I have over 30 years experience in the classroom and as a school leader, and specialize in writing and developing arts based and creative curriculums. Over the years I have run courses throughout the UK, written regularly for the TES and had a number of resource books published. I have set up this shop to share lessons and schemes of work that children enjoy, and teachers enjoy teaching. Hope you find them useful!
I have over 30 years experience in the classroom and as a school leader, and specialize in writing and developing arts based and creative curriculums. Over the years I have run courses throughout the UK, written regularly for the TES and had a number of resource books published. I have set up this shop to share lessons and schemes of work that children enjoy, and teachers enjoy teaching. Hope you find them useful!
This PowerPoint introduces children to the work of William Heath Robinson – guiding them through the stages needed in order to draw an illustrated design of their own.
This Art & Design lesson for Key Stage 2 children introduces pupils to the work of William Heath Robinson. Famed for his elaborate and overly complicated machines, Heath Robinson’s contraptions transformed mundane everyday tasks into ridiculous and often hilarious rituals.
Children of all ages love his absurd ideas and intricate drawings – and are always eager to produce designs and ideas of their own. This process can be more complex than first thought, and this step by step PowerPoint presentation is packed with images and original illustrations that guide the children through the various stages needed in order to produce something truly distinctive.
• The resource introduces the artist, and gives some background to Heath Robinson’s work
• The children are invited to study and interpret some of his best known designs
• Children are guided through the design process – initially being shown how to use a series of sketches and annotation to clarify ideas
• Guidance and further visual examples then illustrate how their initial design sketches can be transformed into a finished piece of art work.
• Further ideas and useful tips are provided to get the children started
This comprehensive and unique lesson will inspire and amuse children, giving them the motivation to design and illustrate their own imaginative ideas in the style of William Heath Robinson.
Great poetry lesson for KS2 or KS3 children based around a bullet.
Lesson ties into WWI quite easily, but can be taught as a stand alone lesson.
Introduces similes and metaphors through a PowerPoint quiz.
Then children create a word bank to use in their poems.
Use the wordbank to create similes and metaphors.
Incorporate these into a simple framework in order to create your own poems.
Plenary and extension tasks draws children into a deeper understanding of symbols and wider social issues.
All resources provided - teachers notes, PowerPoint and printable sheets.
PowerPoint and printed resources for KS2 Guided Reading session.
Story of Daedalus and Icarus - perfect for Greeks topic or as a one-off.
All key question types covered.
In this lesson we read a short passage from Michael Morpurgo’s Born to Run.
Then we answer a full range of questions – concentrating on giving answers that require you making a point, finding evidence to back it up and explaining your thinking.
Fully resourced lesson - PowerPoint leads the children through the text - highlighting key passages in the text, providing a framework for answers and giving model answers.
Printable versions of the text and the questions mean the lesson can be approached in several different ways - perfect for both whole class and group sessions.
KS2 ART LESSON – Inspired by the classic animation Howl’s Moving Castle!
Children love the film, and will love this lesson.
The PowerPoint is a step-by-step guide to designing and drawing your own incredible moving machines.
Over 50 slides, with hand drawn illustrations introduce the children to new drawing techniques - allowing them to build up a design of their own in small steps.
It is perfect for teachers who lack confidence in teaching art as all the techniques and stages are demonstrated clearly for you. All the teacher need do is dictate the pace of the lesson.
The simple and clear guides allow the children to producing stunning illustrations - each one unique.
This lesson is a real favourite with the children - I adapted it so I could teach it online during lockdown and it worked a treat.
Download the lesson and try something new - I’ve taught variations on this lesson for years and each group of children are inspired by it - the drawing becomes addictive!
Guided Reading Lesson - Fully Resourced.
Based around text from Carrie’s War.
Perfect for using as part of a WWII History Topic, or just as a stand alone guided reading lesson.
Use the printed resources, or work from the PowerPoint - recommended.
This contextualizes the text - images and explanations about air raids and evacuation of children during the war.
We then join Carrie and her brother as they are ‘chosen’ after being evacuated to Wales.
All key question types are addressed though the lesson, with highlighted sections of text leading the children to the appropriate sections of text.
A fascinating insight into life as an evacuee - children are enthralled by the experiences highlighted here - a great lesson.
Printable texts and questions so you can adapt the lesson as you see fit.
A guided reading resource for KS2.
Based on the Roald Dahl classic, George’s Marvellous Medicine.
Works best with Lower KS2 children.
A large section of text has been used, and there is enough here for a number of days.
All question types are included with model answers provided for all questions.
Use as a PowerPoint, with highlighted sections of text and model answers - this works well if you are using the resource with a whole class.
There are printable sheets also available which are better suited to small group work.
Based on the ‘wall game’ of the TV show Only Connect.
This PowerPoint and sets of printable resources enable you to play in the classroom.
Pair up the children or put into small teams - arm them with a dictionary/thesaurus and pencil and away you go.
The Powerpoint has a set of clues for each game to enable all children to get started.
The printable sheets have sets with and without clues so you can differentiate in class.
This is a fun and engaging activity that extends and promotes vocabulary.
What was life like for the lower class in Victorian Britain?
A wealth of amazing resources documenting living conditions in towns and cities during the Industrial Revolution.
Photos, illustrations and shocking first hand accounts of daily life.
The stories will fascinate and challenge the reader - these resources pull no punches and never fail to inspire and engage the reader.
Use the resources to challenge your children to write and present a speech that will be delivered to parliament.
The speeches should be designed to persuade members of parliament to introduce new laws that will improve the living and working conditions for the lower classes.
Guidance and additional reading material included in the pack.
Suitable for KS2 and KS3
Who is Storm Man?
What do we know about him and his life?
What experiences has he had?
What can we work out?
This PowerPoint lesson will lead the children through a thought provoking, captivating and intriguing one-off poem.
Meet the mysterious ‘Storm Man’ and piece together his life experiences.
Each slide prompts and suggests interpretations through inference and deduction. Finally challenging the children to create their own ‘storm man’ and produce a poem using past, present and future tenses.
This lesson will appeal to all - I’ve never known it to fail!
In 1991, two walkers out exploring in the Alps stumbled across a 5,000 year old mummified body.
The oldest naturally mummified body ever found, ‘Otzi the Iceman’ told scientists much – but not who murdered him!
Examine the evidence and see if you can you solve this ancient murder mystery.
A captivating and fascinating assembly story.
Use the resources for a creative writing follow up, or set as a homework task.
This assembly story never fails to ignite the imagination!
A series of PowerPoint slides guide you through the story - examining different sources of evidence and encouraging the children to infer and deduce each clue.
Challenge them to justify their ideas by backing up with evidence they have been presented with.
Works beautifully as a one-off assembly story, but additional resources mean it can be turned into a writing task - either creative writing or report writing.
I have used it as the basis of whole school homework tasks - it’s an amazing story that will captivate the children and fire their imaginations.
KS2 Guided Reading Lessons based on The Mystery of the Colour Thief
Works best with Year 5 and Year 6 classes
Guided Reading PowerPoint analyses a section of text
All main question types covered, complete with model answers
Two additional extension activities included:
i) Printable Vocab Game
Print off the resources and challenge groups of children to collect associated vocabulary to complete a word bank
ii) Use the completed word banks and additional resources to investigate adjectives and complete a descriptive poem based on the colours of Autumn leaves
A series of three lessons that work perfectly if delivered over the course of a week
A great PowerPoint and set of extension tasks
Designed for Year 6 - Greater Depth
PowerPoint is fantastic - shapes gliding across the screen makes it really simple and visual
Extension tasks are challenging but good for Greater Depth children
Year 6 Maths resources for Greater Depth pupils
Co-ordinates - and working out missing co-ordinates
PowerPoint Slides
Printable Worksheets for pupils to use alongside the presentation
Printable Extension Activity
A clear, clean set of resources that make the teaching of the lesson easy.
What is an ‘outsider?’
What might ‘Outsider Art’ look like?
In this assembly we meet Veijo Ronkkonen
Veijo lived and worked at the same location for his entire life
After his death, people discovered that he had created his own magical and peculiar world
This unique assembly will captivate and enthral children of all ages
This guided reading lesson was designed for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils but can be used in KS3 too.
Lesson covers all question types.
The text is adapted from Angela Carter’s book - The Bloody Chamber.
It’s dark and sinister but engaging and challenging.
Resources are provided for both whole class work or small group work.
Highlighted sections of text guide the children through a full analysis of the text.
A great lesson the children will love.
Printable resources and an interactive PowerPoint provided.
This lesson examines some Mayan beliefs, rituals and ceremonies.
We learn about the role that making sacrifices had in their belief system.
What are your views on what happened?
Do you think what they believed was right?
Then we look at the beliefs and practices of the Spanish at this time.
How are they different and similar to the Mayans?
How do you think the Mayans and Spanish perceived each other?
Can you back up and explain your reasons?
A PowerPoint presentation with printable resources.
Model answers included.
This resource is designed to be used during the Summer Term.
It consists of a full set of checklists that detail the basic expectations in arithmetic for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6.
This provides staff with a clear focus of what needs to be achieved by the end of the Summer Term in arithmetic.
There are a full suite of matching Assessment Task Packs for each Year Group - each with their own Mark Schemes.
Teachers can administer the assessment tasks and then fill in the checklists for each child.
They are perfect for end of year assessments.
We use these to pass on information to next teacher by sticking them into maths books in September.
Teachers then know exactly what each child is secure in and what their next steps should be.
A clear and precise lesson about using Inverted Commas or Speech Marks to show Direct Speech
Outlines, details and demonstrates the rules of using Inverted Commas.
An interactive PowerPoint runs through each rules, using examples with highlighted text.
Use the printable resources so the children can work on a variety of paired and individual tasks.
A clear and simple lesson, all ready to go.