This is a full terms worth of lessons.
Session 1 - Background on Anderson shelters.
Session 2 - To practise making joints (using artstraws).
Session 3 - Evaluate previous shelters and create a prototype.
Session 4 - Start making an Anderson shelter - frame of the shelter.
Session 5 - Carry on making an Anderson shelter - frame/ door.
Session 6 - Put on final touches to the Anderson shelter - paper to cover the frame to represent turf - could add art straws to represent corrugated steel.
Session 7 - Evaluate your shelter.
There is one powerpoint that has all of the lessons on. There are you tube video links and step by step through each lesson
This is a six week block on creating a fairground ride.
We chose to make carousels and this is a week by week build up to the final piece
lesson 1- what is a mechanism? Know what a pulley is.
lesson 2- How to make a circuit
lesson 3 - design a fairground ride
lesson 4 and 5 - make your carousel (there is a video that i followed from you tube)
lesson 6 - evaluation
this has been updated with new links :)
(There are other resources and different fairground rides to make on the tts website. You can buy the kits off there and they are made slightly differently but if you are short of funds my way is a cheaper way to do it :) )
This lesson i use at the beginning of a food topic within DT.
This is a full lesson and includes:-
Key vocab with explanation
Discusses what happens when we do not have good food hygiene - food poisoning.
Explains about cross contamination and how to avoid it.
Include the importance of washing our hands
who is at risk of food poisonning
There is then a quick quiz of what they have learnt.
The task is to create a poster stating how we can prepare food safely
This series of lessons that in the end the children will create a wire loop game- when the circuit connects the game will buzz. try and get your metal rod to the other side without hearing the buzzer.
lesson 1: discussing appliances and what electricity can help them do - movement, light, heat, sound. powerpoint includes - key vocab, designer discussion, for the activity children have to put appliances into the correct sections.
lesson 2 - the first 3 powerpoints follow the same pattern of - key vocab, designer discussion, walt/wilf
this lesson is looking at experimenting and constructing a circuit with a worksheet to complete regarding if the circuit will work or not.
Lesson 3 - designing powerpoint. discusses what will be needed to make their wre loop game and then they have to draw and design their game and label wht they would need as well as drawing the circuit.
lesson 4 and 5 - make an electrical game
lesson 6 - evalute the game. This looks at sharing ideas with a partner and encouraing them to write two good things/ 1 imporvement and passing it to a partner. children to fill in an evauation sheet
I use this with a Year 5 class but can be adated for younger if needed.
This resource is half a terms worth of lessons. included in each lesson is
Session 1 - Background on bug shelters.
Session 2 - To practise making joints.
Session 3 - Create a prototype.
Session 4 - Start making a bug shelter- frame of the shelter.
Session 5 - Carry on making a bug shelter
Session 6 - Put on final touches to the bug shelter
Session 7 - Evaluate your shelter.
There are videos and links to support the learning. The end goal is to create a bug shelter using wood and strengthening it with triangles. Then pack it out with natural materials from the environment and recyclable materials.
Here is 6 week lesson on shell structures.
I have linked this to our pace topic and the final product is a satellite.
Lesson 1 - learning about satellites and what needs to be included.
lesson 2 - what are shell structures - matching nets to 3d shapes and practising making 3d shapes
lesson 3 - plan satellite
lesson 4 and 5 - make satellite
lesson 6 - evaluate satellite
each lesson includes key vocab slides, designer discussion, lesson and work to be completed