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GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.




GEOPALSHOP: We provide History, Geography, Economics, Business Finance and Sociology Resources for O/L, IGCSE, AS and A/Levels.
Employment and Unemployment

Employment and Unemployment

This resource is prepared for GCSE Economics. It explains employment and Unemployment. It shows different types and levels of employment and unemployment.It explains causes/ reasons for unemployment, and how government can reduce unemployment.Contains activities and multiple choice questions for Class Activities.
Hitler's Consolidation of Powers and Nazi Control in Germany 1933-145

Hitler's Consolidation of Powers and Nazi Control in Germany 1933-145

The resource is a power point Resource on how the Nazi controlled the German People. It explains the methods of control and how Hitler consolidated his power from 1933-1934.It explains other factors /events that happened before 1933, as reasons why he was able to consolidate his powers.Prepared for IGCSE History.
Population: Meaning, Density, TrendPopulation in MEDCS and Demography

Population: Meaning, Density, TrendPopulation in MEDCS and Demography

The resource shows the meaning of population, Population density and trends in population. It explains population growth in MEDCs and LEDCs. It shows democratic transition models , population distribution and factors affecting migration and other socio -economic factors affecting population. Contains case studies of population models.
The Impact of  World War 11 on Germany

The Impact of World War 11 on Germany

The resource explains the social , economic and political impact of WW2, on Germany. The resource explains the out break of WW2 and its impact on Germany… It is prepared as a revision note to students and teachers. It looks at the internal reaction of Germans to the outbreak of war, the changing fortune of Germany during the war, the growing impact such as rationing, employment , refugees and area bombing… The resource looks at different oppositions to the Nazi Party during the period and the escalation of racial persecution that later led to the final solution. The defeat of Germany and the aftermath and occupation of Germany by the allied power is also discussed.
Queen Elizabeth 1  Religious settlement during her reign

Queen Elizabeth 1 Religious settlement during her reign

The resource explains Queen Elizabeth religious settlement in England during her reign. It shows how the Supremacy Act , Uniformity Act was enacted. The resource shows how Elizabeth used the Mid Way Media to avert problems in England regarding religion. It shows what the Catholics And Protestants wanted, and how it was achieved.Prepared for KSC History, Contains activities.
The Significance of the Long Telegram  to the development of the Cold War

The Significance of the Long Telegram to the development of the Cold War

The resource is a power point lesson. It focuses on the significance of the Long Telegram, with focus on why it escalated tension and increased actions on both sides- USA and USSR , during the Cold War. The resource shows the importance of the telegram to the events that happened, including containment , in the Cold War years.
Theory of Development: Mordernization Theory, Using the Rostow's model to interpret  development

Theory of Development: Mordernization Theory, Using the Rostow's model to interpret development

This resource explains the gap between developed and underdeveloped economy, third world and first world interpretation of developed and underdeveloped economy. The resource explains , why there are gaps between underdeveloped and developed nations using Rostow’s modernization theory. It explains cultural barriers that inhibits development, using Africa , Asia , and Latin American nations to show why capitalism and industrial system are collapsing and explains collectivism and individualism, in the context of development.
GCSE  Economics on Recruitment, Job Selection and Training of workers

GCSE Economics on Recruitment, Job Selection and Training of workers

The resource explains the meaning of recruitment, job selection and training. It shows the duties of Human Resource Department, work force planning,and welfare planning. The resource explains the process of selection and training , internal and external selection of employees, job specification, types of training, part and full time employment, basic selection criteria etc.
Holocaust  and Final solution, the origin and its implementation.

Holocaust and Final solution, the origin and its implementation.

This resource explains the origin, meaning and implementation of Holocaust and Final Solution. it shows how other events like the Night of Broken Glass, and the implementation of Lebenserum. The resource is prepared for GCSE ans AS / A Level History. Well prepared for resource for understanding of the Holocaust and how the German’s implemented it across Europe
The French Revolution:  From the revolution to the formation of  Directory and rise of Napoleon

The French Revolution: From the revolution to the formation of Directory and rise of Napoleon

The resource explains the origins and causes of the French Revolution. The resource is made for KS3 History Project. In the lesson, we will learn: Developments 1989- 92, Notable Estates to General 1789-89, Conversion and Terror 1792- 94, Directory and First Consul, the fall of Robespierre, end of revolution , to the rise of Napoleon 1794-99 . Contains activities and photographs as sources.
Nature Vs Nature Debate in Sociology

Nature Vs Nature Debate in Sociology

The resource explains the concepts and debate on nature and nurture in Sociology. This resource shows the difference in the two concepts, and how it is used in argument in sociology, psychology and social interaction and socialization.
Introduction to Geogrphy KS3

Introduction to Geogrphy KS3

The resource is made for KS3, geography. It explains the meanings of various aspects of the subject.it shows the importance of geography, and why we study it. the resource uses photographs and diagrms, illustrations and pictures to explains various concepts in geography, such s earth, planets etc. It also explains latitude and longitude etc.
Whe is Nuclear Fmily Child Centered?

Whe is Nuclear Fmily Child Centered?

The resource is prepared for Sociology . It shows reasons for an increase in child-centredness are because of the role of state in Child Centeredness,Single Parenthood and Child Centeredness.The resource is explains extended family, nuclear nd lone family etc. For IGCSE Sociology on family.
Price Elasticity of Demand

Price Elasticity of Demand

The resource is made for IGCSE Economics. It explains the mening of PED,nd analysis of PED.The resource gives examples of PED in manufactured goods and other products. Contains activities and graphic illustration.