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Paul Urry's Shop

Average Rating4.50
(based on 3278 reviews)

2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools. My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas. Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back. Paul




2016 Ben Evans resource contributor of the year with 8.5M downloads With over 6.8 million downloads already, I am offering a wide range of resources for use throughout Primary and some secondary schools. My main resources are - spelling, leveled SATs questions for maths and science, learning mats for science, English and maths. spreadsheets analysis grids, and games and activities for science, maths and Christmas. Resources will continue to be added so keep checking back. Paul
4 types of fraction walls for pupils and class

4 types of fraction walls for pupils and class

A4 word documents with fractions up to 1/12. colour and black and white versions for class display or pupil work. Whole wall versions and also each fractions separated for easier cutting up. Thanks for the feedback - problem fixed.
Tyme Travel and the greatest war poet

Tyme Travel and the greatest war poet

my own story about Wilfred Owen, the first world war poet. The story is based around twins who are able to see events in his life through a book from a library in their house. It takes them through his influences, events that shaped specific poems, meeting Siegfried Sassoon, winning the military cross, his death a week before armistice day and the acknowledgement of his work after his death. Focus is also on remembrance day ans its significance especially has his found out that he had been killed on 11th November 1918.
Connectives Learning Mat

Connectives Learning Mat

A4 image of list of 8 types of connectives. Ideal for table work, display or use with a whiteboard. Publisher file attached for easy editing. Thanks for the feedback - resource updated.
2013 SPAG Test detailed Analysis 30 or 60 children

2013 SPAG Test detailed Analysis 30 or 60 children

Simply enter the score for each question and the spreadsheet will analyse strengths and areas of development and give a breakdown of the 4 areas of the grammar curriculum. All sheets fit onto A4 printouts Essential tool for AfL. Issue has been fixed