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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Development: Patterns of development and development indicators

Development: Patterns of development and development indicators

The resource explains the meaning of development. Different aspects of development and how development is measured.It explains that Quality of life isn’t the same as standard of living .It shows human development and other development indicators, contrasts in development and differences between MEDC’s and LEDC’s.Explains per capital income and how it s measured.Contains maps and illustrations.Made for Geography IGCSE.
Earning a living: UK's Employment Structure

Earning a living: UK's Employment Structure

This resource explains United Kingdom’s employment Structure.It explains the primary, secondary tertiary and quaternary sectors.It shows how UK’s employment structure is changing.Prepared for Geography KS3. Contains activities .
Weather and Climate

Weather and Climate

This resource defines weather and climate. It explains. It explains elements of weather how and where weather is formed. it explains how weather is measured and other determinants of weather- wind rain an sun Types of rain are explained. Others include temperature an how cloud is formed an their types etc. Prepared for KS3 .
Case study - Emerging and Developing Country - India

Case study - Emerging and Developing Country - India

Explains Rostow’s model summarises economic growth of countries into five different stages.This resources explains such stage in relation to India.Changing industry in India.Industrial structure of India,secondary jobs in manufacturing,Political and trading relationships - India’s imports and exports and Millennium Development Goals. prepared for Geogrphy,IGCSE.
Introduction to Geogrphy KS3

Introduction to Geogrphy KS3

The resource is made for KS3, geography. It explains the meanings of various aspects of the subject.it shows the importance of geography, and why we study it. the resource uses photographs and diagrms, illustrations and pictures to explains various concepts in geography, such s earth, planets etc. It also explains latitude and longitude etc.
Ocean Pollution, causes and control

Ocean Pollution, causes and control

The resource explains what causes ocean pollution, some of the pollutants and where they are generated. It explains how pollutants get into the ocean, the effects of the pollutant to ocean and man etc. It shows how it can be controlled.
Differences beween Ocean and Sea. Why do oceans matter?

Differences beween Ocean and Sea. Why do oceans matter?

This resource explains the differences between ocean and sea. It shows their composition, features and importance . It explains and shows major oceans, and how they difference from seas. It explains their economic importance and more. Prepared for Geography IGCSE.
Transport and Sustainable Development

Transport and Sustainable Development

This resource explains transport and sustainable Development in transportation .It explains the needs for transport sustainability. The resource shows how to achieve sustainable development in transport and how environment is impacted by transportation.
Geography  multiple Choice  and Subjective   Examination Question and Answer  For Year 8 KS3.

Geography multiple Choice and Subjective Examination Question and Answer For Year 8 KS3.

This resource cover the scheme of work for year 8 Geography KS3. Prepared for examination and assessment. Can also be used as class activity/ work sheet. Contains more than 50 multiple choice and subjective questions and answers for examination, in the first term, second term. Questions picked from all range of topics, some with diagrams and illustrations. Answers to questions provided.
Urbanization:meaning, effect and managemet

Urbanization:meaning, effect and managemet

This resource is made for Geography KS4. It explains the meaning and effect of urbanization and the pull factors associated with urbanization. The resource explains urbanization in developed and less developed countries, and its management.
Settlement and Service  Provision

Settlement and Service Provision

The resource explains the meaning of settlement and the services settlement provides.It explains the different types and hierarchy of settlement and their sphere of influence. The resource provides a case study using a city and a village as case studies. Prepared for GCSE Geography.
Coast and Coastal Procesess and land forms

Coast and Coastal Procesess and land forms

This resource is a pdf lesson on Coast and Coastal Processes. The resource shows the meaning of coast and waves, types of waves and factors affecting waves. The resource explains coastal erosion and transport. It shows what coastal deposition mean and features of coastal erosion and transport. The lesson shows coastal land-form that are formed around the coast. Contains illustrations and diagrams. Prepared for geography GCSE.
Exploring  England

Exploring England

This resource is prepared for Geography KS3.It explains England in full.It shows the people,geography, climate and economic activities in England. The resource is a pdf lesson that explains the history, government, holiday, tourism and population and distribution of the population in England.It shows major cities and maps.
Introduction to Course Work in Geography

Introduction to Course Work in Geography

This resource explains step by step procedure on how to carry out course work in Geography. The resource explains stages to writing a course work in Geography. It explains how to pick a topic, data collection, survey and analysis of data etc. It explains how to prepare questionaire, choosing photographs, pilot study etc. Prepared for IGCSE Geography course work.
Nigeria: Geography of  Nigeria, important facts, notes and explanation

Nigeria: Geography of Nigeria, important facts, notes and explanation

This resource explains Nigeria, using maps, illustrations and notes. The resource explains location, position, size, political division etc. It shows highlands and lowlands, it explains vegetation belts, rivers and importance of its rivers.The resource gives a brief history of Nigeria, and explains the tribes/ ethnic groups in Nigeria. Contains different maps for easy understanding. Prepared for Geogrpahy .