units. Complete set of Chapter 1 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 54 - The Nitrogen Cycle

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 54 - The Nitrogen Cycle

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.11B - Describe the stages in the nitrogen cycle, including the roles of nitrogen fixing bacteria, decomposers, nitrifying bacteria and denitrifying bacteria. Complete set of Chapter 6 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 53 - The Carbon Cycle

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 53 - The Carbon Cycle

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 4.10 - Describe the stages in the carbon cycle, including respiration, photosynthesis, decomposition and combustion. Complete set of Chapter 6 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 57 - Crop Production

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 57 - Crop Production

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 5.1 - Describe how glasshouses and polythene tunnels can be used to increase the yield of certain crops. Specification Point 5.2 - Understand the effects on crop yield of increased carbon dioxide and increased temperature in glasshouses. Specification Point 5.3 - Understand how the use of fertiliser can increase crop yield. Specification Point 5.4 - Understand the reasons for pest control and the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides and biological control with crop plants. Complete set of Chapter 7 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 62 - Cloning

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 62 - Cloning

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 5.17B - Describe the process of micropropagation (tissue culture) in which explants are grown in vitro. Specification Point 5.18B - Understand how micropropagation can be used to produce commercial quantities of genetically identical plants with desirable characteristics. Specification Point 5.19B - Describe the stages in the production of cloned mammals involving the introduction of a diploid nucleus from a mature cell into an enucleated egg cell, illustrated by Dolly the sheep. Complete set of Chapter 7 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 60 - Selective Breeding

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 60 - Selective Breeding

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 5.10 - Understand how selective breeding can develop plants with desired characteristics. Specification Point 5.11 - Understand how selective breeding can develop animals with desired characteristics. Complete set of Chapter 7 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 32 - Reflexes and the Eye

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 32 - Reflexes and the Eye

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.90 - Describe the structure and functioning of a simple reflex arc illustrated by the withdrawal of a finger from a hot object. Specification Point 2.91 - Describe the structure and function of the eye as a receptor. Specification Point 2.92 - Understand the function of the eye in focusing on near and distant objects, and in responding to changes in light intensity. Complete set of Chapter 4 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 33 - Cosmology

Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 33 - Cosmology

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 8.11P - Understand how the brightness of a star at a standard distance can be represented using absolute magnitude. Specification Point 8.12P - Draw the main components of the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. Specification Point 8.13P - Describe the past evolution of the universe and the main arguments in favour of the Big Bang theory. Specification Point 8.14P - Describe evidence that supports the Big Bang theory. Specification Point 8.15P - Describe that if a wave source is moving relative to an observer, there will be a change in the observed frequency and wavelength. Specification Point 8.16P - Use the equation relating to change in wavelength, reference wavelength, velocity of a galaxy and the speed of light. Specification Point 8.17P - Describe the red-shift in light received from galaxies at different distances away from the Earth. Specification Point 8.18P - Explain why the red-shift of galaxies provides evidence for the expansion of the universe. Complete set of Chapter 8 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 32 - The Evolution of Stars

Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 32 - The Evolution of Stars

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 8.7 - Understand how stars can be classified according to their colour. Specification Point 8.8 - Know that a star’s colour is related to its surface temperature. Specification Point 8.9 - Describe the evolution of stars of similar mass to the Sun through the following stages: nebula, star, red giant and white dwarf. Specification Point 8.10 - Describe the evolution of stars with a mass larger than the Sun. Complete set of Chapter 8 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 28 - Radioactivity Part 1

Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 28 - Radioactivity Part 1

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 7.1 - Use the following units: becquerel (Bq), centimetre (cm), hour (h), minute (min) and second (s). Specification Point 7.2 - Describe the structure of an atom in terms of protons, neutrons and electrons. Specification Point 7.3 - Know the terms atomic number, mass number and isotope. Specification Point 7.4 - Know that alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays are ionising radiations emitted from unstable nuclei in a random process. Specification Point 7.5 - Describe the nature of alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays, and recall that they may be distinguished in terms of penetrating power and ability to ionise. Specification Point 7.6 - Practical: investigate the penetration powers of different types of radiation using either radioactive sources or simulations. Specification Point 7.7 - Describe the effects on the atomic and mass numbers of a nucleus of the emission of each of the four main types of radiation (alpha, beta, gamma and neutron radiation). Specification Point 7.8 - Understand how to balance nuclear equations in terms of mass and charge. Complete set of Chapter 7 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 29 - Radioactivity Part 2

Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 29 - Radioactivity Part 2

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 7.10 - Explain the sources of background radiation from Earth and space. Specification Point 7.11 - Know that the activity of a radioactive source decreases over a period of time and is measured in becquerels. Specification Point 7.12 - Know the definition of the term half-life and understand that it is different for different radioactive isotopes. Specification Point 7.13 - Use the concept of the half-life to carry out simple calculations on activity, including graphical methods. Specification Point 7.14 - Describe uses of radioactivity in industry and medicine. Specification Point 7.15 - Describe the difference between contamination and irradiation. Specification Point 7.16 - Describe the dangers of ionising radiations and how to dispose of radioactive waste. Complete set of Chapter 7 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 27 - Electromagnets Part 2

Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 27 - Electromagnets Part 2

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 6.9P - Describe the construction of electromagnets. Specification Point 6.10P - Draw magnetic field patterns for a straight wire, a flat circular coil and a solenoid when each is carrying a current. Specification Point 6.11P - Know that there is a force on a charged particle when it moves in a magnetic field as long as its motion is not parallel to the field. Specification Point 6.17P - Describe the structure of a transformer, and understand that a transformer changes the size of an alternating voltage by having different numbers of turns on the input and output sides. Specification Point 6.18P - Explain the use of step-up and step-down transformers in the large-scale generation and transmission of electrical energy. Specification Point 6.19P - Know and use the relationship between input and output voltages and the turns ratio for a transformer. Specification Point 6.20P - Know and use the relationship between input power and output power. Complete set of Chapter 6 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 12 - Circuits Part 2

Edexcel IGCSE Physics Lesson 12 - Circuits Part 2

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.15 - Know and use the relationship between charge, current and time. Specification Point 2.16 - Know that electric current in solid metallic conductors is a flow of negatively charged electrons. Specification Point 2.17 - Understand why current is conserved at a junction in a circuit. Specification Point 2.18 - Know that the voltage across two components connected in parallel is the same. Specification Point 2.19 - Calculate the currents, voltages and resistances of two resistive components connected in a series circuit. Specification Point 2.20 - Know that voltage is the energy transferred per unit charge passed and that the volt is a joule per coulomb. Specification Point 2.21 - Know and use the relationship between energy transferred, charge and voltage. Complete set of Chapter 2 Lessons are available.
Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 25 - The Heart

Edexcel IGCSE Biology Lesson 25 - The Heart

Powerpoint lecture and associated PDF worksheet covering the following in a modern, concise format: Specification Point 2.65 - Describe the structure of the heart and how it functions. Specification Point 2.66 - Explain how the heart rate changes during exercise and under the influence of adrenaline. Specification Point 2.67 - Understand how factors may increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease. Complete set of Chapter 3 Lessons are available.