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Thank you for supporting my shop :) We all work so hard and I just want to share my lessons to make your life a little easier x
Egyptian writing

Egyptian writing

This activity describes hieroglyphs and has the alphabet for the children to use. Explains who could read and write hieroglyphs and what they would record down. 3 activities create own name in hieroglyphs give three examples of why it was good to be a scribe at that time true or false using the text to support answers
Anglo Saxon religions

Anglo Saxon religions

Starts by explaining that Anglo Saxons were Pagans and how it started to change by missionaries led by a monk called Augustine Goes onto how the Anglo Saxons were converted and this then became central to their lives. 2 activities follow - Children answer question : Why did Chrisitianity survive? Imagine you are Augustine and you are planning a mission to Britain - write your step by step plan
What happened to Jesus over the course of Holy Week?

What happened to Jesus over the course of Holy Week?

This is a full lesson that discusses each day of Holy Week and what happened to Jesus. The children then have to write what happens on the main days. there is a differentiated section where they match up the day with a statement.
To understand what litter is

To understand what litter is

This is a powerpoint that goes into detail about what litter is. I am using this lesson before a recycling lesson so the children understand what litter is before. It looks at a few items and how long they stay around for. how it can harm wildlife What problems litter can cause dropping litter is a crime At the end i wanted the children to create a poster with all of the information included
Exploring the Jewish faith through Worship

Exploring the Jewish faith through Worship

This powerpoint looks at what happens in the synagogue and what is important their for Jews. questions asked and answered - What is a Rabbi? What is a cantor? How is the Torah used during worship? The star of David It has a video link to a bbc video of a girl talking through the important parts and also a link to an interactive synagogue Task - list the six features of Jewish worship and their significance.
Judaism worship

Judaism worship

This powerpoint starts with a brief history of Judaism looks at orthodox and reformed jews breifly and then the Torah. Goes into detail about the Shabbat with a short video link about it. looks at significant items for the Shabbat and for the task there is a comprehension which includes the answers.


This powerpoint looks into the story of Hanukkah and how it is celebrated. included:- which other religion celebrates a festival of light what is Hanukkah and when it is celebrated The story of Hanukkah - includes a link to a video of the story (cartoon style) looks at the menorah and what that is used for how Hanukkah is celebrated - food eaten, games played link to a bbc video on Hanukkah from the eyes of an 11 year old task - complete a table with questions about Hanukkah
Christians funeral ceremony

Christians funeral ceremony

This is part of a block of lessons on Christian rites of passage, so please check out my shop for the other sessions. This is a complete lesson on the funeral process. The powerpoint includes: Key vocabulary what Christians believes happen when you die What is a funeral what happens during the funeral service committal what happens after the funeral task - draw what they think a Christian heaven would look like a label the key parts with an explanation
Christian views on what happens when we die

Christian views on what happens when we die

This lesson is part of a unit that can be found in my shop if you are interested :) This lesson firstly looks at what actually happens physically to our bodies when we die and then it looks at how christians mark the death of a loved one. Lesson includes: Key vocab What physically happens when we die looking at external causes of death (brief) the looking at if an external cause doesnt kill you then you will die of old age. Organ donation Christian funeral - looks at what happens during the service Task is a comprehension - answers incuded
Parts of a plant

Parts of a plant

This Science lesson looks at the four main parts of a flowering plant It goes through the roots, stem, flower and leaves. It is shown labelled on a picture and then it explains the function of each part The task for this lesson is to create a folding leaflet and they have t explain the function of each part. There are pics included of how this should look
Escape from Pompeii weekly plan

Escape from Pompeii weekly plan

Included in this resource you will receive:- Weekly plan of what to do each day Success criteria for each lesson Comprehension activity linked to the book 'escape from Pompeii with three levels (bronze, silver, gold) Key word slides of difficult words that they may come across in the book (these include the word/ meaning of the word/ picture/ linked words) Story plan (which could be used for a big write the following week) draft story of the story plan Grammar powerpoint on adverbs to help with the story Postcard example.
Unit of work on the Egyptians

Unit of work on the Egyptians

This is a whole unit of work that is enough for 1 lesson each week for 7 weeks, with an extra activity included. These are available as individual lessons if you wish only one section. Please check out each individual lesson to find out what is included in each lesson . All lessons include a powerpoint with the key information and activities to follow. The activities have been made from the powerpoint so all of the answers are there to find. I normally print of the powerpoint for the children to help them find the info that is needed.
light sessions x6

light sessions x6

This includes six session, these include: lesson 1 - light steps to success- Recognise that you need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light. Know that there are natural sources of light and man made sources. Explain that you need light in order to see things. Know the meaning of different idioms related to light. lesson 2 - reflective surfaces steps to success - Explain reflection. Identify reflective materials. Select the most reflective material for a purpose. lesson 3 - sun safety steps to success - Explain the benefits and dangers of the sun. Explain about UV light and its dangers. Describe ways to protect our eyes from the sun. lesson 4 - rainbows steps to success - Know that white light consists of seven colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Know that a rainbow occurs when it is sunny and raining. Know that light can be separated into different colours with a prism. lesson 5 - shadows steps to success - Explain how light travels. Know what opaque, translucent and transparent means. Sort different materials depending on if they are opaque, translucent or transparent. lesson 6 - changing shadows - this is an investigation on how a shadow changes when you move the light source further away. steps to success - Explain how a shadow is formed. Plan and set up an investigation into the way shadows change size. Observe patterns in the way shadows change size. Explain the patterns I find. Each lesson has idioms included related to light and these are recapped each session. These are available individually if wanted. please check out my shop :)


This is a 6 week unit of work It includes:- Lesson 1 - Christian Journeys (available seperately in my shop) includes special places for Christians - Jerusalem, Nazareth and Bethlehem Looks at a map of where they are Goes into more detail about the 3 places and why they are special. includes a slide on the church of nativity Task - match the picture to the place and write a sentence explaining why it is important to Christians Lesson 2 - Mary and Joseph’s journey Includes story from the bible Then looks at the map and the journey they took Links to google maps and how the journey would look today - questions linked to this Lesson 3 - How the shepherds knew about the baby Includes story from the bible discussion question task - to order the night of the shepherds Lesson 4 - the three wise men (available separately in my shop) includes story form the bible - Matthew 2 1-12 looks in detail about what the three gifts were what is epiphany? Looking in depth and analysing ‘we three kings’ carol and what each section means task - questions on the powerpoint Lesson 5 - To learn about how the emotions of the people in story are the same emotions as people have today and King Herod (available separately in my shop) include recap of the three wise men discusses their escape to Egypt (short video of the three wise men) What Herod had ordered and why linking mary and josephs journey to refugees today task - children given sheet on King Herod and they have to answer questions Lesson 6 - the nativity through art (available separately in my shop) looking at art work step by step through the christmas story and discussing it - each picture comes with an explanation Pictures include Annunciation - leonardo da vinci The arrival in Bethlehem - Master LC FLemish The Nativity - Fra Angelico The adoration of the shepherds - Bartolome Esteban Murillo The Adoration of the Shepherds by Guido Reni The Adoration of the Magi - Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiar The flight to Egypt - cosimo Tura Task - choose a painting and write an explanation for it
Palm oil debate

Palm oil debate

Included is two lessons on a debate surrounding palm oil. For context before i completed these lessons i taught a vocab lesson on what was included in the debate, a comprehension around palm oil and model verbs. This lead into the for and against lesson (included). This for and against lesson goes into detail about palm oil and what is happening within Malaysia and Thailand and the rainforests. As the work they seperate and decide which statements are ‘for’ and which are ‘against’. Then they plan their writing on the next day. I made this more of a slow write to help them include everything they need with the chance to free write their for and against depending on what they choose.
Piet Mondrian x 6 lessons

Piet Mondrian x 6 lessons

This is a full unit on Piet Mondrian It looks at his different pieces and evaluates them. Then it asks to look at the different colours and lines he created in his abstract pieces. Children will recreate his different pieces each week.
Electronics wire loop game Design and Technology

Electronics wire loop game Design and Technology

This series of lessons that in the end the children will create a wire loop game- when the circuit connects the game will buzz. try and get your metal rod to the other side without hearing the buzzer. lesson 1: discussing appliances and what electricity can help them do - movement, light, heat, sound. powerpoint includes - key vocab, designer discussion, for the activity children have to put appliances into the correct sections. lesson 2 - the first 3 powerpoints follow the same pattern of - key vocab, designer discussion, walt/wilf this lesson is looking at experimenting and constructing a circuit with a worksheet to complete regarding if the circuit will work or not. Lesson 3 - designing powerpoint. discusses what will be needed to make their wre loop game and then they have to draw and design their game and label wht they would need as well as drawing the circuit. lesson 4 and 5 - make an electrical game lesson 6 - evalute the game. This looks at sharing ideas with a partner and encouraing them to write two good things/ 1 imporvement and passing it to a partner. children to fill in an evauation sheet
DT shell structures - satellites

DT shell structures - satellites

Here is 6 week lesson on shell structures. I have linked this to our pace topic and the final product is a satellite. Lesson 1 - learning about satellites and what needs to be included. lesson 2 - what are shell structures - matching nets to 3d shapes and practising making 3d shapes lesson 3 - plan satellite lesson 4 and 5 - make satellite lesson 6 - evaluate satellite each lesson includes key vocab slides, designer discussion, lesson and work to be completed
Georges Seurat unit of work

Georges Seurat unit of work

This is a 6 week block of work on Georges Seurat. I used this in year 2 but can be adapted to suit your school. There are 6 power points and i will briefly explain what is in each one lesson 1 - introduction to pointillism and George Seruat - key facts about him (birth/death/ famous for) Introduces the pointillism technique and what it is. Includes the painting la tour Eiffel as a reference task - experimenting making marks using different brushes/ cotton buds and our little fingers Lesson 2 - The colour wheel recap of facts includes painting of bathers at Asnieres and some info about it. explains the colour wheel - primary and secondary colours task - colour wheel sheet - mixing the colours to create the secondary colours Lesson 3 - tints and tones recap of facts explains what a tone is and how we create it Explains what a tint is and how we create it task - children to have a go at creating tints and tones Lesson 4 - colour mixing recap of facts includes the painting- the channel of Gravelines with some info about it looks at how we can use colour mixing to create different tertiary colours How powder paints cvan be thik or thin depnding on th amount of water you put in task - children have some colours and they have to try and get as close to the colour as they can from mixing Lesson 5 - shades using pastels recap of facts includes the painting - sunday on the island of la grande jatte and some info about it How the shadows in the painting are the same colour just different shades looking at the colour wheel and how this can be light or dark in contrast How to create a shade of colour how the pressure you put on a pastel can create a light or dark effect Lesson 6 - creating own masterpiece recap of key facts Look back at the paintings we have covered task - children to choose a painting to recreate using pointillism
Six lessons on the Vikings

Six lessons on the Vikings

These are available as individual lessons if you do not want them all - please see my shop The order in which they need to be taught are 1.Who were the Vikings? 2.Norse beliefs 3.Lindisfarne 4.Alfred the Great 5.Athelstan and Constantine 6.Edward the confessor and his death in 1066 The individual lessons have a breadkdown in the resources description if you need to know what is included in each lesson