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Edexcel GCSE Business Studies 2009 specification Unit 3 June 2016 mailmerged feedback sheets

Edexcel GCSE Business Studies 2009 specification Unit 3 June 2016 mailmerged feedback sheets

A spreadsheet for creating detailed feedback sheets used to feed back to GCSE students who have sat the June 2016 Unit 3 exam paper. The feedback sheets mailmerge with the spreadsheet to create a document which breaks down their marks and compares to the mark scheme question by question in a way which is very clear to the students. Hopefully it is straightforward. The columns for each question will add up automatically, you just put in the numbers the marks and comments for 6, 8 (non-split) and 10 mark questions. It will total up the score and work out the grade and marks needed for the next grade automatically. The word and excel files need to be in the same folder.
Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Unit 1: Introduction to Small Business Beat the Teacher Jan 2012

Edexcel GCSE Business Studies Unit 1: Introduction to Small Business Beat the Teacher Jan 2012

For the end of teaching Unit 1 or for revision as the exam approaches. Lots of ways you can use this, I am going to give the paper one between two and the students can work out which answers are correct and which need correcting. I will only show them the 'clues' slide if they are really struggling. Updated 22/05/2017 to correct an error in the answer slides and to add the summary slide at the end.
Edexcel A-level Business 2015 specification Sample Assessment Materials mailmerged feedback sheets

Edexcel A-level Business 2015 specification Sample Assessment Materials mailmerged feedback sheets

A spreadsheet for creating detailed feedback sheets used to feed back to A-level students who have sat the Assessment Materials provided by Edexcel. Covers papers 1,2 and 3. The feedback sheets mailmerge with the spreadsheet to create a document which breaks down their marks and compares to the mark scheme question by question in a way which is very clear to the students. Hopefully it is straightforward - in the spreadsheet make sure you in the correct tab for the paper you are marking. The total columns for each question will add up automatically, you just put in the numbers for knowledge, analysis, evaluation etc. It will also total up the score and work out the grade and marks needed for the next grade automatically For 8, 10, 12 and 20 mark questions there are also columns for WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If). The word and excel files need to be in the same folder.