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Paul Urry's Shop

Average Rating4.50
(based on 3278 reviews)

2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools. My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas. Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back. Paul




2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools. My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas. Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back. Paul
171 adverbs learning mat

171 adverbs learning mat

171 adverbs listed alphabetically in an A4 image and also a publisher file for easy editing. Ideal for class use, display or as a teaching resource.
Report writing template for world cup countries

Report writing template for world cup countries

32 sheets - 1 each for every country in the world cup finals 2014. Space to draw the flag and write the capital and continent for each country plus additional research space. Part of wider range of 2014 world cup activities found in my listings - http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/World-Cup-2014-Games-and-Activities-6430333/
Silver packages - Ultimate FIFA World Cup 2018 Resources, Activities and Displays

Silver packages - Ultimate FIFA World Cup 2018 Resources, Activities and Displays

18 Display and Resources for the 2018 World Cup. This is the silver level of resources and contains Table signs - 2 sets flag bunting - 2 sets country flags - All 32 flags in picture format Display borders - 3 sets country flag reference sheets - 2 sets World cup groups - A4 sheets for each group with flags Reference flag mat - 2 sets Bookmarks - country Names and flags for all 32 countries Country flags colouring sheets - each country in 4 differing sizes bingo - 32 cards in two games - flags and country names Paper chains/wrist bands - 2 sets dominoes/loop cards - 3 sets - capital, flags and country outlines Fixtures display - daily sheets showing each day’s fixtures Matching/snap/pairs games - 11 sets of this - involving combinations of flags, names, capitals and outlines Find the country - find and label each country on a world and each continent map Writing frames - 5 sheets for each of teh 32 nations Cryptograms - for each of the countries - 3 differentiated levels. Word search - 1 for each name of the countries in the final 129 files in total See the attached file for the full list of resources
3 Christmas picture wordmats

3 Christmas picture wordmats

visual word mats for Christmas, the nativity and winter. Publisher file added for easy editing. More Christmas resources can be found at https://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/Range-of-Christmas-Games-and-Activities-6452572/
Complete Year 4 Multi-task spelling bees scheme

Complete Year 4 Multi-task spelling bees scheme

36 lists based on the new 2014 spelling guidance for year 4. Activities include word-searches, word jumbles, flash cards, definitions, alphabetical lists, sentences, display words, bespoke clipart, crack the codes and look, say, cover, write, check. All files are in word for easy editing and contain solutions where appropriate. Bee images have been created specifically for the scheme. Please see the scheme guide for more information. Follow the scheme on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/spelingbeescheme?ref=hl
Connectives Learning Mat

Connectives Learning Mat

A4 image of list of 8 types of connectives. Ideal for table work, display or use with a whiteboard. Publisher file attached for easy editing. Thanks for the feedback - resource updated.
Types of Pronouns learning mat

Types of Pronouns learning mat

A4 image defining and giving examples of 8 types of pronouns. Ideal for display, revision,, pupil or whiteboard use. Publisher file also included to personalise resource
Introduction to word classes

Introduction to word classes

PowerPoint explaining 8 types of word class - verbs, adverbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, determiners and pronouns, with examples. Ideal for lesson starter, display or interactive whiteboard activity. Fully editable. Thanks for the feedback - problem fixed.
Complete Year 6 multi-task spelling bees scheme

Complete Year 6 multi-task spelling bees scheme

36 lists based on the new 2014 spelling guidance for year 6. Activities include word-searches, word jumbles, flash cards, definitions, alphabetical lists, sentences, display words, bespoke clipart, crack the codes and look, say, cover, write, check. All files are in word for easy editing and contain solutions where appropriate. Bee images have been created specifically for the scheme. Please see the scheme guide for more information. Follow the scheme on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/spelingbeescheme?ref=hl
Types of pronouns learning mat

Types of pronouns learning mat

A4 image of types of pronoun, organised into 1st, 2nd and 3rd person as well as general pronouns. USeful for class use, display or IWBs. Publisher file attached for easy editing.
Level 2 Spring 2 spelling tests

Level 2 Spring 2 spelling tests

Six weeks spelling tests - word lists and also word search with the following instructions - Find the words in the word search and then write a sentence for seven of the words. You can start two sentences with 'I&' or &';My'. Overview shows where level 2 fits into the 4 levels. Based on &'spelling made easy&'; scheme. Includes look, say, cover, write check worksheets.
Complete year 5 multi-task spelling bees scheme

Complete year 5 multi-task spelling bees scheme

36 lists based on the new 2014 spelling guidance for year 5. Activities include word-searches, word jumbles, flash cards, definitions, alphabetical lists, sentences, display words, bespoke clipart, crack the codes and look, say, cover, write, check. All files are in word for easy editing and contain solutions where appropriate. Bee images have been created specifically for the scheme. LSCWC and word jumbles files been updated. Please see the scheme guide for more information. Follow the scheme on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/spelingbeescheme?ref=hl