Foodtechfanatics contains a range of resources which meet the requirements of the National Curriculum in Cookery and Nutrition, and GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. The resources have been created to improve teaching and learning and raise standards.
Foodtechfanatics contains a range of resources which meet the requirements of the National Curriculum in Cookery and Nutrition, and GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. The resources have been created to improve teaching and learning and raise standards.
This Pupil Progression Portfolio is a great way to document progression over time and evidence students practical work. It contains different ways of recording progress through differentiation, and includes how students can challenge themselves further by setting realsitic and yet challenging targets. It can be easily used in an existing or new Scheme of Work.
This small A3 booklet has been created to help SEN students design and make a hat out of polyester fleece. This booklet can be used in conjunction with your schemes of work based on making hats out of polyester fleece. The booklet contains literacy sheets, design sheets, photographic pictures showing how to make a hat, flow chart and evaluation sheets. Large font and line spacing has been used throughout. All literacy words have been written in lowercase to help dyslexic students to recognise letters.
I hope that your students enjoy using this booklet.
This bundle contains Key Words Revision Activity Packs for Food, Graphics, Resistant Materials and Textiles. These packs have been developed to raise attainment through familiarisation and identification of Key Words via grouping exercises.
This resource clearly shows what students have to do to make incremental progress with their practical skills. A wide range of cookery skills have been sorted from Level 3 to Level 8 and students can use the assessment sheets to identify areas of success and set new targets of improvement. Peer Assessment and Self Assessment have been included on the sheets which are available in A4 and A3 format.
Which flour is best to use in cupcakes?
This fun and engaging food investigation can be used as a mini mock for NEA 1, or a standalone investigation for students studying GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. It is a powerpoint presentation containing 28 slides, and worksheets can be printed directly from the powerpoint.
This resource includes:
Learning Objectives
Hedonic chart
Star Profile
Differentiated tasks
Evaluation and analysis
Extension work
Food science of sugar
Assessment criteria
It also discusses:
What a hypothesis is
How to make an experiment fair
This PowerPoint presentation is about dextrinisation and caramelisation. It contains key words, learning objectives, questions, and visual imagery to support the teaching and learning of Food Science in KS3. It can also be used as a revision PowerPoint for KS4 students.
This pack contains 20 sheets in one document. This resource focuses on:
HBV and LBV protein foods
Protein Complementation
The collection of differentiated worksheets and activities should be used to enhance your own schemes of work and do not follow a particular order.
The resources have been uploaded in both publisher and pdf.
Which sugar is best to use in a sponge cake?
This fun and engaging food investigation can be used as a mini mock for NEA 1, or a standalone investigation for students studying GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. It is a powerpoint presentation containing 28 slides, and worksheets can be printed directly from the powerpoint.
This resource includes:
Learning Objectives
Hedonic chart
Star Profile
Differentiated tasks
Evaluation and analysis
Extension work
Food science of sugar
Assessment criteria
It also discusses:
What a hypothesis is
How to make an experiment fair
This visual powerpoint about Emulsification is ideal for KS4 Food Preparation and Nutrition students but can also be used in KS3 Cookery and Nutrition. It covers emulsions, water-in-oil solutions, and oil-in-water solutions. The powerpoint could either be used to introduce the topic or as a revision aid. It contains 14 slides in total including a 'Power Words' slide (key words) and a set of revision questions.
This bundle contains brand new tests that have been created for the new National Curriculum. It includes a baseline test for Design and Technology and a baseline test for Cookery and Nutrition. The tests should ideally be taken at the start of the first rotation and used as a starting point to measure progression from.
This bundle also contains a Year 7 Textiles test that can be taken at the end of the Textiles rotation.
This PowerPoint presentation is about Energy Needs. It contains key words, learning objectives, information slides and questions. The presentation conveys why we need energy, how energy is measured; energy balance; energy intake; basal metabolic rate (BMR), and physical activity level (PAL). It can either be used to introduce students to Energy Needs at KS3/KS4 or as a revision PowerPoint.
This Unit Of Learning is all about Eggs; where do eggs come from? How can they be used?; The nutritional value of eggs and importance of washing your hands after handling raw eggs and egg shells. It has been designed for primary school children and meets the National Curriculum requirements for KS1 Cookery and Nutrition. The activities are fun and engaging and teach children to become informed consumers.
This unit of learning contains 4 consecutive powerpoint lessons that build upon their prior knowledge and develop their theory and practical skills. It includes lesson objectives, plenaries, differentiated worksheets and activities, keywords and an egg based practical lesson.
I hope that you enjoy using this resource with your pupils.
This resource has been created for SEN pupils and can be used in all disciplines of Design and Technology. It includes A3 design ideas, flow chart and evaluation sheets. The design sheets include words to help the students to label their ideas-they should be limited to the amount of words they use for labelling according to their ability, and large font has been used throughout.
This resource has been made in both publisher and PDF.
This pack will help you to stay afloat with the organisation of your teaching and evidence your CPD. It contains:
• 2019-2020 Teacher Planner-with dates
• Daily Lesson Planner
• Editable Lesson Plan
• Behaviour Intervention Log
• Pupil Progress Intervention Log
• CPD Activity Review
• CPD Log
• Meeting Evidence
• Meeting Log
• Health and Safety Incident Log
• Order Form
• Technician Preparation Job List
• Ultimate Teacher Organiser
• Lesson Plan Template
Designed for GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition EDUQAS, but also suitable for other exam boards.
This new resource covers the unit ‘Principles of Nutrition’ in detail and contains over 100 slides designed to inform and engage students. It also consists of differentiated worksheets on Carbohydrates, Dietary Fibre NSP, Fats, Protein and Micronutrients, to test knowledge and understanding of students. Learning Objectives, Extension Activities, and links to fantastic ‘youtube’ videos have also been included.
This resource covers the following:
• Carbohydrates-monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides, molecular structure of different sugars, dietary function of sugar
• The digestive system
• Dietary Fibre NSP- soluble and insoluble fibre, fibre rich foods, dietary functions of fibre, consequences of a low fibre diet, ways to increase fibre intake
• Fat-saturated and unsaturated fat, monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats, dietary functions of fat, consequences of a high fat diet
• Protein- protein molecules, amino acids, essential amino acids, dietary function of fibre, HBV foods and LBV foods, protein complementation
• Vitamins, minerals and trace Element- what they are, their dietary functions and sources
• Deficiencies- symptoms and causes
Files are in word and PowerPoint and can be adapted.