I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.
I taught for 33 years and I have my MST in the teaching of Social Studies. In 1988, I was awarded the Elementary Social Studies Classroom Teacher of the Year Award from both the New York State Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. My shop contains mostly social studies materials including web quests, and reader's theater scripts on famous people in history, science and literature.
Want a fun activity to review vocabulary terms for a unit on ancient ancient Mesopotamia? Looking for an enrichment activity in history? Try my Ancient Roman Puzzler:Secret Message Review Activity. The activity involves students working individually or in groups to review vocabulary terms for a unit on ancient Rome. Then,a following direction activity is next where students place letters from the different terms into boxes found at the end of the activity page. Once all the boxes are filled, a "secret message" about the ancient Romans is revealed! The teacher page includes additional information to share about the "secret message". A great way to review vocabulary terms! If you prefer to offer a vocabulary box, I have included this as well.
Other resources you may find of interest:
1. Let’s Learn about the Romans!
Did you know that the idea of “sealed with a kiss” comes from Romans who signed every contract with a kiss? Did you know that a good luck symbol to ancient Romans were snakes? Or, that the being pale was a sign of wealth to ancient Romans because it showed you didn't need to work outside(some women actually applied white chalk to their faces to get the look of being pale). I taught a unit on the ancient Romans to my 6th graders and thought you might find my notes, activities and resources of interest. I have a short 7 map question activity, lots of links and lots of activities to use with a chapter study on the ancient Romans. I also included a webquest activity. Let's Learn about the Romans!
Want a fun activity to review vocabulary terms for a unit of study on China? Looking for an enrichment activity in history? Try my Chinese Puzzler: Secret Message Review Activity. The activity involves students working individually or in groups to review vocabulary terms connected with China. Then,a following direction activity is next where students place letters from the different terms into boxes found at the end of the activity page. Once all the boxes are filled, a “secret message” about China is revealed! The teacher page includes additional information to share about the “secret message”. If you prefer to offer a vocabulary box, I have included this as well…
Other resources for China you may find of interest:
1. Part of my Country in Focus series: A great resource that helps develop skills such as reading for information and using research and computer skills. This web quest gives students an overview to the country: map skills, info on panda bears, Great Wall, Terra Cotta Solders-more. Extension activities/key (12 page resource with 10 informational web questions). China, Country in Focus: A Webquest
Did you know that enough dirt was used to create the Great Wall of China to circle the earth with an 8 ft. high wall? Did you know that ice cream was probably first invented by the Chinese(frozen milk/rice)? Did you know that the yo-yo was invented by the Chinese or that the number 9 and the color red are considered good luck in China? I taught a unit on China for 32 years and would love to share some my notes, activities and resources I used with my students.
Let’s Explore China
3. Learn about the Great Wall of China with this informative reading. Also included are 10 Did You Know? facts about the Great Wall, ten comprehension questions, a teacher page with extension activities, additional links and the key. Great for a reading in the content area, during Chinese New Year or during a study on the country of China.Great Wall of China, A World Landmark Reading Passage
Want a fun activity to review vocabulary terms for a unit on ancient Egypt? Looking for an enrichment activity in history? Try my Ancient Egyptian Secret Message activity. The activity involves students working individually or in groups to review vocabulary terms on Egypt. Then,a following direction activity is next where students place letters from the different terms into boxes found at the end of the activity page. Once all the boxes are filled, a "secret message" about Egypt is revealed! The teacher page includes additional information to share about the "secret message".
Check out these resources:
1. Covering ancient Egypt? I taught ancient Egypt for 32 years and would love to share some my notes, activities and resources I used with my students. There is also a 9 question webquest: Egypt: Unit of Study
2. Play on King Tut(Lots of information on mummies and the most famous mummy of all!) King Tut: A Reader's Theater Script
3. Mummies aren't just found in ancient Egyptian culture. Mummies have been found all over the world! In fact, the oldest man-made mummies are found in the country of Chile! Mummies can be naturally created or man-made. This web quest includes the different types of mummies and has 12 web questions including information on Bog Mummies such as Tollund Man, the Inca Mummies,the Taklamakan Desert Mummies of China, Otzi, the frozen mummy, the Chinchorro Mummies of Chile, the Egyptian mummies... and more. There are comprehension questions, a Did You Know? section, a teacher section with extension activities, additional links and the key. Great for a Friday activity, at Halloween time, or if you are studying ancient Egypt.
MUMMIES: A Webquest
4. Let’ Meet…Hatshepsut, A Reading Passage.With this biographical reading passage, students will learn about the first female Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. There is a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions and a teacher page with extensions and links.Hatshepsut: A Reading Passage
Did you know that elephants can be right or left tusked, kind of like humans are with their hands? Did you know that the elephant has the largest brain of any LAND mammal?(The sperm whale has the largest brain of all…) And if you think elephants like peanuts…they really do not! I think your students would have fun learning about the elephant with this web quest! I have included extension activities, additional trivia and the key.
You might be interested in web quests on additional animals:
1. The polar bear is in trouble! Warming temperatures has cause a decrease in the sea ice-something the polar bear needs to survive. The polar bear needs our help! Learn about this amazing mammal with this fun and informative webquest Additional extension activities and resources are also provided. Polar Bears, A Webquest
2. Only about 5,000 rhinos are left in the wild.Use this informative web quest to learn about this endangered species. 9 web questions,lots of extension activities,comprehension questions/links. Skills include:reading for information and using research/computer skills. Rhinos, A Webquest
3. Need a webquest activity in science? Maybe, you are looking for a language arts activity for students to skim to find answers and use informational text to develop a creative writing task. Maybe, you are looking for a cooperative lesson activity.Try my Leaping Leopard’s Webquest! Grades 4 and up. The webquest has 8 webquestions and 8 extension activities(and links to more information). Leopards, A Webquest
Explore World Landmarks introduce kids to some popular world landmarks. About one page of reading, discussion questions and extension activities all help students learn some informative facts about famous world landmarks in the world. In this activity, students learn about the Eiffel Tower, probably the most famous landmark in France!
Also have the Taj Mahal, Ayers Rock(Uluru) and coming soon, The Great Wall of China in this World Landmark series.
Taj Mahal:Explore World Landmarks are great to introduce kids to some popular world landmarks around the world. .With writing in the content area, the short activities can also be used in Language Arts classes, too! About one page of reading, discussion questions and extension activities. Grades 4 and up.
Also have the Eiffel Tower, Ayers Rock(Uluru), Great Wall of China in my Exploring World Landmarks series.
I continue to add to my new series, Let’s Meet… people from the Ancient World includes several women who have made contributions in history. Now, I am beginning a series, Let’s Meet…people in the Middle Ages.This particular reading is on Hildegard of Bingen. Hildegard was a Prophet, abbess, composer, religious leader, writer of the Middle Ages. Her play may be the FIRST known musical! Her writings are still read today. The short reading shares(in the first person) a recounting of the person’s life(in this case Hildegard). There are several Did You Know? fun facts, comprehension questions, a map skill activity for the area of the world the person lived, a teacher’s section with extension activities, the key and additional links.
Let’s Explore China! Did you know that enough dirt was used to create theGreat Wall of China to circle the earth with an 8 ft. high wall? Did you know that the yo-yo was invented by the Chinese or that the number 9 is considered good luck? Notes,lots of activities and resources are included in this unit on China. Lots of information to introduce students to China! Great for February and Chinese Year Year.
Have your students learn about famous landmarks around the world. Use this web quest to learn about the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous landmarks in the United States. There are 9 informative web questions, extension activities and comprehension questions.
I also have a reading passage resource on the Eiffel Tower, Uluru Rock(Ayers Rock), the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.
Learn about the interesting gift that Thomas Jefferson received on New Year’s Day, in 1802. The whopper of a cheese tipped the scale at about 1235 pounds. The reading also includes a Did You Know? section with lots of informative factoids about Thomas Jefferson, comprehension questions and seven extension activities. For President’s Day,study on author of Declaration of Independence,reading in content area.
Covering the Ancient Greeks? This unit on Ancient Greece includes notes, lots of activities and resources I used with my students. Did you know that the ancient Greeks played with a yo-yo about 3000 years ago or that in the city of Athens, ancient Greeks sold snow cones that were mixed with honey and fruit?Check out my Let’s Explore the Ancient Greeks:
If you live where there is snow, you have probably built a snowman. The snowman has been around for quite a while. In fact, the earliest drawing of a snowman was found in a book dating back to 1380! The book,"Book of Hours" was found in a library in the country of the Netherlands. This resource has four snowmen reading passages:
1. Famous sculptor, Michelangelo, was hired to make a snowman for a wealthy person in Florence, Italy.
2. A snow man is used each April,to help predict the weather during a festival in the country of Switzerland.
3. One of the earliest written comments about snowmen dates back to 1690. Two snowman were left to guard Fort Schenectady, in New York, during a blizzard with very tragic consequences!
4. The world's record for the largest snowman, Olympia, was constructed in 2008. 13 million pounds of snow were used to make the amazing snow-woman! As of 2015, the record still stands.
Each short reading passage includes following directions to identify answers. There are also several extension activities and a Did you Know? section.
Want a fun and informative activity to teach your students about the history of Thanksgiving?This webquest has 11 informative text questions on the history of Thanksgiving(including the Macy’s Day Parade). TURKEY facts,too!
Learn about Astronaut John Glenn’s historic flight to become the first American to Orbit the Earth. Years later, he would also become the oldest American to go on the Space Shuttle! This biographical web quest (internet search activity) also contains several questions about the early days of space exploration. There are several extension activities and the key.
Check out this resource on Space: The Final FrontierSpace: The Final Frontier(A Webquest) There are 12 webquestions, comprehension questions and lots of extension activities.
Pencils, paper, pens…We use them every day but what do you really know about them? Did you know that 2 billion pencils are made each year just in the United States? Did you know pencils were designed to have six sides to help prevent them from rolling off tables? Try this fun webquest to learn lots of interesting bits of information!
Great for the beginning of the school year or to show kids that EVERYTHING has a history…even pencils, pens and paper!
Show kids that even chewing gum has a history with this fun/informative web quest. There are 11 web questions, a Did You Know? section, comprehension questions, a teacher page with directions, extension activities and the key.Great for a Friday, day before a vacation or just when you’d like to show kids that history is all around us!
Learn about the rhino with this fun and very informative webquest. There are 9 web questions and lots of extension activities and resources. There is also a comprehension activity and key. Great for a Friday activity, before a vacation or if you are studying endangered species! Grades 4 and up. One class period unless you opt to do additional extension activities.
You might be interested in web quests on additional animals:
1. The polar bear is in trouble! Warming temperatures has cause a decrease in the sea ice-something the polar bear needs to survive. The polar bear needs our help! Learn about this amazing mammal with this fun and informative webquest Additional extension activities and resources are also provided. Polar Bears, A Webquest
2. Need a webquest activity in science? Maybe, you are looking for a language arts activity for students to skim to find answers and use informational text to develop a creative writing task. Maybe, you are looking for a cooperative lesson activity.Try my Leaping Leopard’s Webquest!
The webquest has 8 webquestions and 8 extension activities(and links to more information). Leopards, A Webquest
3. Did you know that elephants can be right or left tusked, kind of like humans are with their hands? Did you know that the elephant has the largest brain of the animal world? And if you think elephants like peanuts…they really do not! I think your students would have fun learning about the elephant with this web quest! I have included extension activities, additional trivia and the key.
Elephants, A Webquest
In less than 30 years, the numbers of giraffe have drastically decreased by almost 40 percent. That makes giraffe in more danger of extinction than the elephant. In 2016, the conservation group, The International Union for Conservation of Nature, listed the giraffe on its Red List of species which are endangered. Specifically, the giraffe has been moved from “least concern” to “vulnerable”.The main cause for their dwindling population is destruction of their habitat. Additionally the group says that illegal hunting of giraffe and civil unrest in the areas where giraffes roam are also causes for their declining numbers. Learn about the giraffe with this web quest!
The resources also includes Did You Know? fun facts, a teacher page with extension activities, additional links and the key.
Check out this additional resources about animals:
1. Learn about the rhino with this fun and very informative webquest. There are 9 web questions and lots of extension activities and resources. There is also a comprehension activity and key. Great for a Friday activity, before a vacation or if you are studying endangered species! Grades 4 and up. One class period unless you opt to do additional extension activities: Rhinosaurus! A Webquest
2. Did you know that a polar bear can swim up to 100 miles non-stop? Did you know that a polar bear doesn’t hibernate like other bears do in the winter? The polar bear is in trouble! Warming temperatures has cause a decrease in the sea ice-something the polar bear needs to survive. Learn about this amazing mammal with this fun and informative webquest. Additional extension activities and resources are also provided: Polar Bears! A Webquest
3. Need a webquest activity in science? Maybe, you are looking for a language arts activity for students to skim to find answers and use informational text to develop a creative writing task. Learn about the leopard with my Leaping Leopard’s Webquest! Grades 4 and up. The webquest has 8 webquestions and 8 extension activities(and links to more information): Leopards! A Webquest
4. Learn about the elephant:
Did you know that elephants can be right or left tusked, kind of like humans are with their hands? Did you know that the elephant has the largest brain of any LAND mammal?(The sperm whale has the largest brain of all…) And if you think elephants like peanuts…they really do not! I think your students would have fun learning about the elephant with this web quest! I have included extension activities, additional trivia and the key:Elephants! A Webquest
My website for teachers/kids: Lots of geographic activities, short reads, bell ringers, news, career surveys, factoids on different topics and more: Gail Hennessey’s Website for Teachers/Kids
Did you know that a polar bear can swim up to 100 miles non-stop? Did you know that a polar bear doesn’t hibernate like other bears do in the winter? The polar bear is in trouble! Warming temperatures has cause a decrease in the sea ice-something the polar bear needs to survive. The polar bear needs our help! Learn about this amazing mammal with this fun and informative webquest Additional extension activities and resources are also provided.
Perhaps, you might be interested in other animal web quests.
Need a webquest activity in science? Maybe, you are looking for a language arts activity for students to skim to find answers and use informational text to develop a creative writing task. Maybe, you are looking for a cooperative lesson activity.Try my Leaping Leopard’s Webquest! Grades 4 and up.
The webquest has 8 webquestions and 8 extension activities(and links to more information). Leopards, A Webquest
2… Only SIX northern white rhinos are left(2014)Only about 5,000 rhinos are left in the wild.Use this informative web quest to learn about this endangered species. 9 web questions,lots of extension activities,comprehension questions/links. Skills include:reading for information and using research/computer skills. Rhinos, A Webquest
Did you know that elephants can be right or left tusked, kind of like humans are with their hands? Did you know that the elephant has the largest brain of the animal world? And if you think elephants like peanuts…they really do not! I think your students would have fun learning about the elephant with this web quest! I have included extension activities, additional trivia and the key.
Elephants, A Webquest
Check out my webquest on Giraffes!
Everything has a history…even the peanut. Use this informative web quest to show your kids the history of the peanut!
March is National Peanut Month. My web quest," Learn about the Peanut!" is a fun/informative activity that helps develop skills such as reading for information and using research and computer skills. Comprehension questions, fun facts about the peanut and lots of extension activities (and the key) are included. A great activity for a Friday,before a holiday or when you need a substitute activity.
Part of my Everything has a History series, check out these resources, too.
1. History of Candy: https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/everything-has-a-history-even-candy-web-quest-11184489
2. History of Shoes: https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/shoes-everything-has-a-history-webquest-extension-activities-11146894
3. History of Chewing Gum: https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/chewing-gum-everything-has-a-history-webquest-extension-activities-11146897